
How Good Are Hygiene Products Like Intimate Washes And Wipes?

Your self-cleaning oven doesn't always need an extra helping hand.

It's common for most of us to be unaware of how our vagina works. Does it have one hole or two? Is it supposed to smell that way or is something fishy going on? Is there a normal amount of discharge?

Our misinformation has led us to fix something that isn't even broken with a slew of intimate hygiene products. You don't have to assist this self-cleaning oven unless you're dealing with an infection, an illness, or sexual dysfunction. You shouldn't be weird about showing your vagina a whole lot of TLC every day. But if you're willing to wash it down, dab it away, or steam it clean, you might want to think twice.

Is it all a scam?

No, not entirely. Even experts have differing opinions. With the right knowledge, you will find some intimate hygiene products that can benefit rather than harm your vaginal health.

Our experts examined some of the most popular intimate hygiene categories to figure out how they work and what we really need.

Vaginal wash vs. vaginal swipe - is it worth the hype?

Vaginal washes

Among intimate hygiene products, this one is the popular. As if female genitalia had been a pile of laundry, it comes with grand promises of acche din and long-lasting floral freshness.

In the vagina, 150 types of good bacteria prevent the growth of bad bacteria. In the presence of oestrogen, good bacteria thrive. Besides multiplying vaginal epithelial cells, estrogen also increases glycogen storage, a food source for good bacteria. As a result, it produces lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and bacteriocins (natural antibiotics). It is this acidic environment that prevents the invasion of harmful bacteria and other sexually transmitted diseases

Almost all vaginal washes sold in stores contain lactic acid. We already produce that in our vaginal ecosystem. So what is going to happen? Suddenly, boom. Lactic acid in double dose. Due to the vaginal pH becoming too acidic, healthy bacteria are killed and infections are precipitated. Instead, simply wash your vulva with warm water from the outside. If your skin is already irritated, do not use any vaginal wash since the ingredients can cause further aggravation.

A medicated vaginal wash may be prescribed by your doctor in some cases. Don't worry. Their pH-balancing wash works with their prescribed medications to treat their vaginal infections.


Vaginal wipes

If women can’t wash, they often carry vaginal wipes in their bags to keep them safe. Public restrooms and speed squatting in the wild while watching out for snakes can be nightmare scenarios for most of us. The majority of women swear by them, however, you are merely inviting UTIs by doing so.

When you're out and about, all you need is one swipe. It's fine as long as you use the unscented ones.

The vagina doesn't require floral sanitising, unlike our favourite hand wipes. Don't interfere with the good bacteria living there. Nevertheless, it is a double-edged sword. Scented ones can be useful if you feel extra sweaty between your thighs. It's possible, however, that you could be risking a bigger flare-up if you have a vaginal infection you don't know about.

We would like to remind you that every vagina has its own odour, which is not foul. When you experience a foul smell from your vagina, that means you have a vaginal infection, so you should see a gynaecologist instead of getting rid of that smell and spreading the infection.


Avoid antibacterial products - they remove all our healthy bacteria due to the alcohol content.

Try dampening some plain toilet paper if you need to.

Getting to the bottom of things

As it turns out, your vagina isn't the high-maintenance South City side snob everyone assumes, and it doesn't require more than soap and water to keep clean. Wipes and washes for the vaginal area are unnecessary and should be avoided!

In the case of an unusual odour coupled with itching or burning, one should seek professional assistance instead of relying on fancy-smelling washes or wipes.

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