President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on the fallout of the Satyam scam and the role of its auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers
The commerce and industry minister had made clear his opposition to the USA's refusal to offer more cuts in farm subsidies before he set out for the Doha round of trade talks that got suspended on Monday, 24/7 for that very reason. The line was clear
BY Ashish Gupta 24 July 2006
As the most prominent non-politician liberaliser in the government, the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission, has been on the Left's hit-list for long. But here he takes on what matters the most: infrastructure.
BY Ashish Gupta 14 June 2006
Quick, try naming five Chinese cities. Give up? Despite all this India-China buzz? What makes the two economies tick? Is China doomed to be 'India's enemy #1'? If competition and comparison is inevitable, is co-operation and complementarity possible?
BY Ashish Gupta 22 May 2006
"Exports are for jobs, not for dollars," says the commerce and industry minister, pushing hard for special economic zones to counter finance ministry's concerns of massive revenue losses and free trade agreements. "Perseverance with reform is clearly
BY Ashish Gupta 22 May 2006
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