Zahir Janmohamed
Zahir Janmohamed


  • Their Master's Voice In Washington

    Given the US-India relationship, last week's meeting between the US Ambassador to India and Modi shouldn't surprise us. What is fascinating is that groups that once hid their affection for Modi now feel emboldened to declare it.

    BY Zahir Janmohamed 16 February 2014

  • Mr Modi's American Visitors

    What should we infer from the visit by three junior lawmakers of the USA? Particularly when one of them represents all the qualities that Modi is trying to distance himself from?

    BY Zahir Janmohamed 27 March 2013

  • Gowalkar, Savarkar ... And Jews

    Indeed establishing relations and engaging in dialogue between Jews and Indians is crucial. But given global awareness and concern over anti-Semitism, shouldn't leaders like Advani distance themselves from ideologues like Gowalkar and Savarkar?

    BY Zahir Janmohamed 16 July 2003

  • Jinnah's Dream Becomes A Nightmare

    When Pakistan was created, its founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, famously declared, "You are free, free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan...

    BY Zahir Janmohamed 1 July 2003

