Strobe Talbott
Strobe Talbott


  • The Payback Man

    Putin has been itching for a showdown with the US that he could win, and he thinks he has found it. It will prove costly to all concerned, most of all to Russia itself.

    BY Strobe Talbott 11 March 2014

  • Global Citizen

    The re-election of Barack Hussein Obama as American President is dream to some, nightmare to others

    BY Strobe Talbott 19 November 2012

  • The In-Box From Hell

    Obama entered office with a horrendous legacy but, that aside, resolving global challenges requires internal unity of purpose within major states and international cooperation

    BY Strobe Talbott 19 July 2010

  • Beyond Bush And Iraq

    Repudiation of the Clinton legacy, which was, by transitivity, a repudiation of the Bush Sr. legacy, as well extreme exceptionalism and Manichaeism came together in President Bush's policy toward Iraq. Time to go back to traditional American internat

    BY Strobe Talbott 21 February 2007

  • Nuking NPT

    While Manmohan Singh's critics, in India, charge him with having got promises for commitments, in the USA, Bush's critics feel that Bush has agreed to give India virtual membership in the club of recognized nuclear-weapons states created by the NPT.

    BY Strobe Talbott 24 July 2005

  • War In Iraq, Revolution In America

    There is a difference between being a leader and a boss. America's strength depends on the strength of the institutions it has, along with its key international partners, put in place over the last 50 years, and it is time for them to be strengthened

    BY Strobe Talbott 18 November 2003

  • Bush At The Rubicon

    The inspections are turning into 'a rerun of a bad movie', for Bush, and he says he is 'not interested in watching it.' The most worrisome danger zone is South Asia, feels the former US deputy secretary of state.

    BY Strobe Talbott 23 January 2003

  • The Axis Of Irony

    Has the Iraq crisis reinvigorated the UNO? Revealed Bush be more of a multilateralist than the rest of the world thought (and feared)? Yes, says, the former US deputy secretary of state, there remains a high degree of continuity in American for

    BY Strobe Talbott 5 December 2002

