Breakfast, dinner, virtual meeting, stalling Parliament…Opposition fixes up a unity show, but will it stick?
The Captain and Sidhu have made a tentative rapprochement, but plenty signs of rancour linger in the air within the Punjab Congress.
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 6 August 2021
Originating from colonial era carve-ups or post-independence redrawing of boundaries, territorial disputes between states fester on in low simmer or indifference, before they flare up in violence.
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 6 August 2021
“To a man living around these forests, 34 million carats of diamonds have no meaning, all he’ll understand are the many zeroes…that is what his bank balance is most of the time.”
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 6 August 2021
“We wanted a resolution but are moving towards an explosion.” That’s a party MP from Punjab on the situation in the local Congress after New Delhi snubbed Amarinder for Sidhu.
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 2 August 2021
The Uttarakhand ferris-wheel spins yet again, with the 10th CM in 21 years. But the BJP is staring at both regional disaffection and internal dissension, months before polls.
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 16 July 2021
Despite the BJP heading for a near-rout in one of the three states governed by the Congress, retaining power won’t be easy for Amarinder Singh
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 16 July 2021
Senior Congress leader and former Union minister Ashwani Kumar explains the need for his party to effect a much-delayed course correction and why he thinks the Congress must take the lead in forging a broad federal front to take on Modi in 2024.
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 25 June 2021
Organisational flux continues to mar the Congress’s self-image as the national pole of anti-BJP politics
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 25 June 2021
Pious official rhetoric burns incandescently. World Environment Days come and go. Meanwhile, our hillside verdure routinely turns to cinder. Why?
BY Puneet Nicholas Yadav 11 June 2021
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