Paul de Rooij
Paul de Rooij


  • The Fiction Of 'Foreign Terrorists'

    Any American claims of "foreign terrorists" needs to be handled with great skepticism. This propaganda ploy is far easier than finding WMD, and less likely to cause an embarrassment - dead bodies don't talk.

    BY Paul de Rooij 4 September 2003

  • The Body Bag Counter

    A good barometer of the propaganda in action is the way US military deaths are reported. With the US election campaign moving into full swing, expect newer spins.

    BY Paul de Rooij 4 September 2003

  • The Parade Of The Body Bags

    On May 1, 2003 when Bush Junior landed on the aircraft carrier, he officially announced the end of the war. Like Moses before the parting of the Red Sea, he commanded the war to end.

    BY Paul de Rooij 8 August 2003

  • The Hydra's New Head

    As the fog of war lifts, the propaganda model followed by the United States to sell the US-Iraq War is now clear, and the best way to understand this campaign is to consider it as psychological warfare against the US population.

    BY Paul de Rooij 14 May 2003

  • Propaganda Stinkers

    Will Iraq reemerge as an independent country or will it be torn asunder? The Kurds have been led to believe that they can expect something in the North. Why are British forces tearing down Iraqi flags?

    BY Paul de Rooij 8 April 2003

  • Arrogant Propaganda

    As soon as a propaganda ploy has been exposed, the current media spinners will move to the next tall story. They seem to count on either the poor memory of the population, their general disinterest or their credulity.

    BY Paul de Rooij 2 April 2003

