Frank Ching
Frank Ching


  • Actions Speak Louder...

    ...than words, and actions in China of late have been deafening. A quick survey of world newspaper opinion pages shows the damage to China’s soft power because of recent scandals, hidden power struggles and repression

    BY Frank Ching 8 May 2012

  • Toxic Jasmine

    If you’re looking for good jasmine tea on Baidu, China’s biggest search engine, you may be in for a surprise. Even a song about the beautiful jasmine flower sung by Kenyan students along with President Hu Jintao is censored.

    BY Frank Ching 8 March 2011

  • Tomorrow’s Chinese Leaders

    At least one of the leaked cables about China is of unusual value as it sheds light on Washington’s expectations of its relationship with China over the next three decades.

    BY Frank Ching 16 January 2011

  • The Beijing Standard

    China seems to believe that it can interfere in the internal affairs of other nations without entertaining any dialogue about is own domestic policies.

    BY Frank Ching 29 September 2009

