
Elixir Of The Valley

It’s amazing how “imported” oils, seeds, leaves and roots get our instant respect, while desi wisdom is casually dismissed

t felt surreal walking by a Dal Lake awash with lotus blooms and shikaras (made unforgettable by the late Shammi Kapoor). In the middle of my reverie, a vendor waves a green bunch in my face. “Lotus seed, just Rs 20, try,” he says, pulling out a tiny yellowish seed from the fibrous stem. “Super! I’ll buy it,” I promptly comply.

My interest in the lotus seed is varied—it is fresh, seasonal, inexpensive (only Rs 20 for a bunch of four), yummy, and most importantly, brilliant as an anti-ageing agent. Lotus seeds are rich in vital nutrients, and come armed with a special enzyme that actually repairs damaged proteins. This means it helps you look younger.

In Kashmir, the lotus seed is eaten both “because it grows here” and also for its liver-cleansing, kidney-flushing, heart-strengthening properties. It is a goldmine in the offing, which only needs good packaging, positioning and an entrepreneur to fashion it into a flourishing industry. Maybe I can do it, I think. But then, it’s easy to dream amidst nature. I am, after all, a middle-class Maharashtrian with zero enterprise! So, I am writing about it—in the hope that the Kashmir government or a cooperative group actually starts selling it to the rest of the country.

It’s amazing how “imported” oils, seeds, leaves and roots get our instant respect, while desi wisdom is casually dismissed. Ayurveda and yoga hold the Pamposh or the lotus in high esteem, not just for its beauty and as a symbol of purity but for its therapeutic properties too. When your liver and kidneys are clean and your heart strong, it’s easier to enjoy your wealth. That’s why Goddess Lakshmi has a lotus seat.

(Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar’s latest book is called Women and the Weight Loss Tamasha)

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