Padmashri Sadguru Brahmeshanand Acharya Swamiji Addresses On Co-Existence At Riyadh

Padmashri Sadguruji was declared & honoured by His Excellency Dr. Abdul karim Al Issa with the 'Global Peace & Harmony Award'.

Special invitation was extended by Sheikh Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al- Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League and President of the Organisation of Muslim Scholars to participate at the Forum to Padmashri Sadguru Brahmeshanand Acharya swamiji - Head of Hindu Community of India to be present as Keynote speaker at the international seminar on “Promoting Common Values Among the followers of Religions”, in Riyadh organised by the Muslim World League, MWL, on 11th May 2022 .

The MWL is an International Islamic Non Governmental Organisation based in Makkah.

Pujya Sadguru was first ever Hindu Spiritual leader to land at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as informed by protocol officer and public relation officer who welcomed received Pujya swamiji at Riyadh Airport .

Padmashri Sadguru Brahmeshanand Acharya Swamiji, addressed the above Forum on the 11th May held at the prestigious Ritz Carlton Hotel in Riyadh.

Padmashri Sadguruji addressed the forum with due respect to His excellency King Salman - custodian of two holy mosque and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman al saud and focused attention on dedication towards the message of peace & brotherhood to each and every one in this world.

Pujya Sadguruji said, We all are dedicated to almighty allah Ishwar etc. names may be different . But God is one. This oneness amongst us is the supreme. We should spread this unity through our say & acts too. Misunderstanding clashes will be wiped out only by our collective efforts for Global peace through our serious acts externally & internally. Respect for coexistence is really important.

Prime minister of India Narendra Modiji has vision to promote Value education for peace ,human rights, democracy and sustainable Development. Being a Hindu spiritual leader, Pujya sadguruji  was very much pleased and happy to receive special invitation from muslim world league . This was a special respect shown by His Excellency to all hindu community in India. Developing leaders like HIs excellency Shaikh Mohammed Abdul Karim Al Issa from every religion is need of an hour for fulfill peace in the world which He proved by taking initiative for community coexistence by this forum .

Padmashri Sadguruji was declared & honoured by His Excellency Dr. Abdul karim Al Issa with the 'Global Peace & Harmony Award'.
Finally while addressing he said," Lets unite & come together & achieve world peace through spiritual power."

Shri Ram Prasad - Chief Affairs from embassy of India at Saudi Arabia also personally had meet with Padmashri Pujya swamiji to take blessings . Adv.Brahmideviji -President of Satguru Foundation  also attended this forum at Saudi Arabia .

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