
Nolvadex PCT (2023): Tamoxifen Citrate Bodybuilding PCT Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects of Nolvadex

When a bodybuilder completes a steroid cycle, tamoxifen (Nolvadex), a SERM, is often utilized as post cycle therapy.

Tamoxifen is sold under the trade name Nolvadex. As a result, some medical professionals refer to the drug's generic name, tamoxifen, as "Nolvadex."

Tamoxifen is a SERM or selective estrogen receptor modulator. Bodybuilders and athletes often utilize it as an anti-estrogen or as part of post-cycle treatment. Tamoxifen targets certain body areas. Therefore, users of steroids won't be worried about its unique negative effects. Click here to buy legal alternative to Nolvadex such as Anvarol.

Tamoxifen is also well-liked by those who take steroids and those who use it for medicinal purposes. Its major goal is to prevent certain estrogen receptors in the breast tissues from functioning. As a result, the breast cells are unable to bind to the estrogen, which lowers the likelihood that estrogen levels will rise.

Tamoxifen is further used in the management of gynecomastia. However, aromatase inhibitors (AIs) also help treat gynecomastia and other issues connected to estrogen. Tamoxifen is thus often used in post-cycle treatment.

Additionally, Tamoxifen and Clomid are often used throughout the PCT protocol. Both medications are used because they are effective at low dosages while being safe to use. If people choose not to take Clomid and Tamoxifen together, they may omit Clomid and utilize the other medication exclusively during their PCT.

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): What Is It?

When a bodybuilder completes a steroid cycle, tamoxifen (Nolvadex), a SERM, is often utilized as post cycle therapy. It's occasionally used to describe or classify Nolvadex as an estrogen antagonist. Its main duty is to counteract estrogen's negative effects on your body.

Nolvadex functions in the body in a manner that is comparable to that of estrogen. Tamoxifen Citrate is sold under the trade name Nolvadex. Tamoxifen is used in the treatment of breast cancer in addition to being a component of the PCT cycle. It works well by inhibiting the rise in estrogen levels that would otherwise cause breast cancer to spread.

Tamoxifen and Clomid are often used together during PCT. However, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is thought to be more effective than Clomid. However, these medications are sometimes combined and used as part of a PCT cycle. They often complement one another and provide the user with the greatest outcome.


How Does Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) Work?

In order to function, tamoxifen (Nolvadex) must attach to estrogen receptors in a particular area of the body. When the estrogen stops binding, its effects on breast tissues decrease. The effects of estrogen on breast tissues are therefore lessened since the estrogen no longer binds. In order to avoid an increase in estrogen activity while using anabolic steroids, consumers are seeking this specific effect.

Tamoxifen does not, however, immediately lower the body's estrogen levels . Contrarily, it attaches to certain estrogen receptors, preventing these estrogens from attempting to attach, and it ceases to function as a result.

Although this medication is utilized as a part of post-cycle treatment, it is not an anabolic steroid, despite its name. After a steroid cycle, this medication helps people regain the body's normal hormone levels. It helps avoid undesirable side effects, including gynecomastia and testosterone suppression, and it may even be able to save a life.

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Why use Nolvadex or Tamoxifen?

It is helpful to avoid gynecomastia, the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, and other side effects with tamoxifen (Nolvadex). To prevent typical side effects of a steroid cycle, Clomid is also helpful; nevertheless, tamoxifen is recommended when it comes to gynecomastia.

What Advantages Does Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) Offer?

Now that you are aware of the benefits of tamoxifen in gyno. We'll see in a moment how useful it is for steroid users to utilize it throughout a PCT cycle. The following are a few advantages of utilizing tamoxifen:

  • Gynecomastia is avoided
  • Regulating hormone levels
  • Simple to Consume
  • Stress Reducing
  • Avoid other negative effects associated with steroids.
  • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) may help avoid a variety of additional adverse effects that are linked to steroids.
  • Tamoxifen helps to keep pimples at bay.
  • It helps keep the cholesterol levels and blood pressure stable.
  • Prevents oiliness of the skin.
  • During the PCT cycle, there won't be any hair loss issues.
  • Using tamoxifen throughout a steroid cycle may help users feel fit and healthy.

Gyno Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

One of the frequent side effects of using anabolic steroids is gynecomastia. Despite the fact that it isn't a deadly illness, it may have a terrible impact on a person's self-esteem.

One may be aware that steroids may contribute to gyno. Therefore, testosterone's aromatization into estrogen will be the outcome. A male body's high estrogen level encourages feminine traits, including the development of breast tissue.

Yes, steroids may sometimes cause a man to develop more breasts.

Gynecomastia often causes men to just store little mounds of fat around or above their nipples, or they may sometimes have swollen nipples. The myth that this issue may be resolved by losing weight and sculpting the chest muscles is just a rumor without any logic.

In actuality, if men have gynecomastia as a consequence of taking steroids, surgery is the only option to get rid of the man boobs.

Tamoxifen also treats anti-estrogen breast cancer by specifically targeting the breast tissue. Nolvadex effectively stops estrogen from acting in the breast region by attaching to estrogen receptors there. Preventing the dreaded gyno among male anabolic steroid users is quite advantageous.


The greatest medication to prevent gyno from spreading while on a steroid cycle is tamoxifen (Nolvadex). For this reason, a lot of bodybuilders choose to take both before and after steroids. Most persons who take this medicine, for this reason, report remarkable success. However, sometimes some users do not have success. In such a scenario, they must switch to aromatase inhibitor medications.

What are tamoxifen's (Nolvadex) adverse effects?

Tamoxifen is regarded as being really advantageous and excellent to utilize. Anyone should be aware of the following negative effects, which are similar to those of other medications:

  • stomach issue
  • Acne
  • Headache
  • Hot flush

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) Dosage for the Use of Anavar:

For men

Gynecomastia, often known as male breast tissue, is mostly prevented using tamoxifen throughout the steroid cycle. Not only that, but people are more prone to have this issue if they use any anabolic-androgenic steroid that has aromatizing qualities. Nolvadex is the ideal drug to prevent gyno affordably, easily, and securely.

Additionally, they must start their PCT cycle with a modest dose of tamoxifen—around 10mg—before continuing. If people feel well, they may raise the amount to 20 mg. It begins to operate by interacting with the receptors in breast tissues and blocking the effects of estrogen.

On the other hand, men could require aromatase inhibitor medications if they discover that the steroid's aromatic action is too powerful for Nolvadex to be efficient at this dose.

For women

Tamoxifen is often used by female athletes for the same goal - to boost performance as a result of increased testosterone levels.

This might make this medication a viable substitute for women who do not require the stronger effects of steroids, which have a higher risk of male side effects.

Women may take tamoxifen to enhance their body composition in addition to performance enhancement, since it results in a tighter, leaner, and more attractive physique without the risks associated with steroid usage.

Women who require all these advantages simply need to take a very little amount of tamoxifen each day—just 10 mg as part of post-cycle therapy

During PCT, the body utilizes tamoxifen at greater levels to encourage the body to release testosterone naturally. Following a period of intense natural function restriction during and post the steroid cycle, testosterone is naturally released.

Additionally, it is advised to continue for one to two months after the cycle. Tamoxifen will be used with additional medications, such as an aromatase inhibitor and sometimes hCG.

For the first part of the Nolvadex PCT cycle, it is advised that males take 40 mg per day. Tamoxifen post-cycle therapy's second half will see a dosage reduction to 20 mg daily. Ultimately, it's up to users whether they choose an eight-week procedure, a four-week cycle, or anything in between.

When should people begin their Tamoxifen PCT?

The working life of the steroids will ultimately determine when to start the PCT.

If the steroid is a short ester, people must begin their PCT around the time when the steroid cycle is coming to a conclusion. On the other hand, they must wait up to two weeks before beginning PCT with Nolvadex and other substances if the steroid is long-acting.

What can people do if tamoxifen is ineffective?

AIs are the best options if Nolvadex does not get the outcomes they want. AIs aim to completely eliminate estrogen with the added benefit of giving people total control over all estrogen-related adverse effects, including gyno.

It genuinely suppresses the aromatize activity, as implied by the term "Aromatase Inhibitors," by lessening the symptoms of gyno and raising testosterone levels. On the other hand, they have certain drawbacks as well, such as having a detrimental effect on cholesterol levels when taken in conjunction with a steroid cycle.

Therefore, much like Tamoxifen or other SERMs, AIs should not be used during the steroid cycle. Tamoxifen also has a favorable effect on cholesterol levels.

Conclusion on Tamoxifen Citrate PCT

The finest product for post-cycle treatment is, without a doubt nolvadex, which may be used before or after a steroid cycle. It may be used in addition to Clomid.

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