
Endorphins Supplements: Top 3 Supplements To Release & Increase Endorphins

Endorphins can make you feel really good, like you're floating on cloud nine. You know that feeling you get when you eat something spicy, right? Don't you just get that warm and fuzzy feeling after? Like, you just feel so darn good and content? Your body's making happy chemicals called endorphins.

What are endorphins?

Your brain makes endorphins, a chemical that makes you feel happy and good. You can get them from laughing, eating yummy food, feeling loved, or getting down and dirty. They're like our body's own pain relievers, making us feel good and giving us an energy boost. So whether it's labor pains or post-workout muscle soreness, they've got our back!

Are endorphins good for you?

Just so you know, endorphins are super good for you! They make you feel happier, less achy and help you handle stress like a boss. Plus, they just make things more enjoyable overall. You know what's interesting? We see them as happy hormones, like those good vibes you get from dopamine and serotonin.

So, if you can figure out ways to get your brain to release more happy chemicals like endorphins, life will feel much better and more enjoyable.

Which parts of the brain are responsible for releasing those feel-good endorphins?

The pituitary gland, which is this tiny guy located at the bottom of your brain, does a lot of the work for letting loose those feel-good endorphins. That tiny part right above the pituitary gland called the hypothalamus, also gets in on the action. (This is also where some of the happy hormones in your body are made.)

ß-endorphin, or beta-endorphin, is like the superstar of endorphins that researchers have looked into the most. Basically, it helps you chill out, feel good, and keep things balanced.

What do endorphins do that make us feel good?

Dude, endorphins are like the ultimate happiness drug. They give you a crazy good feeling, and they're totally natural, so there is no need to worry about any negative side effects! Those brain chemicals can make you feel better and give you an emotional boost.


What happens when endorphins get released?

Couple dancing releases endorphins.

Basically, your body releases endorphins which have pain-relieving properties according to science. Endorphins can make you feel really good, like you're floating on cloud nine. You know that feeling you get when you eat something spicy, right? Don't you just get that warm and fuzzy feeling after? Like, you just feel so darn good and content? Your body's making happy chemicals called endorphins.

Endorphins even work alongside the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which also contributes to the effects they have on your body, including that "feel-good" effect that follows an exercise session. The ECS is pretty important for stuff like remembering things, getting a good night's sleep, and other important functions. It also keeps your inflammation in check, helps deal with minor aches and pains, and makes you feel emotionally better.

Top 3 Supplements to release & increase endorphins

  1. Nooceptin

  1. Vyvamind

  • Xanapril

  • 1. Nooceptin


    Nooceptin can really help sharpen your mind and clear away any brain fog. It's an all-natural booster that helps your brain work better, improves your memory, and motivates you to keep going.

    You must take Nooceptin every day for consistent results. After using it regularly for about 90 days, you'll notice some significant improvement in your thinking abilities.


    Nooceptin is considered a dope natural supplement that enhances brain functions. Having it right away can make you more creative, help you remember things better, and boost your motivation levels.


    • Helps you focus better and remember things more easily

    • Boosts your brain power by helping your brain to grow and change, which makes you smarter.

    • Improves learning and attention.

    • Nooceptin tackles the main source of stress

    • It keeps your brain and cells protected for the long haul.

    • Helps you remember stuff better, makes your brain work faster, and makes you better at solving problems.

    • Gets more blood flowing to the noggin, which helps you stay mentally sharp.

    • Helps your brain get even smarter.



    Three pills per day.

    They can be taken with or without food first thing in the morning. According to the manufacturer, you should start with one pill a day and then slowly work your way up to the highest recommended dosage.

    Side Effects

    No one has said anything bad happened. Don't worry if you feel a bit queasy after taking the first dose, it'll go away pretty quickly.

    2. Vyvamind

    VyvaMind is a cool choice for people looking to try nootropics or get a little mood lift with a dash of energy.

    This formula is pretty simple, with only six ingredients that are just the right amount to make you feel good and energized, clear your head, and help you remember and concentrate better.

    Actually, VyvaMind's a super legit product that has been researched to the max over the years. It's totally going to make you feel up and at them. It's pretty unusual to see this much research and development in the world of nootropics.


    Each serving has a decent dose of Vitamin B6 and B12 (50mcg). You also get some other ingredients like L-Theanine, Citicoline, and L-Tyrosine.

    L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine are for your brain, they calm it down real good. L-Tyrosine works wonders in reducing stress and anxiety levels. VyvaMind has got 75 mg of caffeine, which is just what you need for a quick energy boost. But if you take it with citicoline, you can stay focused and alert for a longer time.

    VyvaMind is easy to use and you have to remember to take it daily for the best results. You'll start seeing some awesome results in just a couple of weeks! If you want to experience the full benefits of VyvaMind, it's best to keep taking it for a minimum of 90 days.

    3. Xanapril

    Xanapril is a really good over-the-counter option for reducing anxiety and helping you relax. This supplement is legit and will give you fast results with no nasty side effects. You don't need a prescription to buy it! This supplement has all-natural and organic stuff that can help you deal with everyday stress and make you feel better by boosting your mood, improving your sleep, and helping you focus better.


    Xanapril ingredients are the real deal for dealing with stress and anxiety. They make you feel calmer during tough times, help you focus better, and allow the brain to take a chill pill when needed.


    • When users are totally focused, they can get more work done without feeling mentally drained.

    • They get better at solving problems and handling more stuff.

    • Basically, people feel less tired and more energized in their minds.

    • It helps manage emotions.


    • Two capsules a day.

    • Users should not use alcohol or other stimulants Avoid overdosing as it may result in side effects.

    Side effects

    We haven't heard of any side effects so far. So it is safe to use.

    Effective Strategies for Enhancing Endorphin Production: 8 Natural Approaches

    Having gained insightful knowledge of the significant advantages associated with the production of endorphins, let's shift our focus towards exploring natural methods to release endorphins. Fortunately, there exist ample alternatives that are easily accessible on a routine basis.

    1. Music

    According to scientific research, indulging in activities such as singing, dancing, and playing music can effectively stimulate the release of endorphins, thereby inducing positive emotions and feelings of well-being in individuals. It is thus understandable why dance parties have been known to evoke such positive responses. When experiencing an emotional low, it can be beneficial to engage in music therapy and physical activity as a means of elevating mood and promoting overall well-being.

    2. Meditation

    Perhaps you possess prior knowledge that meditation offers substantial benefits for one's well-being. Are you aware that it has the potential to stimulate an increase in endorphins? Meditation can be effective in inducing mental relaxation by reducing the occurrences of racing thoughts. This, in turn, enables individuals to experience a more serene state of mind.

    3. Exercise

    A female individual engaging in physical activities to promote the release of endorphins.

    Engaging in regular physical activity is recognized as a highly effective means of stimulating the production of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving and mood-enhancing chemicals in the brain. A 2017 study revealed that engaging in 60 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise stimulated endorphin signaling, which resulted in feelings of euphoria. An additional investigation employing rats as the experimental specimen demonstrated that subsequent to their physical activity regimen, their endogenous endorphin levels exhibited an increase.

    What type of workout regimen is most effective in increasing the production of endorphins? What's important is to engage in physical activity that promotes movement and enhances your well-being. Engaging in physical activities such as weightlifting, jogging, or swimming can lead to a boost in mood through the release of endorphins.

    4. Massages

    As previously mentioned, embracing and engaging in physical contact can effectively enhance the production of endorphins. Massage is, as well. In addition, massage is recognized for its ability to facilitate the recuperation of muscles post-exercise, thereby promoting an enhanced state of wellness.

    5. Acupuncture

    The therapeutic method of acupuncture entails the insertion of delicate needles into targeted acupressure points. According to recent research, it has been found that incorporating this practice can contribute to a notable elevation of endorphin levels. Acupuncture is a popular modality for addressing various concerns such as musculoskeletal pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, and stress management. The widespread appeal of this ancient practice can be attributed, in part, to its ability to stimulate the release of endogenous endorphins, which are recognized for their pain-relieving and mood-enhancing properties.

    6. Sunlight

    Adequate exposure to sunlight can provide critical amounts of vitamin D to improve both mental and physical health. Exposure to sunlight can facilitate the production and release of beta-endorphins from the epidermis. In addition, exposure to sunlight is crucial for regulating the levels of serotonin and dopamine within one's body.

    7. Laughter

    As it is commonly suggested, humor has a therapeutic effect on the human mind and body. Expressing amusement through laughter has been observed to stimulate the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin in the body.

    8. Inhalation aromatherapy

    The practice of aromatherapy is known to provide remarkable relaxation benefits. Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that it can stimulate the release of endorphins, the natural feel-good chemicals in the human body. It has the potential to promote improved sleep quality, enhance overall comfort, and aid in effectively managing stress levels. It is advisable to exercise caution and make purchases only from reliable and reputable brands that provide aromatherapy oils of superior quality.

    What foods release endorphins?

    A romantic pair indulging in pizza while comfortably seated on the sofa.

    Furthermore, apart from the aforementioned activities, specific dietary choices can potentially elicit a heightened state of positive affect by facilitating the secretion of neurotransmitters associated with enhanced well-being.

    Dark chocolate

    The consumption of sweet foods during low mood states may be attributed to its potential mood-boosting effects. If you opt for this path, strive for a product that contains at least 70% cacao and grant yourself the luxury of enjoying it.

    Spicy peppers

    On certain occasions, it may be desirable to indulge in a confectionary item that has a sweet taste. Other times, it goes spicy. It is widely acknowledged that consumption of spicy foods has a propensity to induce the release of endorphins. This is attributable to the presence of capsaicin within them, which exhibits an affinity towards binding with TRPV1 receptors. As a result, this invokes a neural signal of warmth to the brain. As a reaction, the brain secretes endorphins.


    In a comparable vein, allyl isothiocyanate present in wasabi has the potential to stimulate TRPV1 receptors. This is the reason why consumption of wasabi may result in a potential sensation referred to as "spicy high" among certain individuals.

    Optimal dietary supplements to promote endorphin release

    A female individual consuming nutritional supplement to enhance her endorphin levels.

    Which supplements are most effective in promoting an endorphin boost? Provided herein are recommendations on supplement use to promote optimal endorphins levels. These options are intended to complement the adoption of a balanced dietary niche, routine physical exercise, and other beneficial lifestyle changes you may have integrated into your mental health regimen.

    L-theanine supplements

    A research involving rats demonstrated that L-theanine had a significant impact on their pain thresholds, indicating that the utilization of this supplement could potentially alleviate minor discomforts.

    B vitamins

    Given the size of endorphins, it is imperative that an efficient metabolic process is in place to facilitate their synthesis. The essentiality of B vitamins in metabolic processes underpins their potential therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, the neurologically active form of vitamin B12 is present in dopamine supplements, such as Life Extension's Dopamine Advantage, enabling the intake of vitamin B.

    Vitamin D

    As you are already aware, exposure to sunlight has the ability to stimulate the release of endorphins. Research shows that vitamin D supplementation may contribute to promoting emotional well-being and reducing the risk of mood disorders.

    Ginkgo biloba

    A study conducted on rats demonstrated that the administration of ginkgo biloba had a positive impact on their pain threshold. Although the focus of this study did not entail the assessment of endorphin related effects, it is noteworthy that Ginkgo biloba supplements possess potent antioxidant properties and are known to promote a healthy inflammatory response and improve brain function. This is one of the widely-used cognitive enhancer supplements.

    Vitamin C

    According to empirical evidence, vitamin C regulates the secretion of endorphins. One may effectively supplement their intake of Vitamin C or make efforts to derive it from their dietary sources.

    Key findings: What stimuli have been shown to elicit the highest release of endorphins?

    While the answer may not be universally agreed upon, engaging in physical activity is frequently regarded as the most effective option. The initiation of physical movement is a convenient and flexible practice, which can be undertaken at any point in time and location, and yields manifold benefits for both physical and psychological well-being.

    Please bear in mind that when we talk about "exercise", it does not necessarily have to imply dedicating a couple of hours of our day to a fitness center. One can derive the positive impacts of physical activity by engaging in activities such as chasing after children, taking a stroll, or performing yoga within the confines of their home.


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