
'Metaverse Will Emerge As The Next Breakthrough Technology' Says Businessman & Philanthropist Dr. Yasam Ayavefe

Dr. Ayavefe has a doctorate in economics and earlier he specialised in international relations and software engineering. He launched his first venture into the world during his studies. 

 There is a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience that can be shared with aspiring innovators by already established entrepreneurs. We can learn a lot about outstanding businesspeople's mindset by listening to them. 

Today, we welcome Dr. Yaşam Ayavefe, an internationally renowned businessman and the founder and chairman of Milaya Capital Limited. Milaya capital limited has branches in London, Greece and Dubai, and is a young and dynamic company that continues to grow actively in different parts of the world.

Dr. Ayavefe has a doctorate in economics and earlier he specialised in international relations and software engineering. He launched his first venture into the world during his studies. 

As indicated by his resume and recent interviews, education plays a significant role in his life. We asked Dr. Ayavefe about afuturistic educational method that is growing in popularity; Virtual Reality (VR) education. Many experts say it will be the next big thing, and Dr. Ayavefe agrees:

“Our attention must be drawn to the growing importance of virtual reality in a wide range of businesses. As we can see, online and remote learning have become incredibly common in today's digital age. So many innovations are occurring, it makes total sense to integrate technology in the education process.”

Dr Ayavefe is very confident that VR is perfect for modern students of all ages, and believes that could transform the way people learn.

“Virtual reality may significantly enhance education by providing children with new and interesting experiences that would be unimaginable in any other way. Virtual experiences like VR, in my perspective, have the potential to engage and motivate youngsters in a truly remarkable and compelling manner. For example, imagine if we create a virtual reality experience that would educate students about the devastating effects of climate change. They would for sure evolve into more environmentally conscious humans than we are.”

Dr. Ayavefe has been described by those who know him as an optimistic futurist and a visionary who constantly strives to improve the world around him. So we wanted to hear his perspective on one of the most fascinating initiatives of the moment - the Metaverse. Once again, Dr Ayavefe is cogent and coherent on the future of technology:
“Using the metaverse, people will be able to interact in ways previously only envisioned in science fiction movies. It will undoubtedly reshape the way we’ll utilise the internet in the near future. In essence, I believe that the Metaverse will emerge as the next breakthrough technology.” 


We are thankful to Dr. Ayavefe for taking the time to be interviewed. We believe that these topics in which every individual should be intrigued as this has a very high chance of becoming our future.

Find out more about Dr. Ayavefe and his work here:
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