
'Strive Till Peace Is Achieved'

Full text of the joint communique and the statement issued at the end of parleys between the NSCN (I-M) and the government.<a >More Coverage </a>

Joint Communique issued by T.Muivah, general secretary of the NSCN (I-M)and K.Padmanabhaiah, Representative of the Government of India:

" The representatives of the Government of India and the NSCN arepleased with the progress that has been made in the course of the visit of theNSCN leaders to New Delhi, during which they met the Prime Minister, DeputyPrime Minister, Defence Minister and Finance Minister, and in the formal talksheld on 21-23 January.

A wide range of substantive issues put up by the NSCN in their proposal werediscussed. The NSCN raised issues relating to the distinct identity of the Nagasand their stand on the unification of Naga areas. In this regard the GOIrepresentative clarified that there has been no change in its stand on the scopeof negotiations.

There was agreement to continue the formal talks until a lasting settlementis reached. Meanwhile both sides reaffirmed the need for a peaceful,violence-free environment."

Statement by T.Muivah, general secretary of the NSCN:

"Following three days of formal negotiations, the representatives of theGovernment of India and the NSCN signed a Joint Communique in which it wasannounced that formal talks will continue, until a lasting agreement is reached.

We are pleased with the progress that has been made in these talks. Manysubstantive issues were discussed, and the understanding of these issues isincreasing.

We raised our serious concern at press reports alleging that assurances weregiven to the Chief Minister of Manipur in New Delhi on 21 January with regard tothe Naga stand on the unification of Naga areas. In response to our concerns, the Government of India Representative formally clarified as stated inthe Joint Comminique that "There has been no change (in the GOI's) stand onthe scope of negotiations." The scope of these ongoing negotiations, whichhave always been unconditional, comprise all matters contained in the NSCNproposal of Spetember 2001, including the unification of all Naga areas. Thematter has been clarified to our satisfaction, as we understand that noassurances were given to anyone in respect to the substance of the negotiations.

Both parties agree on the importance of continuing the negotiation processuntil a lasting agreement is reached. We are aware that many obstacles willcontinue to be placed in our way by those who are opposed to the peace process.We will need patience and determination to overcome them, keeping always theinterests and aspirations of our people as our beacon."

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