
Go Green! Here's How Gardening Can Improve Your Emotional Well-Being 

Cultivating a green thumb isn't just great to amp up your interiors, but also improves both your well-being as well as of the planet’s.

Nature heals – we've heard this phrase time and again, haven't we? Well, it's true because spending even a little time amid a heavy cover of trees, shrubs, and flowers can positively impact your mental health. But did you know engaging in gardening can have the same effect?

Data collected and analysed by researchers Charles Hall and Melinda Knuth at Texas A and M University and published in the Journal of Environmental Horticulture, reveals that living anywhere near green spaces or spending time in cultivated gardens can improve your mood, lower stress levels, and enhance overall well-being, among other health benefits. This applies to people of all age groups. 

Mental and emotional benefits of gardening 

As mentioned above, cultivating a garden at home can be a good way to improve your health in every way. Here are some of the prominent benefits: 

# It lowers stress levels 

Spend time amid nature and you are sure to feel more relaxed, isn't it? In fact, several researchers believe that it can help reduce mental fatigue, improve blood pressure, and at the same time, bring down anxiety. The next time you are down and out, you know what you need to do!

# It improves memory 

Are you surprised to hear this? It is said that those who walked around concentrated areas didn't have as much memory retention, as compared to those who moved around green spaces like an arboretum. We know the clear winner then! Take conscious steps to cultivate a garden at home, and you will only reap health benefits.

# It reduces symptoms of depression 

Clinical depression is a serious mental health condition and should not be ignored at any cost. But walking amid green spaces or in cultivated gardens can help to reduce the symptoms of depression. As per a Korean study of patients who were diagnosed with moderate to severe depression, amongst those who received cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) in a hospital and those who did in a natural setting – the latter group witnessed a drastic reduction in their symptoms.

# It enhances concentration and productivity 

Would you like your view at the office to be that of a concrete structure? Doesn't sound motivating, right? Let's switch up things a bit – what if your desk overlooked a park laden with beautiful plants and vibrant flowers? We bet you would love that! Well, it's true because several studies show how a view of nature, either indoors or outdoors, can really amp up your concentration and enhance productivity. 


# It helps with more creativity 

If you want to get more inspired at work or even as a student, go for a walk in the park or even better, cultivate a garden at home. Every time you have a mental block or are looking to fire up ideas, sit amid a green cover and get your mind working. Sounds bizarre? Well, try it out and you will know how your mind experiences a boost of vitality. 

# It improves self-esteem

You may wonder how this is related, but trust us, it is. When you engage in gardening or simply spend time amid plants, you experience feelings of positivity. Your mood will instantly improve, making you feel better about yourself. What's more, you can use the green space at home to pack in a quick workout too. Such spaces can really pump up your motivation. 

The last word

All in all, we know cultivating a green thumb is an excellent way to reap physical, mental, and emotional benefits. You can start small by growing a few plants, and after you are a little more comfortable, building a vibrant garden is a good idea. 


Sounds like a plan, doesn't it? 

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