
Prateek Kuhad: Glad We Are Doing Offline Shows Again

Prateek Kuhad stated that 2019 was a hectic year for him and that the pandemic was a relief for him, but that after a year in lockdown, he began to miss the stage.

Singer-songwriter Prateek Kuhad had a jam-packed touring schedule in 2019 and yearned for a break. However, when the pandemic struck in March 2020, he realised the significance of staying occupied.

According to the Hindustan Times, Kuhad stated that 2019 was a hectic year for him and that the pandemic was a relief for him, but that after a year, he began to miss the stage. "2019 was a really heavy touring year for me. We did about 80 shows, so I was exhausted by the end of the year. Yes, I did feel a sense of relief [when the lockdown happened] because I did not have to play shows. But one year into the pandemic, I really started missing the stage and playing live. I am glad we are doing offline shows again.” 

Many artists have spoken out about the pandemic's detrimental effect on their work. When asked how the creative period was for him, Kuhad responds, “I was uninspired being stuck at home, not experiencing and meeting new people. Creatively, there was definitely a slump. Given the chaos around when the pandemic hit, there was anxiety, too.” He goes on to share how he kept himself going by “sticking to a routine and staying physically and mentally healthy”. 

He adds, “Also, during the pandemic, I started cooking and baking as a side hobby. Since I could not write music, I did divert my efforts into these creative activities.”

The 32-year-old, like many of the other musicians, performed virtual gigs during the lockdown. “The experience wasn’t that bad, but I feel it is nothing compared to an actual, physical live show,” says the 'Tune Kaha' singer-songwriter, who released a new track, 'Just A Word,' last month and is gearing up for a North American tour in June.

With the number of cases increasing by the day, everyone has been vocal about how the pandemic and how it has not yet faded. When asked if he was concerned about another lockdown, Kuhad said,  “Yes, I do, a little bit. All we can really do is be optimistic and try to do our best [by staying safe and overcoming the tough times].”

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