Paula Newberg
Paula Newberg


  • Left To Themselves

    After an early exit of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan and an inevitably declining American presence in Pakistan, can Afghanistan and Pakistan prop each other up?

    BY Paula Newberg 29 March 2012

  • Let The People Decide

    Democracy may be the best ally against Pakistan's extremists. The international community must respect that democratic decisions from Afghanistan and Pakistan may diverge

    BY Paula Newberg 24 March 2009

  • The Unfinished Business

    Pakistan will finally have to recognise that cross-border belligerence, on its east and west, cannot overcome its own inequality and poor governance. That is a hard lesson to learn, and one that will stick only if India, Afghanistan and the US take u

    BY Paula Newberg 21 August 2008

  • Will Ballots Win Over Bullets?

    Can Pakistan polls be serious? The answer is yes, and no, and maybe. An electorate hungry for change could bring peaceful transition and determine the country's fate

    BY Paula Newberg 17 February 2008

  • Back to the Future?

    The US military is poised to get involved in direct action against militants in Pakistan's unruly tribal areas. A move that is bound to increase the anti-American sentiment in Pakistan's forcibly disenfranchised voters

    BY Paula Newberg 21 November 2007

  • Alliance With One Man

    Driven by the exigencies of the immediate and by inertia favoring the known, the general's foreign backers, including the US, may drift toward political tragedy. Turmoil in Pakistan's government may make a change in leadership inevitable.

    BY Paula Newberg 31 July 2007

  • The Eye Of A Coming Storm?

    Pakistan's foreign policy remains double-sided and double-minded. Torn between pleasing the US and maintaining dominance over Afghanistan, Musharraf's wavering gives Al Qaeda a free hand.

    BY Paula Newberg 28 February 2007

  • Will Guns Fall Silent in South Asia?

    "Two signatures" – that was all that was needed, Nepali activist Rupa Joshi wrote last month, "for Nepalis to promise to stop killing each other." Could the end of civil war in Nepal serve as model for a troubled region?

    BY Paula Newberg 5 December 2006

  • With Allies Like These...

    If Bush seeks a stable, well-grounded, respected alliance between the US and Pakistan, he will have to push for an elected, representative government that can negotiate such an alliance, fulfill its mission, and salvage security for the entire region

    BY Paula Newberg 1 March 2006

