Manu Joseph

Manu Joseph


  • Nevermind, Saurav

    History is always written by the victorious. But that doesn't mean it's true. There is so much else to remember when you look back on World Cup 2003. And screw history as written by the victorious.

    BY Sandipan Deb 22 March 2003

  • 'I Did Believe We Had A Chance'

    The Indian captain defends his decision to bowl first but admits that it was 'generally a poor bowling performance' and that even chasing 300 runs was possible but 360 was a bit too much.

    BY Manu Joseph 22 March 2003

  • "We Are Not Here To Watch Cricket"

    As the Indians come down from the narrow stairs on Thursday, they will know that a billion people back home will never forgive them if they don't win. The Kenyans, on the other hand, as their coach says smugly, 'have nothing to lose'.

    BY Manu Joseph 17 March 2003

  • If Not Now, Then When?

    Aren't we ready to face the Aussies? The Indian captain publicly admits he would much rather play the Sri Lankans -- despite seven straight wins! Spiritless Australia phobia or what? What's in a metal cup when some other team is still considered the

    BY Manu Joseph 13 March 2003

  • The Great Indian Huddle Trick

    It didn't rain, it poured -- but not the kind the Sri Lankans would have wished -- runs from Indian top 3, first, and then Lankan wickets, as Team India strode into the Semis with a comprehensive 183 run victory.

    BY Manu Joseph 9 March 2003

  • The Sixth Match Syndrome...

    ... is a condition by which India will win a particular number of matches in a row and then lose the next one no matter which country it plays because it has to respond to its natural instinct to be inconsistent.

    BY Manu Joseph 3 February 2003

