Bernard Weiner
Bernard Weiner


  • Smells Like Vietnam

    Once again, in its haste to get its war on, the U.S. has gone into a foreign land, ignorant of its culture, believing that its technological might would lead to a swift victory, forgetting the force of nationalism when a people believe themselves to

    BY Bernard Weiner 27 March 2003

  • From A Vietnam-era Dad To His Son

    Make no mistake about it. This battle we are in is not just about Iraq or this particular war. The outcome of this political battle will shape America's, and the world's, future for the next several decades. The stakes are that high.

    BY Bernard Weiner 23 March 2003

  • The Arrogance Of Power

    ... the direct connection between the Columbia shuttle disaster, the U.S. reaction to the Twin Towers/Pentagon attacks, and the coming war with Iraq.

    BY Bernard Weiner 6 February 2003

  • Bush's War On Iraq For Dummies

    Once again, in need of help to sort through all the Iraq flak and confusion, I consult the oracle of that great publishing franchise that helps explain complicated matters in terms simple enough for even ordinary types like me.

    BY Bernard Weiner 15 October 2002

  • The Charnel House Future

    I don't want to talk here about whether a full-scale attack on Iraq is right or wrong ... but what I do want to talk about is Why Bush&Co. must be stopped Now.

    BY Bernard Weiner 2 September 2002

