Amitava Kumar
Amitava Kumar


  • Hindi On The Hudson

    Sometimes my son asks in English: “Baba, what does duniya mean?” It means the world, beta, the world that I have lost. The world of Hindi

    BY Amitava Kumar 21 May 2014

  • Salman Rushdie And Me

    It wasn't just about standing up for freedom of expression in India: maybe I was doing something more humble and honest. I was trying to restore a sense of balance to my own personal practice of literary criticism.

    BY Amitava Kumar 21 February 2012

  • A Civilizing Mission

    He was indicted on charges of conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger. He never published a classic text nor did he achieve anything like fame. The publication of his Selected Writings is an occasion for sorrow as well as celebration.

    BY Amitava Kumar 20 November 2006

  • The Enigma Of Return

    Fidelity to his interlocutors, and to their detail and circumstance, as much as the intelligence and brightness of Mehta's own prose, makes it an extraordinary debut--a debut that will rival Arundhati Roy's in fiction.

    BY Amitava Kumar 4 October 2004

