Creepy crawlies

This 'Human Fish' from Slovenia sticks up on any refrigerator!

Creepy crawlies

The breathtakingly beautiful Škocjan and Postojna Caves in Slovenia are home to several exotic species, most of which are indigenous to these areas. One of the most unusual species (and the slimiest!) to be found here is the Olm or Proteus, better known as the Human Fish (named so because of the colour of its skin). It was first discovered when, after heavy floods,  several Olm were washed up from the underground rivers. The over-imaginative locals believed that they were the offspring of cave-dwelling dragons! The fish has, today, come to become a symbol of Slovenia’s Karst region. A friend picked up this fridge magnet when she visited the Karst region a couple of years ago. I was repulsed at first, but today, my refrigerator and the magnet are inseparable!