
The Curious Case Of The Written Word

This written word has a strange way of convincing people. If it is printed, hell yes, it is absolutely true. But spoken word? No sir. You are lying.

If you want to say something and you want people to listen to you means, the most effective way of saying it is not to say it. Instead, write it in a piece of paper and show it to others. They will believe you. Without even questioning.

I am serious boss. If you called up your friend and say ki 'Today morning, I was sitting in the hall and reading a newspaper when I heard someone call out my name. I put the newspaper down and went outside to see who it was. There was no one. I turned around when someone called out my name again. To my surprise, it was a crow! It was calling out my name and asking for food. I fed the crow some rice with ghee. It ate happily, thanked me and flew away.', your friend will not believe it. He will say ki stop yapping and don’t waste my time and put the phone down.

Now try writing it as an email and send it to your group and people will forward it to 11 people within the next 10 minutes and you will be a world famous person in no time! That too without you even being aware of it!

That's what I am saying man. This written word has a strange way of convincing people. If it is on the internet, it is true. Some people will even take printouts and carry the nonsense story as proof! If it is printed, hell yes, it is absolutely true. But spoken word? No sir. You are lying.

Random personal stories at least I can tolerate. OK, just for fun. Arey these scientific facts on social network is just killing me yaar! One facebook post is saying ki they are using chemicals to grow apples and so the peel is becoming harmful and so we should remove the peel before eating apple. Another post is putting details about carbohydrates and vitamins in the peel and saying we must not eat apple without peel as the peel is very healthy. Another post is saying we must not eat apple after keeping it in the fridge. Another is saying we must not use knives to cut apples and bite it just like that. Another is sayin....boss! One apple, one million instructions! What ridiculousness is this?


And best is someone reading this nonsense and telling it to other people. Then nobody will believe that person. I told you no, spoken words simply does not have any respect.

All this is at least fine. But this patriotism stuff online no. Uff. Too much.

Randomly they are putting details about some Indian who did some achievement in some other country and say '1 like = 22 salutes. Let us see how many true patriots are there.' What is this nonsense? First of all tell me, what is the logic behind this 1 like = 22 salutes? What is the algorithm behind this?

Then tell me why I should prove my patriotism to you by liking your stupid image? If I don't have an account itself means, then I am not a patriot is it? First you tell me what is this patriotism? One entire generation they raised us feeding this patriotism concept and already we are confused whether to go to other countries to earn or stay back and be a patriot and pay the taxes? On top of this, you are also confusing us like this means how? Anyway you are submitting fake medical bills and fake house rent receipts and escaping tax and then you are coming here and selling your patriotism online means go away.


In school they taught us about the great gentlemen who fought against superstitions and said they were awesome and intellectual and this and that. Now are there any school lessons teaching people not to listen to such bullshit?

I just don't get the logic of it. Whatever that is written is true is it? How come? That too if it is written by some unknown person, it is even more seen as true. Strange, man.

The Local Tea Party is someone who wants to write serious world-changing 'first world' stuff that would be path-breaking and usher in world peace but ends up writing about silly happenings in his backyard (actually there is no backyard. It is just a metaphor. He lives in an apartment complex).

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