
Aahan Philips, Goa

Born January 14, 1995

‘Study hard, party harder’, that’s Aahan’s mantra. Among all things Goan, restless, passionate Aahan is most attracted to football and sports clubs. His religion: “footballism”. No wonder then his first step into the big, bad world, as it were, will be with a sports management course, hopefully abroad.

What I want to be

An entrepreneur, where I make money work for me. 

My idea of India

A country where everyone has equal rights, and there is no poverty. As of now, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

What religion means to me

I’m not a huge fan of organised rel­igion. In fact, I think there shouldn’t be any religion. There is just one god and he just is. I believe in humanity: be good and do good.

Who I will vote for

The Congress, because I feel that they have a young, dynamic leader in Rahul Gandhi, who is actually making a change.

Am I happy where I am?

No. I don’t want to be dependent on my parents’ money. I hope after my boards I will be able to secure a seat in a decent college as well as make my own living on the side.

What makes me angry

Corruption, as well as the zero resp­ect women in the country get.

What money means to me

It’s very important because of the power that comes with it. You need money to actually make a change.

I’m most proud of

My parents. They faced huge hurd­les but managed to come out on top and give me my current lifestyle.

My fantasy

To visit the moon. Since childhood, I have dreamt of shooting into space in a rocket.

My idol

Since I’m a football fan, it’s Lionel Messi of FC Barcelona and Arg­entina. He plays the game with such grace and is really humble.

My best friend

My dad. He has been like a friend to me. He has always been there to give advice as well as have fun.

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