
Trenbolone - Tren Steroid Cycle Before and After Results, Buy Legal Trenbolone Online

Trenorol is very popular with bodybuilding beginners and more experienced athletes alike and, because it increases testosterone instead of suppressing it, there is never any need to go to the additional expense of running a PCT.

If you have been researching the facts about Trenbolone to build muscle we have all the information listed in this article. You will learn which Tren steroid cycle to use, before and after results, how to use safely and possible side effects. Will also show you where to buy legal Tren online .

Buy Legal Trenbolone Online

It is now possible to buy a legal Tren that you take orally. The brand is called Trenorol and brought to the market by supplement specialist Crazy Bulk.


Trenorol is very popular with bodybuilding beginners and more experienced athletes alike and, because it increases testosterone instead of suppressing it, there is never any need to go to the additional expense of running a PCT.

Trenorol can also be combined with other legal steroids to create a muscle building stack. If you stack Trenorol with a legal dianabol, HGH supplement and sustanon you create a bulking stack that can significantly increase the speed of your results in terms of muscle gains.

Trenbolone Before and After Results

Ordinary users as well as pro lifters have had great muscle gain results with Tren. 


What Is Trenbolone?

Also known as Tren, Trenbolone is an injectable steroid that's popular with bodybuilders.

Most serious bodybuilders alternate between bulking and cutting cycles. During bulking cycles, they concentrate on muscle gains and building muscle. Cutting cycles are all about fat loss.

Certain steroids are better options for bulking, while others have more to offer while cutting. However, some steroids work well in both roles. Tren is one of them. It's also popular with powerlifters because it's one of the best steroids for improving physical strength.

probably won't be surprised to learn the companies that manufacture Tren don't expect people to cycle it alone or stack it with other steroids to enhance muscle mass.

Trenbolone is a veterinary medication for improving muscle growth in animals. It also makes animals more hungry and is very useful for "beefing up" livestock ready for market.


Using Tren for bodybuilding is illegal. It's also dangerous but many bodybuilders will tell you it's okay to do so "when you know what you are doing."
Unfortunately, it appears bodybuilders who use Trenbolone to build muscle often don't know as much as they think they do. For instance, one 23-year-old man was admitted to hospital suffering from a myocardial Infarction (heart attack) that appeared to be due to his use of Tren. [1]

Nevertheless, plenty of bodybuilders manage to use Tren and appear to get away with it. However, there is no way to be certain what kind of negative issues may be going on behind the scenes. All anabolic steroids can present health risks. Trenbolone is no exception.

Trenbolone Specs

Molar mass: 270.37 g/mol
Formula: C18H22O2
Boiling point: 915.4°F (490.8°C)
CAS ID: 10161-33-8
ChemSpider ID: 23383
Metabolism: Liver
Bioavailability: Intramuscular: 100%

What are the Different Forms of Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is available in three different forms:


●    Trenbolone Acetate: This form of Tren is used as a veterinary medication.
●    Trenbolone Enanthate: Often called by the nickname Trenabol, Trenbolone Enanthate is an experimental form of Tren. It's not approved for use on animals or people but has still managed to become a popular choice with bodybuilders who are running Tren steroid cycles. It is used for muscle strength.
●    Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate: This type of Tren was an approved human medication in France. Doctors there were able to prescribe it between 1980 and 1997. It's since been discontinued but bodybuilders still manage to obtain it via the black market for muscle building.

How Strong is Trenbolone?

Always a hardcore option, Trenbolone is one of the most powerful bodybuilding steroids. It has an anabolic rating of 500. That's five times more potent than testosterone.

With an anabolic rating as high as that, Tren is also one of the worst steroids for causing testosterone suppression so it's vitally important to follow each cycle of Tren with a PCT (post-cycle therapy).


In addition to taking over the role of testosterone, Trenbolone further enhances muscle growth by increasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Unfortunately, although DHT is good for growing muscles, it's very bad for men's hairlines. Any bodybuilder who runs a Tren steroid cycle needs to be okay with the risk of male pattern baldness.

Popular Tren Cycles

Tren cycles that work well for a beginner, is unlikely to offer the same level of benefits to an experienced anabolic steroid user. However, due to Tren's potency, beginners would be foolish to start their first cycle with a high dose.

It's very common to stack Tren with testosterone. The cycle length differs depending on the type of Tren being used.

Let's take a look at a few examples.

Trenbolone Acetate Cycle for Beginners (8 Weeks)

●    Trenbolone Acetate: 300mg/week
●    Testosterone Propionate: 400mg/week
Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle for Beginners (12 Weeks)
●    Trenbolone Enanthate: 300mg/week
●    Testosterone Enanthate: 100mg/week

Intermediate Trenbolone Acetate Cycle (8 Weeks)


●    Trenbolone Acetate: 400mg/week
●    Testosterone Propionate: 100mg/week
From week 4 onward, it's a good idea to introduce Dianabol (anabolic steroid) at a dose of 25-50mg per day.
Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle for Advanced Users (12 Weeks)
●    Trenbolone Enanthate 800mg/week
●    Testosterone Enanthate 100mg/week
●    Drostanolone Enanthate 400mg/week
*synthetic anabolic steroid

Trenbolone for Bodybuilding: A Look at the Benefits for Muscle Building

Tren is one of the most popular bodybuilding steroids. Let's look at some of the reasons why.

TrenBolone Provides Massive Muscle Growth
It's five times as powerful as testosterone so bodybuilders who run their Tren cycles alongside an appropriate diet and gym routine can expect some phenomenal improvements in muscle growth.

However, bodybuilders who are hoping to show off their gains in competitions run the risk of competition bans. Trenbolone is one of many S1 anabolic agents that appear on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of compounds that are prohibited in sports. [2]

Trenbolone Accelerates Fat Loss

Tren has value as a cutting steroid as well as a bulking steroid. It can be very good for speeding up fat loss. It can also preserve lean muscle tissue and increase protein synthesis.

However, although cycling Tren can optimize metabolism in favor of fat loss and help improve overall muscle definition, it also has the potential to cause increases in belly fat.

Trenbolone Does Not Cause Water Retention

Some anabolic steroids cause water retention, others do not. Tren is one of the steroids that do not. Bodybuilders who use it don't need to worry about puffiness under the skin affecting their muscle definition. Trenbolone helps keep the muscles looking lean and hard.

Trenbolone Speeds Up Muscle Recovery

Trenbolone speeds up muscle recovery helping to keep the muscles in top form during gym visits. Unless bodybuilders have poorly designed workout routines that overwork their muscles there should be no need to worry about being held back by muscle pain or strength decreases caused during previous exercise sessions.
Tren is one of the best anabolic steroids for preventing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

Trenbolone Enhances Endurance

Trenbolone can deliver notable improvements in physical stamina and endurance. Bodybuilders who are running Tren cycles should find it easier to train their muscles longer and harder and maximize the benefits they attain in the gym.

Athletes from other sports, such as cycling and swimming, often take advantage of the endurance-boosting abilities of Tren as well. However, the risk of competition bans hangs over their heads.

As with many other steroids that improve endurance (performance enhancing drugs), Tren boosts red blood cell production and nitrogen retention. By doing this, it helps the muscle to get the extra oxygen required (to red blood cells) to maintain long periods of physical exertion. 

Tren Cycle Before and After Results

Tren is a powerful anabolic steroid that can deliver rapid muscle gains. Many Tren users also report dramatic significant increases in hunger. That's going to cause problems if you are using Tren for cutting but it may be a godsend if you are dirty bulking.

One Tren user who had lost most of his muscle mass due to testicular cancer and low testosterone ran a Tren cycle and gained 22 lbs of muscle in less than 4 months. This was accompanied by a 5% reduction in body fat.

However, that was a long cycle. It's unwise to run Tren for that long. Especially for a first-timer. Some Trenbolone users have attained greater gains in shorter cycles. It's not unheard of for bodybuilders to gain up to 30 pounds of quality, lean muscle just by following an 8-week cycle.

Tren Steroid Side Effects

Hardcore anabolic steroids can cause hardcore side effects. When anyone decides to run a Trenbolone cycle, there can be some major risks involved. It's one of the most dangerous bodybuilding steroids. Be aware of that if you are considering using it.

Tren Cough

Tren cough is one of the most common Trenbolone side effects.

Although the coughing fits the steroid can cause can be severe, Tren cough is one of the milder Trenbolone side effects.

Coughing fits usually occur just after Tren is injected and last from just a few seconds to several minutes.

Tren cough is sometimes accompanied by tightness in the chest and/or a metallic taste in the mouth.

Scientists are unsure how the steroid causes Tren cough but it's generally not considered to be dangerous.


Due to its highly androgenic nature, Trenbolone increases sebum levels under the skin, causing Acne Vulgaris.

Male Pattern Baldness

We've mentioned this problem before. Cycling Tren can result in male pattern baldness. This is largely due to increases in DHT, which encourages the shedding of hair follicles.

High Cholesterol Levels and Hypertension

Tren can also raise cholesterol and elevate blood pressure. Needless to say, neither of these things is good for the heart.
We have already mentioned the case of one young Tren user who was admitted to hospital with the symptoms of a heart attack. [1]


A lot of anabolic steroids aromatize (convert to estrogen). Tren does not. Some people believe this prevents it from presenting a risk of Gynecomastia and man boobs. Unfortunately, the risk is still there.

Estrogen is not the only hormone that can cause man boobs. Prolactin can cause this type of unfavorable growth in breast tissue too. Although it does not aromatize, Trenbolone can cause man boobs by increasing levels of prolactin.

Increases In Visceral Fat

Although Trenbolone enhances the body's ability to burn subcutaneous fat, it increases visceral fat. Most steroids present this problem. Anavar is an exception but it's one of the weakest steroids and is incapable of delivering increases in muscle mass that are as good as Tren.

Visceral fat is useful because it helps cushion the kidneys and other important organs. However, this type of fat also presents risks to the heart. [3]
Anger, Anxiety, Aggression & Depression

Trenbolone has the potential to influence mood and may also cause changes in temperament.

If you are thinking of running a Tren cycle, you need to be aware it's a steroid that can make you feel anxious and/or depressed. It may also cause irritability and anger⸺even paranoia.


Women should never use Trenbolone. It poses a high risk of virilization. Among other unfavorable reactions, it can cause many abnormalities of the organs

Men who run a Tren cycle may find the steroid causes problems with too much estrogen. Fortunately, the tales you hear about Tren causing the manhood to become smaller cannot be scientifically supported.

However, one thing that Trenbolone can do is cause ED. This can lead to untold frustration and may put unnecessary strain on relationships.

Testosterone Suppression

Trenbolone is one of the worst steroids for suppressing the body's ability to produce testosterone. As far as testosterone goes, at the end of a Tren cycle, the body is in a very bad way.

A PCT is a drug treatment that compensates for the lack of testosterone and helps increase the production of this vital steroid hormone as quickly as possible.

Any bodybuilder who does not follow their Tren cycles with a good PCT will experience rapid loss of muscle mass, along with fatigue, low libido, and other symptoms of low testosterone.

Trenbolone Positives and Negatives


●    Enhances strength and physical stamina
●    Supports better workouts
●    One of the best steroids for bulking
●    Can also be used as a cutting steroid
●    Does not aromatize or cause bloating


●    Illegal to use for bodybuilding
●    One of the most dangerous bodybuilding steroids
●    Bodybuilders who use Tren can be banned from competition
●    Suppresses testosterone and requires a PCT

Is Trenbolone Legal?

All anabolic steroid use for bodybuilding and athletics is illegal. 

Can Women Use Trenbolone?

Tren is not suitable for female use. Women should never use Trenbolone. It poses a high risk of virilization. Non fitness minded women use Anavar for weight loss and reducing body fat percentage

Best Trenbolone Steroid Alternative

The best alternative to Trenbolone is Trenorol. There is no need to inject it or worry about getting a cough. Trenorol is an all-natural supplement that's taken by mouth.

Trenbolone Steroid

Trenorol is part of a range of legal steroid alternatives produced by Crazy Bulk. When it comes to providing this type of specialized product, Crazy Bulk is leading the way. Its steroid alternatives are renowned the world over for their high potency, none of them have any known side effects, and all of them are backed by the company's crazily good 60-day money-back guarantee.

Unlike Trenbolone, Trenoral does not improve anabolism by functioning as fake testosterone. It enhances natural testosterone instead. Then it helps keep testosterone "free" to bind with the androgen receptors in the muscle by preventing it from becoming bound by (SHBG).

Trenorol is very popular with bodybuilding beginners and more experienced athletes alike and, because it increases testosterone instead of suppressing it, there is never any need to go to the additional expense of running a PCT.

Research Sources

1. A Young Man with Myocardial Infarction due to Trenbolone Acetate; a Case Report:
2. The Prohibited List:
3. Cardiovascular Disease Under the Influence of Excess Visceral Fat:

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