
SARMs Vs Prohormones Guide 2023: Differences & What's Best For You?

This article aims to explore the differences between SARMs and Prohormones and ultimately provide an answer for users looking for an effective solution for their goals.


Over the past decade, the debate between SARMs and Prohormones has become increasingly relevant in the fitness and bodybuilding industries. Both substances have reported to offer similar benefits, but have their own individual set of advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the user's needs, understanding the differences between the two can help to make the right choice in terms of which one to use. This article aims to explore the differences between SARMs and Prohormones and ultimately provide an answer for users looking for an effective solution for their goals. [OFFICIAL WEBSITE] Click Here To Buy This SARMs 

What Are SARMs? 

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are a type of organic compound that have recently become popular in the fitness and bodybuilding world due to their ability to interact with androgen receptors in the human body and promote muscle growth, fat loss and other benefits.  SARMs have become increasingly popular over the past decade as they have been touted as having similar effects to prohormones, minus the more dangerous side effects and greater risk of negative health effects. 

They are typically taken orally in pill form, but can also be taken in liquid form or topically. Some popular SARMs include Ostarine, Testolone, Andarine and Ligandrol

What Are Prohormones?   

Prohormones are powerful synthetic hormones that are designed to imitate the effects of anabolic steroids. They are significantly more potent than SARMs and carry much higher risks due to their increased potential for serious side effects, such as liver damage and hormone imbalances. Prohormones were popular among bodybuilders in the past, however the recent rise of SARMs has led to them being increasingly less used. Popular Prohormones include Methyl-1-Testosterone and Superdrol. 

Difference Between SARMs and Prohormones 

It’s important to understand the differences between these supplements. Although both SARMs and prohormones can help you reach your fitness goals, SARMs are available for both OTC and underground markets, while prohormones are banned in the USA and most parts of the world. This makes it easier to get access to SARMs compared to prohormones. 

In order to understand the differences between SARMs and prohormones better, it is essential to go over the major functions of them. Prohormones are variants of hormones that have been modified to have a stronger effect. They are available as supplements, and they are taken to improve muscle mass and strength. Prohormones can also increase libido and provide better moods. They can yield greater results in a shorter period of time compared to SARMs. 


On the other hand, SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators that are said to duplicate the effects of anabolic steroids. They are available as oral supplements and activate the androgens on specific tissues. They do not cause the same unwanted side effects of steroids and they can be used to both cut fat and build muscle. SARMs have fewer side effects than prohormones, and they are safer in terms of liver and kidney toxicities. 

When comparing the advantages of prohormones and SARMs, we need to look at the effects of each. Prohormones are known to be incredibly effective for bulking and gaining muscle mass quickly, but they can cause adverse side effects ranging from increased cholesterol levels to raised libido. SARMs, on the other hand, are associated with fewer side effects than prohormones. They are ideal for maintaining muscle gains, improving endurance, and cutting fat, and they do not offer the unacceptable side effects of prohormones. 


Which is Easier to Get Access Out of SARMs Vs Prohormones? 

SARMs are generally much easier to access than Prohormones. Sarms are widely available in both online stores and many retail pharmacies, making them very accessible for anyone looking to purchase them. Prohormones on the other hand, are much rarer and are much more difficult to come across. They are banned in many countries, making them illegal to purchase and possess. 

Overall, when it comes to getting access out of prohormones versus SARMs, it has to be SARMs. SARMs are available on both OTC and underground markets without restrictions, while prohormones are banned in the USA and most parts of the world. Moreover, SARMs offer fewer side effects than prohormones, which makes it safer to use. Therefore, it is clear that SARMs are a better option when looking for something to reach your fitness goals. 

Benefits of SARMs Vs Benefits of Prohormones 

Two of the most popular supplements used by athletes and bodybuilders are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and Prohormones. Both have their own unique benefits, but which is the better choice? Let's take a closer look at the benefits of SARMs versus the benefits of Prohormones to find out. 


For starters, let's talk about the safety of these two products. SARMs are known to be safer than Prohormones, because unlike Prohormones, SARMs do not increase levels of other hormones in the body like estrogen or cortisol, which can cause adverse side effects. Additionally, SARMs are also non-methylated, meaning they will not be broken down and converted into other chemicals in the body that can cause additional health risks. 

When it comes to the benefits of SARMs and Prohormones, both have their merits. SARMs are typically used to increase muscle mass and strength, while Prohormones are mainly used to increase muscle size and strength. Both can help with cutting cycles, with SARMs being slightly more effective due to their ability to target specific muscle groups. 

In terms of side effects, SARMs have significantly fewer than Prohormones, making them the better choice if you are looking to avoid negative health repercussions. SARMs are also known to have fewer and milder side effects than Prohormones. They have also been found to be more effective at increasing muscle mass and strength in a shorter period of time. 


Finally, when it comes to cost, SARMs are generally more expensive than Prohormones, but the cost is far outweighed by the potential benefits. While Prohormones may seem cheaper on the surface, their potential for health risks and adverse side effects makes them a more costly choice in the long run. 

SARMs offer a number of benefits compared to Prohormones, from increased safety and fewer side effects to better results in a shorter period of time. While Prohormones may appear to be the more cost-effective choice, their potential health risks make them a less than ideal option. Ultimately, when it comes to bodybuilding and strength training, SARMs are the superior choice. 

Given their safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness, SARMs are the preferred choice for bodybuilders and athletes looking to get the most out of their training. The benefits of SARMs compared to Prohormones are clear, and make them the right choice for anyone looking to get the most out of their bodybuilding and strength training.  

Usage Methods of SARMs Vs Usage Methods of Prohormones 

SARMs are typically taken orally in pill form, but can also be taken in liquid form or topically. Prohormones are most commonly administered through injection, but can also be taken orally in pill form or topically. Injectable Prohormones are much more potent than those taken orally or topically. 

Side Effects of SARMs Vs Side Effects of Prohormones 

SARMs are generally considered to be relatively safe, with few side effects being reported by users. Let’s find out side effects of both of these substances: 

Side effects of SARMs 

SARMs are considered to be safe, but it’s important to remember that they are still a hormonal manipulation. Common side effects of SARMs include suppression of natural testosterone production, increased estrogen levels, water retention, and decreased libido. 

These side effects are typically not as severe as those associated with anabolic steroids, but it is still important to be aware of them and take steps to mitigate them. For example, if you’re taking a SARM, you should also include a SERM, which is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, in your supplement stack to help prevent potential estrogen-related side effects. 

Side Effects of Prohormones 

Prohormones can have serious side effects. These can include liver toxicity, increased cholesterol levels, increased blood pressure, and increased risk of cancer. Some prohormones can also lead to the development of male breasts (gynecomastia). Prohormones can also be converted by the body into anabolic steroids, so their side effects may be similar. 

It’s important to research each product carefully before using it, and to use it safely and responsibly. 

Pricing Of SARMs Vs Pricing Of Prohormones 

SARMs are generally more affordable than Prohormones. SARMs are typically available for around $50 - $100 per month, while Prohormones can cost anywhere from $100 to $200 per month. The cost of Prohormones can also vary greatly depending on the particular product, as some are more expensive than others. 

Conclusion: SARMs Vs Prohormones 

No matter which one you choose, SARMs or Prohormones, it’s important to remember that both can be incredibly beneficial in reaching your fitness goals. It really boils down to what you’re looking to accomplish and how much risk you’re willing to take in order to get there. Taking a thorough look at the benefits and drawbacks of each option can help you make a decision that’s right for you. Ultimately, focussing on healthy habits and making conscious decisions to support your fitness journey are the best ways to ensure success.

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