
Want Exponential Growth In Business? Better Manage Your Time

Dr Vivek Bindra's powerful strategies will help you strike a balance and utilize time most effectively.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities” On average, we spend only 20% of our time in a day on work and the rest 80% is consumed for things that have “little or no value”. Surprised? Yes, you heard it right! 

 The essence of the popular saying “time and tide wait for none” is that time is a perishable commodity and, once lost, cannot be retrieved. No one can add more hours to his day, and that’s the ultimate truth. To get success in business, time management is the most crucial thing. You should have the skill to manage your time most productively. From client meetings, business deals to product launches, time management is the art that decides your success and failure. 

The subject of Dr Vivek Bindra’s online webinar was based on 50 powerful time management strategies. The webinar was on “Peak Performance and Productivity” to help entrepreneurs exponentially increase their productivity. Entrepreneurs usually don’t have the experience and the right knowledge to implement strategies, prioritize work and delegate responsibilities. These 50 powerful strategies by Dr Bindra will help them strike a balance and utilize time most effectively. 

Small business owners cannot afford to waste time with bad time management and inefficiency. They often juggle between administration, managing employees, marketing, chasing leads, taking care of clients, managing web presence, and a myriad of other necessary activities. This productivity webinar aims to train such business owners to understand the difference between “busyness” and “business” and prioritize the tasks in order of importance to unlock their time from daily business operations and create more value for customers to grow their businesses.  

Businesses that utilize good time management are better positioned to deliver their product or service on time consistently. Good time management also means that a business can solve problems without hampering day-to-day operations. Also, a planned, structured schedule provides extra time for problem-solving or unforeseen circumstances. 

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