
TradeX Predictions Market: Invest on your opinion and predict the future accurately

TradeX is a prediction market platform which works as a new generation stock exchange dedicated to trading on every day event outcomes. TradeX is a platform for common man. People have strong opinions on things which are happening around them for example Covid, Omnicorn, Movie releases, Crypto regulations, govt policies etc, TradeX comes at the intersection of trading and skill based gaming in the form of event contracts. Investors buy either "Yes” or "No" contracts based on whether they think the event will happen or not, allowing them to capitalize on their opinions.

Investing is all about putting money on your opinion about stocks, coins or any other asset class but yet for the investors correlating the everyday news impact on their asset is not directly connected. Impact of the event can be seen indirectly on the asset which is difficult for investors to correlate. TradeX is solving the exact problem of creating an event based predictions market where investors can take direct exposure to an event to either double down on your other investments or hedge positions.

The financial universe is expanding.Markets for digital assets and information are getting more valuable day by day, and with the information age the underlying asset value definition is moving towards the value of information. Derivatives market on information like TradeX is an attempt to capture that market where users can trade on their opinions.
Data collected on what people think about different events related to politics, economy, entertainment would be very useful for govts, organisations and market researchers to see the real time opinions of the masses about any particular topic.

TradeX has launched an app which can be accessed here. Currently serving to Indian market and soon planning to launch for global markets as they are setting up their HQ in USA. This is an entirely new model on how we invest and engage with the information available to us. TradeX vision is to help world capture collective wisdom to make impactful decision.
A quote by Balaji Srinivasan, Prediction markets may be the one force strong enough to counterbalance the spread of incorrect information on social media. They give people a financial incentive to seek the truth and then protect them with the twin shields of pseudonymity and decentralization.

About Trade X
TradeX was founded in 2021 by Divij Goyal and Ankit Shrivastava. Both are graduate from IIT roorkee and have worked in companies like JPMC, Ziploan, CityMall, Sapient, Ladbrokes. The Duo have launched many gaming products in part before finalising the predictions market as space. The company has raised USD 1 Mn from a number of marque investors like Maninder Gulati, Anupam Mittal, Rajesh Shawney, Hitesh Chawla, Cem Garih, Justing Mateen, Fethi, Soma Capital.

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