
Taal Mell: A Thoughtful Initiative Towards A Sustainable World

Taal Mell focuses on launching environment-friendly and sustainable products made out of earthly material.

Despite the current state of industrial and economic growth, several businesses are trying to help boost the economy amidst this catastrophic coronavirus pandemic.

Can you ever imagine launching a business during the world’s most extensive lockdown? Is launching your business in the lockdown going to turn out as a sound decision? Will such a business last the test of time? These are just some starter-pack questions that the founders of Taal Mell didn’t want to go over.

Both the young and charismatic founders, Harshi Choudhary and Parag Maheshwari, are college graduates who decided to set foot in a world of chaos to save the world.

After losing their dearest campus placement opportunities due to the exhausting coronavirus pandemic, they didn’t want to waste a minute longer sulking about it. So, on June 7, 2020, the two intellectual youths metamorphosed their mindful initiative into a promising venture to create a sustainable world.

Fuelled with their state-of-the-art ideas and sheer strong will, the two determined friends established their brand, “Taal Mell”, with the firm belief that beauty lies in the coordination and oneness of our rarest efforts to save the world.

Taal Mell focuses on launching environment-friendly and sustainable products made out of earthly material. With good quality and eco-friendly products, the brand aims to eradicate plastic from the face of the Earth, a gruelling challenge but one that they have wholeheartedly accepted.

They want to make this world a better place, and the only way to make real change is by catering to the needs of even the deprived sections of society. Thus, they decided to launch their earthly products at the lowest price possible with their qualities, the best they could provide.

Finding plastic is easy, and finding plastic products a lot easier. But finding alternative solutions to plastic is an uphill task. The founders of Taal Mell knew about this from the very first day. The fact that sustainable products they were about to launch were sold at the highest prices in the market was quite surprising. So, convincing themselves to manufacture the products at the most reasonable price meant sacrificing their profits.


The prices of raw materials surged, their out-of-pocket expenses were rising, but they refused to let that deter them. Amidst the stringent Covid-19 restriction guidelines to delayed product samples to get their company registered, they were confronted with an unprecedented challenge every other day. Challenges they faced heads-on.

Taal Mell’s motto, “Sustainability should be made accessible to everyone”, is more than just a couple of words bunched together and their products are a living testimony of the same.
Taal Mell made their first breakthrough in the market by introducing some exclusively designed copper bottles. The motive behind such an intricate design was to stun future environmentalists looking to switch to an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles. They have an impressive range of admirable print copper bottles that provide potent health benefits at a very nominal price.

The passionate 20-year-old founders are committed to offering the best quality plastic alternative products at the most affordable prices for everyone. And, if any responsible citizen is ready to change their lifestyle choices in a way that would make way for a sustainable world, then it is time for them to swear by Taal Mell.


In February 2021, Taal Mell was recognized as the Swatch Bharat Ambassador by the government. Its continuous and conscientious efforts towards eradicating plastic by offering attractive and cheaper sustainable product alternatives were honoured and much appreciated. (Products include copper bottles, wooden combs, recycled paper pens, coconut shell bowls, and many more.)

From the first product you require in the morning to the last thing you will need, Taalmell has you covered.

With a lot more in store, Taal Mell is ready to bring a revolutionary change in such hard times, help individuals escalate towards a positive lifestyle change, and rescue and reclaim the Earth.

In this war for our survival, join Taal Mell as they fight, teeth bared and arms out-Ready to weed out plastic from the face-off this planet.

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