
Sushmita Duttagupta’s Interest In The Emerging Market Of Cryptocurrency

Sushmita Duttagupta is an entrepreneur, a businesswoman and a Beauty pageant queen. She was crowned Mrs.India international 2021 as well as Mrs.Asia Universe 2021.

 Cryptocurrency is no longer just a term discussed by your tech-savvy friend or someone who is a long-term follower and investor in digital currency. It has now evolved into a multi-billion dollar trade that can no longer be ignored or brushed aside as something for the future. The future is now, and it’s rapidly growing, with people from all walks of life and giant corporations taking notice of the digital currency and its value. The most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin, now has a value of sixty-two thousand USD. Bitcoin is the biggest driving force behind the idea of a world economy based on digital currency. No central banks are involved in this economy, providing people with more freedom and security about their investments and transactions. That isn’t to say cryptocurrency is here without its doubters. It is indeed a volatile currency at this current stage, with many people believing it is a speculative investment rather than an actual currency with real value. Investors aren’t fazed by these doubts, though, because they think it will be the right decision in the long term.

Entrepreneurs and companies have already taken the initiative in their investment. Elon musk’s company Tesla buying over 1.5 billion worth of bitcoin and announcing it will accept bitcoin as payment is a huge Indication of the prospects of cryptocurrency. Along with that, El Salvador made bitcoin an official legal tender of the country earlier this year. Close to home, India is now planning to regulate cryptocurrency, indicating it embraces the digital currency and its trade. All these signs are encouraging more and more entrepreneurs to invest in cryptocurrency. One such entrepreneur is Mrs. Sushmita Duttagupta, a businesswoman who is using her vast experience to expand her investment in cryptocurrency

Sushmita Duttagupta is an entrepreneur, a businesswoman and a Beauty pageant queen. She was crowned Mrs.India international 2021 as well as Mrs.Asia Universe 2021. Her first business, a seafront restaurant in the Middle East, was a huge success. She also has a Masters degree in project management which she completed in the UK.

As an entrepreneur, Sushmita Duttagupta has always been keen on new challenges and taking initiatives towards the future. This determination to always keep growing and diversifying is what has interested her in forex trading. With the help of her successful business experience, she’s invested and traded in the growing market.
One particular investment that has caught her attention is cryptocurrency. She believes in cryptocurrency and its role in helping the digital economy. The potential use of cryptocurrency in various industries and markets such as real estate and e-commerce is very exciting.

The younger generation prioritises safety and security when doing transactions online, a belief shared by Sushmita Duttagupta, which is why the cryptocurrency attracts investments from young entrepreneurs, as it is a decentralised currency with peer-to-peer transactions using blockchain technology, which is virtually impossible to hack into or tamper.

If you’re planning to invest in cryptocurrency, it is important to do your research and start small while managing risk.

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