
Sketching History: Arvind Arora, Aka A2 Motivation, Made A Breathtaking Record Of Crossing 10 M Subscribers In Just 11 Months

Today he has become a leading YouTube star, and strikingly his channel A2 Motivation made a breathtaking record of reaching 10 million subscribers in just 11 months.

Tasting success after the struggle is the most exemplary moment of life, and when the journey becomes continuous with consistent progress, it is a blessing indeed. Such is the blessed personality of A2 Motivation founder Arvind Arora. He, with his struggling journey, has proved his own words, "People will try to push you down depending upon your status, listen to them but never revert because if you would revert then, you will never reach the point where God wants to see you."

Today he has become a leading YouTube star, and strikingly his channel A2 Motivation made a breathtaking record of reaching 10 million subscribers in just 11 months. This has created a sensation among the masses as the count is touching 10.7 million, and he is the only YouTuber who has gained over 5.5 billion views. No other individual YouTuber has ever been able to reach this number.

The channel is sketching history by producing highly motivational facts, health content, which astonishingly has made it the World's No.1 short channel on YouTube. In a breathtaking record, he touched 811 million views in just 28 days.

Beginning his YouTube journey as a Chemistry teacher and then expanding his horizon as Video Creator, he has added sensational dynamism to the working of YouTube. He currently owns 9 YouTube Play Buttons, out of which 7 are Sliver, and two are Golden. Adding another feather to his cap, he is on the verge of receiving the Diamond Play Button, an award given to channels when they reach or surpass 10 million subscribers. He was even featured in Josh Talks and was also interviewed by Radio City. Many acclaimed newspapers like Mid-day, Hindustan Times, Daily Hunt, The Indian Saga, Apn News and many more talk about his success story.

There is a huge list of his achievements, but this was not a one-day makeover. Instead, he took several decisions and experienced many downturns before reaching this pinnacle.

Arvind Arora belonged to a small town from Rajasthan and had a simple life. He also had simple desires like an ordinary fellow; he had never thought of exploring the digital world and had initially thought of joining his father in their family's shopkeeping business.  But as is said that destiny comes with many opportunities, and it is just that we need to know and catch them. Arvind believes, "Fate is linked to merging of readiness with opportunities, so be ready when you are served opportunities"; never let other's decide for him and made the right strike at the right time.

Considering a humble family background, he self-independently did his graduation in engineering by taking a loan. He unflinching stood against all the odds with a thought that he no one else but he only is the director of his own life. 


Throwing some light on his personality, he is a man who believes in hard work. Even at this stage of success, he says that one should keep working because reaching success is not the end but a beginning.  Validating this thought, he has been consistently working to deliver the best content on YouTube.  He comes with three videos daily, and nothing can change his determination of delivering this number per day. Moreover, his channel produced 1300+ videos in just 11 months, a record not even imagined by other YouTube channels.

After crowing himself with success, he now endeavours to extend his success mantra with those who aspire to rise in the digital world. He has been inspiring them to become emotionally, financially and digitally strong.

He, with his hard work, has established his saying, "I won't ever change my dreams to match my status, rather I would change my status to match my dreams". This determination reflected in his words has made him stand against all odds and taste the elixir of success.


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