
Psycho-Spiritual Insights From Yogi Shivan – The Practical Yogi On World Mental Health Day

The most important thing for mental health is to know what the mind is. That is knowledge of the source of the mind and its function.

Yogi Shivan is one of the most prominent Gurus of ancient wisdom and Indian Culture. With admirers and disciples from across the globe, the 'Practical Yogi' points out to the spiritual base of psychological health -  World Mental Health Week Special.

1) Why is spirituality important for psychological health? What is a Spiritual Quotient for modern man? 

The most important thing for mental health is to know what the mind is. That is knowledge of the source of the mind and its function. For such knowledge, we need to lead the ego beyond the three realms of consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness. Meditation or soul-searching is the process of going beyond the mind to know the mind. The mind, which is bound only to the senses, becomes strong and energetic only when firmly established in the ultimate truth, The soul. That is why it is said that spirituality is essential for mental health.

The answer to the question of modern man's spiritual quotient is twofold—zero and full. The spiritual quotient of the man who uses the achievements of modern science in the limited sense of me and mine alone is zero. Fear and anxiety will rule him. But the man who experiences the achievements of modern science in a spiritual consciousness will enjoy perfection and contentment. 

2) As a Guru who has a following from continents, what are the basic spiritual practises for better mental well being? 

Man is a man in every corner of the globe. Ultimately, all human beings have the same characteristics, except for a few environmental differences. Therefore, it is safe for every human being to know the intricate rules and regulations of Mother Nature and live according to them. Meditation is a way to gain a deeper understanding of the laws of nature. The practical way of meditation is yoga. The best way to attain mental health is to eat only when hungry, practice asanas as medicine and keep your mind in a meditative state through simple and scientific pranayama. 

3)      There is a disproportionate increase in suicides, alcoholism, drug abuse, family breakdown, mental unwellness issues in today's world. What is the solution from a 'Practical Yogi'?

These questions can only be answered on two levels because the first part of the question is the increase in the number of suicides, and the second is drug addiction and related problems. They are two sides of the same coin. Both of these problems have arisen whenever man has reached the pinnacle of material comforts.


The existence of our life depends on the subtle laws of nature. At the same time, we are entitled to enjoy the senses. Sensory pleasures are being experienced through vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. But the enjoyment of these pleasures can be tiring after a certain limit. Then, the mind will try to experience pleasure beyond the senses. The pleasure beyond the senses is known as spiritual bliss. This ecstatic feeling is a special kind of intoxication. In spiritual language, it is called Anandalahari. Everyone can enjoy this intoxication through yoga. Those who are unable to experience Anandalahari through yoga will try to attain it through other intoxicants. It causes devastating physical and mental problems. Those who are unable to bring the mind to a state of spiritual bliss through these two means will find refuge in suicide.

Intoxication is essential for the modern man who is tired of enjoying all the material pleasures through scientific achievements. Without a secure spiritual intoxication, he would surely become addicted to material intoxicants. The way out of this predicament is to make scientific meditation methods available for everybody. 


4)      Materialism is the ruling philosophy of the world. People are burning themselves out in a rat race for wealth and resources.  How can Yogic wisdom raise their consciousness?

 This is a continuation of the last question. Man who enjoys sensual pleasures and material gains will strive to attain more and more and keep it under his control. He does not know why. Yet, the capture will continue. Gradually that effort turns into addiction and insanity. Spiritual tradition underlines that material gains are momentary illusions. But the joy of the soul is eternal. The only solution to the dilemma of the modern man is to make the essence of this ancient wisdom accessible to all. Yoga awareness is a simple and safe way to do that. The way to awaken the social conscience is to convey the benefit and importance of self-knowledge to everyone.

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