
Problems Caused Due To Poor Oral Hygiene

Your mouth can show the world what kind of problem your body possesses.

Most of us associate the perfect smile with beauty. Showing your pearl white teeth to others can be satisfying, and a person doing that seems to be oozing with confidence. In today's era, it has become important to maintain proper oral hygiene. Your mouth seems to be the window to your body. Doctors say that your health can be assessed based on your oral hygiene. Your mouth can show the world what kind of problem your body possesses.

For a long time, people did not understand the importance of a healthy mouth. When we take a deep dive into human history, we will find that we have evolved a lot in oral hygiene. We did not always brush our teeth or floss our mouths. While in the wilderness, we did care about our teeth. However, today, oral hygiene has become an inseparable part of our lifestyle.

What is Oral Hygiene?

Oral hygiene is the method of taking care of your dental region to prevent diseases and disorders. A healthy oral region is an indication of a healthy both, both physiologically and psychologically. Humans tend to be attracted to visuals, and having healthy oral hygiene ultimately reflects your confidence.

How is Oral Health connected to the Overall Health of the body?

Doctors usually start inspecting your nails, mouth, eyes, etc., when diagnosing your disease. Studies have discovered a link between poor dental health and clinical symptoms of underlying systemic illnesses, which has heightened the importance of oral health in recent years. People believe that a healthy tongue can be an indication of a healthy body. Based on Mayo Clinic's researches and studies, oral germs and inflammation are linked to heart disorders, endocarditis, infection of the heart's lining, and other conditions. According to American Heart Association (, bacteria can enter your circulatory system through your mouth and can cause infective endocarditis as a result of poor dental hygiene, dental procedures, etc. Infectious endocarditis is an infection of the heart valves that can be fatal.

What are the Symptoms of Oral Problems?

Most of the time, we neglect the common symptoms that indicate a problem in our oral hygiene. Some of the common symptoms that can indicate poor oral hygiene include ulcers, sores, or tender areas in the mouth that won't heal after a week or two, bleeding or swollen gums after brushing or flossing, chronic bad breath, sudden sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or beverages, pain or toothache, loose teeth, receding gums, pain with chewing or biting, swelling of the face and cheek and so on. When you encounter these kinds of symptoms, visiting your dentist is the most viable option. If you live in Canada, you can visit a dentist in Calgary SW, or if you live in India, you can choose from the directory according to your location.

What Causes Dental Diseases?

Our mouth cavity consists of bacteria, viruses, and fungi and most of them are considered harmless. A high-sugar diet, on the other hand, promotes the growth of acid-producing bacteria. This acid eats away at tooth enamel, causing cavities. Plaque is a sticky matrix that bacteria near your gum line grow on. If plaque is not eliminated consistently with brushing and flossing, it builds up, hardens, and migrates along the length of your tooth. Gingivitis is a disorder that occurs when your gums get inflamed


Types of Dental diseases

Following are the most common types of oral or dental problems:

  • Cavities (Caries or Tooth Decay): There are tooth regions with one hole in them. These teeth are damaged due to poor oral hygiene. They happen when bacteria, food, and acid combine to produce plaque on your teeth. The acid present in your mouth destroys the enamel, then the dentin, or connective tissue beneath it. This can cause lasting damage over time.
  • Gingivitis: Gingivitis (gum disease): Gingivitis, a gum inflammation, is a condition in which the gums become inflamed. It is caused by plaque build-up on your teeth as a result of bad brushing and flossing habits. If not treated on time, it can cause your gums to enlarge and bleed. Moreover, in certain cases, Periodontitis can develop if gingivitis is not addressed.
  • Periodontitis: Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that can result in tooth loss as well as other serious health issues. It can also set off a chain reaction of inflammation throughout the body.
  • Cracked or Broken Teeth: This can be a result of some injury or due to the biting of hard meals. A fractured tooth is excruciatingly painful. If you have a cracked or fractured tooth, you should see your dentist immediately.

How to treat Dental Problems?

Nowadays, there are many modern and traditional techniques to treat your teeth. Depending on the severity of your Oral problem, a dentist might recommend one or more of the following:

  • Antibiotics: These are prescribed in case you have severe pain in your dental region.
  • Fillings: A filling is a dental restoration that is used to fix a cavity, crack or hole in the tooth. After removing the damaged region of the tooth with a drill, the dentist will replace the hole with a material such as an amalgam or composite.
  • Root Canal: It is prescribed if your tooth decay has reached down to your nerve. In a root canal, the nerve is removed and replaced with biocompatible filler, which is commonly a combination of gutta-percha and adhesive cement.
  • Flap Surgery: A surgeon makes a small cut in the gum to raise a portion of tissue during a flap surgery. The tartar and bacteria beneath the gums are then removed. After that, the flap is sewn back into place around your teeth.

Prevention is better than cure

One must understand the severity of poor oral hygiene and work on taking care of it. It is better to take precautions and prevent any mishaps from happening rather than complaining and regretting them later. As we have all been taught, brush your teeth twice a day without fail. Make sure to use brush your teeth with a smooth-bristled brush and floss regularly. Follow a balanced diet that includes high-fibre, low-fat, and low-sugar food. Limit your daily sugar consumption. Make sure to visit your dentist every six months or so to take care of your gums and teeth.

To summarize, one must be aware of the significance of personal and dental hygiene and take care of one's health. We must face the truth that our oral hygiene reflects the state of our bodies. Our physiological state can sometimes be influenced by the characteristics of our mouths. Proper maintenance of your teeth and gums will pay you off in the long run. It will also brighten your mood and help you gain confidence. Oral cleanliness is frequently linked to a healthy mind and a better psychological condition.

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