
Tech-Entrepreneurs Tap Into AI Potential To Offset Pandemic Challenge.

Vedanta Aluminium and Power business has deployed cutting-edge technologies to safeguard its workforce against the pandemic.

Even after one and a half year since its outbreak, the pandemic is nowhere near over. However, as much as common people are suffering, several companies too are walking a tight rope between keeping their operations going and ensuring the safety of their employees. Thankfully, new-age digital technologies have been enabling businesses to create a safe work environment for their employees.

Vedanta Aluminium and Power business has deployed cutting-edge technologies to safeguard its workforce against the pandemic. By adopting the best-in-class digital solutions, it has limited the need for human interventions in its operations without compromising the quality of its products. In addition to this, the company has been ramping up treatment infrastructure, vaccination drives and quarantine facilities for its 7000-odd people working across its plants.

Amid the pandemic, a number of tech entrepreneurs also have been tapping the potential of AI and deep-tech in their bid to help the world tackle the pandemic as well as other contemporary challenges.

The investment by Rajat Khare, founder of Boundary Holding, in Bleenco is one such example. The latter is a Munich-based company that develops scalable artificial intelligence-powered solutions for the protection of industrial workers against operational risks and covid-19. Furthermore, the AI entrepreneur has also invested in companies with disruptive business ideas such as Konux and Infinidome, and enabled them to grab market opportunities.

From accompanying people who feel lonely during quarantine to streamlining business operations and ensuring people's safety, AI and machine learning have definitely been playing a major role across all industries and spheres of life. Interestingly, as India grapples with the deadly second wave of the pandemic, it also witnessed the highest adoption of AI. A majority of the chief executives have either adopted or are seeking to leverage AI in their companies. However, AI entrepreneurs too are looking for investment opportunities within the country and across foreign shores to give the much-needed boost to AI start-ups during these trying times.

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