
Fitness-911's Adutiya Veer On Losing fat, Not Nutrition

They believe or are made to believe in fad diets, including starvation, caloric deficit, popping pills, gulping down apple cider vinegar or lemon water constantly.

It has become a trend that everyone is trying to get thin in a short period. People will do anything to lose those extra kilos and trim that beer belly. It's like a pandemic in itself, says Adutiya Veer, the managing director of Fitness-911, a Greater Noida based Fitness brand.

The approach most people have towards weight loss is fundamentally flawed. They believe or are made to believe in fad diets, including starvation, caloric deficit, popping pills, gulping down apple cider vinegar or lemon water constantly. There is another thing going around in the fitness arenas of steroid abuse. The reality is that steroids don't help in fitness but only in aesthetic aspects. Most Bollywood actors showing off their abs on screens and their surprising three-month transition for a particular movie does nothing but increase the expectations of general gym-goers. Looking at them, everyone wants to achieve the same fitness levels in no time to flaunt their bodies similarly.

The most common fads in the fitness industry are spot reduction, building just the abs and biceps amongst boys and the glutes amongst the females. Most people do lose weight by cutting out portions from their diets. While you cut portions, your body is either working the same or more than usual and then cutting out portions leads to cutting out nutrition from their diets. This further leads to faster ageing, slower metabolism, weaker muscles and bones, greying of hair at an earlier than usual age with a constant feeling of lethargy in their bodies.

It has become a trend that to lose fat and inches. People tend to cut off the essentials from their diet. The first thing to go away is the fat in oils. Every nutritionist always asked everyone to cut out edible oils from their diet, labelling them as oily food. What's important to note is that these essential oils are equally necessary for the body, just like engine oil is used to grease a car engine. Next comes carbohydrates being convicted of weight gain all over the globe. As Indians, it is hard to accept the fact that we need to need cut carbohydrates from our diets to lose weight as most of our staple food is in the form of carbohydrates - roti, rice etc. following suit is the overconsumption of protein which is advised by every gym trainer ever. People fail to realise that overconsumption of protein will not lead to weight loss in any form whatsoever. The extra protein will only make you feel bloated and increase fat eventually, as new protein will get stored somewhere somehow.


Holistically approaching weight loss should be increasing your daily physical activity and consumption of calories equitably. This won't lead to any deficiencies whatsoever and thus proves to be a sustainable way to get fitter. People resorting to crash diets, starvation, and meal replacements like Herbalife etc., are doing more damage than anyone else. Yes, you'll lose weight with these fads, but you'll lose nutrition, and you'll put on weight faster than you lost it once you switch back to a normal diet.

Adutiya Veer is an Indian Lawyer/Scholar and the managing Director of a rising fitness brand called 'Fitness-911'. He aims to spread awareness about being fit and help as many people as possible in getting mentally and physically fit.

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