
Entrepreneur Ankita Valand Inspiring Youth With Her Phenomenal Success

While talking about professional networking tips, she quoted that 'To counter the difficulties, her advice to other young entrepreneurs is to build a solid network of contacts and seek the support of experienced business people.'

Ankita Valand has pursued entrepreneurship to leave a mark in the world and more so in the corporate sector. With her venture MR. CAFE and owing to her consistent hard work and exclusive focus on her venture, she has garnered success, respect and has become one of the renowned young business entrepreneurs.

 "STRONG and IMPACTFUL" is the perfect set of words to describe entrepreneur Ankita Valand's personality. She has to her credit a master's degree. After struggling for a  long in life and overcoming all the major ups and down now, she has received the kind of recognition that she deserves in several different business and social leagues. She truly believes that her experience has taught her the best and most in life and has made her what she is. She has climbed the charts of success with her consistent and deliberate efforts and hard work. Along with running a business successfully, she has also endorsed many well-known Brands like Ritu Kumar, Suruchi Parekh, Virchand, Kg Fitness Gym, and many more brands on the list.  Diamond city of Gujarat,  Surat truly has in its fold shining, hardworking and talented gems that are commendable.

 Entrepreneur Ankita Valand is a  renowned businesswoman, and the due credit goes to her ethics and captivating way to develop a brand along with her Brand Strategy. She is also a fitness Influencer and is a super enthusiastic person who is equally dedicated and focused on achieving even the smallest of her goals.

Her valuable and wonderful achievements include Trophy from  Kg Roadies 2018, and she has been the 1st runner up in the year 2019 for the same. She has also been felicitated by Vidhi Chaudhari DCP and Commissioner of Surat Ajay Tomar, and many more on the list. She has recently also been awarded by JCI METRO as Young Entrepreneur and youth inspiration. JCI - METRO being one of Surat's huge chapters where she has been recognized as a  prominent personality of Surat.

 In an exclusive chat, Ankita Valand revealed that she believes in setting goals that are "SMART" -  specific,  measurable,  attainable,  relevant, and time-bound and that which resonates with your core values and beliefs. She also added that unforeseen challenges are part and parcel of the entrepreneurial journey, and one should not hesitate in redirecting the ways to achieve goals and mentioned that it's of utmost importance to stick to your vision and goals in challenging times rather than giving up on it.


While talking about professional networking tips, she quoted that "To counter the difficulties, her advice to other young entrepreneurs is to build a solid network of contacts and seek the support of experienced business people."Get to know as many people as you can. Build relationships with people that are important in the industry."

Lastly, in conversation about her new venture entrepreneur, Ankita Valand said that starting a new business is never easy. Still, if you're determined enough, then it doesn't matter if anyone tells you that it's not a cup of your tea, or in this case, coffee.

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