
Confidence Is All That A Woman Leader Needs

In a world where leadership positions are predominantly occupied by males, it’s rare but a real treat when a powerful woman of substance makes her presence felt. One such inspiring woman business leader is Dr. Leena S. who has not only established but made a huge success out of her own luxury salon brand, The Nail Artistry.

We recently caught up with her for an interview and here are the excerpts:

Dr. Leena, we’ve heard that you believe that nails can help women leaders build confidence. Can you please share your insights into this.

Let me begin by saying that for a woman to be a really confident and authentic leader, she must recognize that she is individually different and use it to her advantage. When a woman leader prepares for a business meeting, she has to make an impact on two different levels, visually and with substance. People may be unforgiving of male leaders if they are not sharply dressed for a business meeting but will not spare a woman leader if she doesn’t look her best. I know it is chauvinist but that’s how it is. Gone are the days when the focus was on just your clothes or hair. Today, it’s only the perfectly manicured hands that everyone loves to shake. Your hands are in fact as visible as your face and everyone notices how beautiful or bad they look. If you are a woman leader, you’d know how relaxing a professional manicure can be. It puts you at ease and makes you feel prepared to take on the world. And that’s why I say, beautiful nails make confident woman leaders.

It is quite a unique segment that you work in.

I agree that this segment is very unique and niche and that’s the real beauty of it. The beauty industry has long ignored this segment and being a woman entrepreneur, I could see the opportunity. Nails might be small but they make a big impact. In business or in personal interactions people just can’t ignore how beautiful or dirty your nails are. If you wish to impress people in your meetings, you just have to take care of your nails and give them the same attention and care that you do for your face or hair.

Just what makes nails so important?

Nails are so important because we use our hands and feet all day long. While we do take good care of our face and hair, somehow we tend to ignore our hands and feet and that’s not fair. They need our attention too as we use them so much. It’s necessary to give our hands and feet the much deserved pampering and help them destress. It adds a lot to a woman’s overall feeling of wellbeing. Proper manicure and pedicure can be as extensive as taking care of your face and it actually gives you confidence and makes you ready to take on the world.


How is your brand, The Nail Artistry, different from its competitors?

We offer the most luxurious and safest salon experience to our patrons with a clear focus on nails, our USP. What we do at The Nail Artistry is unique and we have no real competition. Others might try to copy us but they can never copy our absolute focus as they don’t understand how significant a professional manicure or pedicure could be. And this is what we specialise in. We’re India’s first super luxury nail salon and our focus is altogether on a different level. No regular salon can even come close to the quality of service that we deliver to our clients.

How does it feel to be a successful woman business leader?

It really makes me feel content and liberated as a woman. I value achievements and being independent and it is only through my business that I seem to have control over the direction my life should take. It wasn’t easy to get where I am today and I can’t really claim that my success is all because of me. My husband and each one of my team members have put their faith in me and stood by me through the toughest of times. They all are the source of my real strength and I can never thank them enough.


What would be your advice to budding women business leaders?

Be very self-aware. Make sure that you get the right feedback so you can adapt your leadership style. Always be humble but never be afraid to call a spade a spade. Stay focused and ignore the noise and negativity around you. Most importantly, keep moving on. Hold your head high, stay focused and keep moving on. Nothing else matters.

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