
Ameer Merchant: A Deep Dive Into His Business Empire

His venture, Marine Enterprise, is one of the leading exporters of refurbished ship machinery and spares in the country. Through his brand Euphoria, Ameer introduced a revolutionary kitchen staple - fried onion flakes. Merchant’s Al Reza Foods has been a big player in the game for more than a decade.

Ameer Merchant, 31 is a globetrotter but not a traveller; his business operations are spread across the globe. Ameer dubs Bhavnagar, Mumbai, Dubai, and Iran as his home and continually works towards expanding his horizons in these places and beyond.

His venture - Marine Enterprise, is one of the leading exporters of refurbished ship machinery and spares in the country. Through his brand Euphoria, Ameer introduced a revolutionary kitchen staple - fried onion flakes. Merchant’s Al Reza Foods has been a big player in the game for more than a decade.

 We were curious to know more about Ameer Merchant and his life. Fortunately, he carved some time out of his day to answer some of our burning questions.

 Q: You are a successful man who built himself from the ground up. And anyone can see just how much you are committed to your work. I was curious as to what drives you, what motivates you?

Ameer: I am flattered that you think so highly of me. Yes, I am an established man, but everyone has different ways they define success. Everyone has different checkpoints past which they deem themselves successful. For me, I always move the goalpost one step higher whenever I achieve something. That is how I stay driven - I always push myself to do better and to push boundaries. 

 Q: Doesn’t it get tiring? Do you ever feel that you need a break?

Ameer: Oh no, on the contrary, I feel more at peace when I am working. Of course, I understand that there should be a work-life balance, and I believe that I maintain that, but I don’t step out of my house dreading work. I have worked hard to get where I am, and I would not have been able to do that had I not loved working. I have a passion for what I do, and it makes me feel alive and excited whenever I am doing something towards achieving my vision. 

 Q: That is a great outlook to have. But when running a business, it is very common to run into problems. Do they ever discourage you? How do you deal with the bumps that come with this road?

Ameer: Everyone has problems, not just businessmen. But our problems are not only problems for us, but we also have customers and employees who rely on us. So whenever I run into a problem, my first question is always “How long is it going to take to fix it?” because the longer you let it fester, the more hardships you are causing not just for yourself but also for others. Then I get to the bottom of the problem and fix it from the root, so it does not happen again. 


 Q: I will definitely try to implement that strategy when I run into trouble the next time. Maybe I, too, will become as successful as you. 

Ameer: (chuckles) Yes, yes, you should. How will you find out if you don’t try?

 Q: If you could give some advice to our readers as a parting message, what would you advise?

Ameer: Well, my advice is a mix of advice that my father and brother have given me and lessons from my own experience. I encourage everyone to introspect and know themselves, then live for themselves, not others.  Do not try to buy people’s respect or affection, do not try to befriend others by showing off shiny things. Because you will not be the one who matters, it is what you bring that will matter. Do the things that make you happy, and if you want to do something for others, try to be a good person to them. Lend a willing ear, a shoulder to cry on, and extend a helping hand whenever you can.

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