
Neuriva Reviews 2023: 5 Best OTC Nootropic Supplements Ingredients & Side Effects

Schiff Vitamins, a renowned company that produces many different kinds of nutritional supplements, is the company that developed the Neuriva brand of brain supplement. Their first foray into cognitive function enhancers, sometimes known as "smart medicines," is represented by the Neuriva brand.

Because of their ability to increase cognitive function, nootropic vitamins have become more popular, which has led to an explosion in the number of businesses that offer these brain supplements. 

The fact that they all claim their brain supplement as the "the best" is something that is perplexing. The research of nootropics is still in its early stages, and not all of these substances are created equally. 

Top 5 Neuriva Alternatives 

  • Noocube 

  • Mind Lab Pro  

  • Brain Pill  

  • What is Neuriva? 

    Schiff Vitamins, a renowned company that produces many different kinds of nutritional supplements, is the company that developed the Neuriva brand of brain supplement. Their first foray into cognitive function enhancers, sometimes known as "smart medicines," is represented by the Neuriva brand. 

    But an essential thing is to figure out whether or not this product is the best nootropic supplement that can currently be purchased. There are two primary criteria that must be met for a product to be considered a supplement that has the potential to improve cognitive functioning. 

    Components that have undergone scientific research and been proven to be beneficial to either the health of the brain or cognitive performance

    Neuriva Claims 

    To comprehend why Neuriva does not qualify as the finest nootropic pill and why lawsuits have been filed against it, let's examine its key claims. 

    1) It claims that the supplement may enhance memory and cognitive function. 

    2) Neuriva claims it may enhance concentration. 

    3) They also claim that this supplement may enhance precision, which we interpret as a reference to problem solving. 

    4) According to Neuriva, it enhances learning, which might be attractive to pupils. 

    5) It is said that nutritional supplements might enhance focus. 

    These five factors are, without a doubt, the most crucial advantages of any Nootropic pill. Every nootropic worth its salt should be able to make these claims. 

    However, these claims are difficult to prove since they must be supported by clinical evidence. In this regard, Neuriva falls short. 

    1. Nooceptin 

    SAP Nutra is a firm that operates in the supplement market and is responsible for the production of a variety of well-known and widely used supplement products. 


    When a corporation of this kind takes on the job of creating a nootropic pill, the topic becomes one of widespread attention. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that the company's initial nootropic product, Nooceptin, has been a huge success

    It is clear that the corporation used its most brilliant thinkers in the process of designing, formulating, and putting together the supplement. The end effect was an instant hit with the customers. 


    The following are some of the advantages gained by using the supplement: 

    • In the realm of memory: exceptional capacities for recall and storage 

    • In the field of neurotransmitters, there are becoming more of them. 

    • The management of stress and anxiety is reduced to the level of a game. 

    • Contributes to the development and continued function of brain chemicals 

    • Supports neuron connection 


    Nooceptin is a complete blend of six potent natural ingredients. They are:  

    • Ginkgo Biloba  

    • Citicoline  

    • Lion Mane Mushroom  

    • Panax ginseng  

    • Bacopa Monnieri  

    • L-Theanine  


    The supplement can be legally purchased at the authorized product website. 

    2. Vyvamind 

    The product is intended for people who need an extended duration of strong concentration on the issue, regardless of the time of day or whether it is night or day. Traders, high-performing professionals, pilots, doctors, academics, and even students are examples of such professionals. 

    Here are the benefits reported by users: 

    • Enhanced attention and concentration 

    • High energy levels 

    • increased productivity 

    • Improved cognitive capacities 

    Ingredients of Vyvamind 

    It is well known that caffeine is a stimulator. However, it is beneficial when consumed in the proper quantity. A larger quantity produces sleeplessness and discomfort, whilst a smaller quantity has no discernible impact. Vyvamind includes the appropriate quantity of caffeine to provide the desired level of stimulation. 

    L-Theanine: Thiamine counteracts some of the negative effects of caffeine, and the two perform well when together. Theanine has several more cognitive advantages. 

    L-Tyrosine is a cognitive enhancer found in all nootropic supplements. 

    Citicoline is a brain molecule that increases phosphatidylcholine, the primary component of the nootropic neuriva. Citicoline is also believed to impact the enhancement of other neurotransmitters. 


    Vitamin B12 

    Vitamin B6 

    3. Noocube  

    Noocube is a potent nootropic pill that has become a popular subject of debate among overworked students, busy professionals, and even retirees who were battling with mental stress and brain fog before they began using the supplement. 

    This brain product has all of the necessary elements to enhance attention, as well as increase cerebral blood flow, creation of neurotransmitters, and all three of those things together. 


    The numerous advantages of employing Noocube: 

    There are a variety of cognitive difficulties that may be remedied with Noocube because of its extraordinary mix of components. To mention a few, there is L-Tyrosine, which will assist with dealing with stress and depression; DMAE, which will increase attention and mental clarity; caffeine, which will improve memory and focus; and acetyl-L-carnitine, which will promote mood stability. All of these are just a few examples. 


    Users have reported considerable improvements in both their ability to concentrate and their overall level of energy. Users claim to be easily able to operate on less sleep while maintaining their productivity throughout the day within the first week. 


    Rapid recollection 

    Another advantage that consumers of Noocube found while using it was an improvement in their short-term recollection. This supplement assists in retrieving memories by keeping them fresh, which has several advantages, and it does this by keeping the memory pathways active. 

    Fast Processing skills 

    It was also discovered that using Noocube might assist the user in becoming more proficient in digesting information. Because of this, users are able to take in and digest more information at once, which is something that is essential for both students and professionals. 

    Noocube Ingredients  

    As was previously established, the components of Noocube are a formidable force when it comes to promoting the growth of brain cells. Let's do a quick evaluation of this list. There is a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine that is crucial for memory, learning, and attention. Alpha GPC is a supplement that may boost the synthesis of acetylcholine. Oat Straw is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to assist healthy blood flow to the brain. Both Cat's Claw and Bacopa Monnieri are excellent for memory enhancement, but Cat's Claw is particularly effective in reducing inflammation. Last but not least, Huperzine A is famous for its capacity to boost cognitive function and shield the brain from the deterioration that comes with advancing age. 

    Pricing for Noocube 

    The cost is $59.99 for a bottle that contains 60 capsules in total. This brain supplement gives long-term advantages, thus the price is absolutely nothing when weighed against those benefits. 


    It shouldn't come as a surprise that Noocube has been referred to as the "next generation brain supplement." Anyone who is seeking for a way to improve their cognitive function really ought to give this a go because of the well-researched substances it contains and the outstanding advantages it offers. 

    4. Mind Lab Pro  

    The natural nootropic stack that you need is Mind Lab Pro. Users who are searching for excellent cognitive function in terms of learning ability, memory, attention, and concentration will find that this particular brain supplement is the ideal choice for their needs. 

    Users have also noted that they feel better in terms of maintaining a stable mood and overall well-being; hence, Mind Lab Pro appears to be an excellent alternative to antidepressants as well. 


    Mind Lab Pro has an excellent mixture of substances that work together to treat a variety of cognitive problems.  

    Here are some of the essential components: 

    Rhodiola Rosea 

    Lion's Mane Mushroom 

    Bacopa Monnieri 

    Maritime Pine Bark Extract  


    Continuously High Concentration Levels 

    Users have reported seeing a discernible improvement in their mental productivity as well as a steady lessening of their levels of stress. The users of this supplement are also able to maintain their concentration for longer periods of time, which is a vital skill to have during extended meetings or prolonged presentations. 

    Heightened Energy Levels 

    Enhancing one's energy levels is very necessary for people who need to be able to focus intently for extended periods of time. It helps to provide that much-needed energy boost, and Mind Lab Pro does it without causing jitters or any other negative side effects. 

    Enhanced Memory Recall 

    Memory recall is much improved as a direct result of using Mind Lab Pro, making this one of the program's most important advantages. Memory, both short and long term, benefits from using this dietary supplement. 


    The brain-enhancing properties of Mind Lab Pro's nine naturally occurring, earth-grown substances have been scientifically shown. The following are the components: 

    Let's take a moment to study them in more detail.  

    Bacopa monnieri, an ingredient included in Mind Lab Pro, is well-known for the stress-relieving and memory-enhancing benefits it has.  

    In addition to this, it contains Rhodiola Rosea, which has been shown to increase one's levels of physical energy, and Maritime Pine Bark has been shown to give antioxidant support for the brain cells. 

    The Lion's Mane Mushroom has been shown to stimulate the formation of new nerves in the brain, which is a crucial benefit given that we lose brain cells on a daily basis.  

    Dopamine synthesis may be increased with the aid of N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, while the creation of neurotransmitters can be helped by the Vitamin B mix. 

    Lastly, Cognizin is an improved type of Citicoline that has been trademarked, and it speeds up the metabolism of brain cells. 


    Just $69.00 is required to get a 30-day supply of Mind Lab Pro. This is a very fair price for a cognitive enhancer that provides so many different advantages. 

    In addition, if you purchase in large quantities, you may take advantage of pricing that is far lower. 

    5. Brain Pill 

    Brain Pill is a very effective cognitive performance booster that has been given the apt moniker "The Unfair Advantage." 

    This pill is an ideal choice for you if you want to strengthen your overall brain function in order to better deal with the obstacles that you experience on a day-to-day basis, or if you want to temporarily raise your capacity for learning. 

    Due to the all-natural, quick-acting chemical combination that it contains and the extensive media attention that it has received, it has rapidly emerged as the most well-liked brain supplement among the student population. 

    Why is Brain Pill considered to be the most effective nootropic treatment for ADHD? 

    Currently, Brain Pill is the sole natural brain supplement available on the market that is solely geared at removing brain fog. For those who aren't acquainted with the term, "brain fog" refers to a state in which a person struggles to maintain mental clarity, suffers from poor memory, and has feelings of being "spacey." 

    On the other hand, there are a number of possible reasons for it. The effectiveness of Brain Pill may be attributed to its ability to increase blood flow to the forebrain, which in turn enhances mental cognition, memory, and neuroprotection. 

    Ensures That There Is No Sluggishness Involved In The Brain 

    There is such a thing as reaching a point of mental fatigue. When you put too much stress on the brain by asking it to do tasks that are above its capabilities, it will eventually become worn out, just like the muscles would feel after a workout. It will ultimately reach a point where it will take an age to process even the most fundamental of data packets. 

    Brain Pill is designed to maintain mental acuity by reducing feelings of mental exhaustion and boosting neuroplasticity. 

    Continuous Mental Stamina Throughout the Day 

    The problem with cognitive advantages brought on by stimulants is that their effects are just temporary, with benefits that only persist for a few hours at most. Because of this, the vast majority of people discover that they need to consume copious amounts of coffee to keep up with their work. It is possible that it may temporarily enhance your energy levels, but it will swiftly drain those levels again. 

    On the other hand, taking Brain Pill ensures that one's cognitive performance remains stable throughout the day without experiencing any mood swings, crashes or unequal levels. You remain in the zone the whole of the day, from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep. 

    Unmatched Mental Clarity 

    Brain Pill offers a level of mental clarity that is unmatched. Some students describe it as having a calming effect, while others describe it as the capacity to make snap decisions without being easily sidetracked. In addition, there is no stress or strain to cloud interfere with your ability to think clearly. 


    The Brain Pill is an exclusive formulation that consists of thirteen components, all of which are entirely natural and have been hand-picked for the positive impact they have on the chemical makeup of the brain. Without a shadow of a doubt, it is without a doubt one of the most complex formulations that we have ever come across on the market for health supplements. 

    Blending of concentration and cognitive processes 

    This is a mixture of neuroprotective chemicals, vitamins, and amino acids, all of which were covered in detail in the articles that came before this one. Because of this, the names will be sufficient to express the reasoning for their inclusion in Brain pill.  

    Amino acids like Tyrosine and L-Theanine , as well as powerful neurotransmitter precursors like PS and Citicoline, are included in this product. Also included are the vitamins B5, B6, and B12. 

    These compounds are capable of accomplishing a wide range of tasks, ranging from the production of energy to the improvement of attention. 

    Memory Matrix 

    The second blend, known as the "Memory Matrix," is comprised of the ingredients bacopa, vitamin b9, huperzine A, vinpocetine (a powerful naturally occurring substance that can be obtained in Europe only with a doctor's prescription), Ginkgo Biloba and DHA complex that includes essential fatty acids. 

    Brain Pill is a cutting-edge brain supplement that is currently on the market. It targets "brain fog," often known as a lack of clarity, which is one of the most underappreciated aspects of brain health. It is a strong mixture of thirteen different components, which include vitamins, amino acids, and botanicals, among other things. 


    • Because vitamins cause such a significant rise in blood flow, it is possible that taking vitamins might improve athletic performance. 

    • Maintains mental steadiness and steers clear of extreme mood swings. 

    • There are no peaks and valleys in the energy level. Unlike other smart drugs, this one helps you keep your energy level the same. 

    • Ginkgo biloba is an excellent supplement for boosting energy levels. 

    • This product comes with a full one hundred percent money-back guarantee. 


    When buying brain supplements or nootropics, it is necessary to be cautious. You only want to use those products that are helpful and will not cause any damage to your health or brain. Always verify the ingredients used in the supplements and consult a doctor before use. 

    Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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