
How To Get Rid of Man Boobs and Gynecomastia: See How To Eliminate Them With NO Surgery

What is gynecomastia and how can you get rid of it permanently … with natural methods?

Everyone admires a "rich" female breast.

However, what happens when men's tities start to grow larger than normal?

Prior to anything else, let get this straight: Everyone - men and women - has breast tissue.

While in women this tissue expands and grows a lot, for men (even most) the breast tissue never expands.

Nevertheless, what happens and in some men, this tissue begins to develop?

Is it a serious condition?

How can you get rid of man boobs?

Is there a way to deal with it and if so, does it necessarily require an operation?

In this article, we see what "male tities" are and how one can get rid of them, through surgery, or with 100% natural non-invasive methods.

We have to mention that the man boobs - which in medical terminology are called "gynecomastia" - are indeed a condition/disease usually due to hormonal changes in the male organism, sometimes related to the administration of specific medications, or in other cases to an underlying medical condition.

In general, this particular condition seems to be quite annoying, causing embarrassment to men suffering from it, often leading to problems in their sexual relationships, loss of self-confidence, antisocial behavior, and even depression.

In any case, let's state at this point, that while this is a really extremely uncomfortable situation for a man, there is no need to stress and be ashamed.

In fact, it is worth saying that - even if you feel alone - you are not.

According to statistics, nowadays, almost sixty-five (65) percent of men suffer from gynecomastia.

In addition, if this is not a reason to feel better, then let's make it clear that there is a way to deal with it and not necessarily surgical.

There are various treatment options for this condition, which certainly also depend on the causes of the existing gynecomastia in each patient.

Our team has collected all the information we think you would like to have about this condition, from surgical operations to non-invasive treatment methods applied at home.


Possible exercises, nutritional advice, but also preventive treatments.

We have found the most effective one hundred (100%) percent natural nutritional supplements against gynecomastia (for prevention and treatment) and we recommend it to you unreservedly (even professional bodybuilding athletes prefer to eliminate their mammary gland development problems).

The leading sports supplement company CrazyBulk, brings such a supplement under the name Gynectrol.

However, prior to going ahead, let's look at the phenomenon in detail and make available as much information as possible, on what it is/how it is caused/how it is treated/which possible risks it entails/and what the experts recommend.

“Man Boobs” - What they are (gynecomastia)

When we talk about gynecomastia we refer to the unwanted and abnormal enlargement of male tissue in the breast area.

This is a fairly large amount of fat accumulated in the male chest area, creating the effect of a woman's breast.


Is it dangerous ? Can you get rid of man boobs … and how ?

Gynecomastia - although not medically dangerous to a man's life or to general health - is a medical condition quite often leading to mental and emotional problems (such as increased anxiety, feelings of shame and embarrassment, lack of self-confidence and social withdrawal).

As already mentioned, gynecomastia is a swelling of the male breast tissue; however, it is completely harmless to health, a swelling completely benign.

The main cause of this breast development is the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone in the male body.

It is no coincidence that many athletes who use anabolic steroids face the problem of gynecomastia.

The use of various synthetic hormones (such as testosterone) and other anabolic steroids (as well as some SARMs) causes a serious disturbance in the hormonal balance of the user's body.


Usually, after such a cycle of strong chemical preparations a treatment cycle (PCT: Post Cycle Therapy) is also required.

Gynecomastia – What can cause it

Transient Neonatal Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia can occur in newborn boys.

This is a completely normal and non-worrying phenomenon, which is transient, disappearing within a few weeks.

This is because estrogen passes through the placenta from mother to baby.

Hormonal imbalance

As mentioned earlier, one of the most basic reasons for the manifestation of gynecomastia is the imbalance between sex hormones, that is, the male hormone (testosterone) and the female hormone (estrogen).

Estrogens - i.e. the female hormones (which are also present in the male body but in a smaller quantity - when they increase in quantity cause (among other things) the growth of breast tissue, what many call "man boobs".

We have to be clear at this point that all men produce some amount of estrogen, but they usually have much higher levels of testosterone (preventing estrogen from causing breast tissue to grow).


Nevertheless, a disturbance of this balance between sex hormones (for any reason) can cause the development of gynecomastia.

Some of these reasons may be hormone disruption during puberty and boy growth, advanced age and a natural decline in testosterone levels taking certain medications, abuse (alcohol, drugs, and pills) or even genetic reasons.


It is true. Excess fat is another serious cause, leading to the development of mammary glands in men.

As we mentioned above, gynecomastia refers to the deposition of a large amount of fat in the breast area.

Increased body weight can also significantly increase estrogen levels, which are then likely to cause an increase in breast tissue.

People who are overweight, or obese, have an extremely increased chance of developing gynecomastia.

Serious diseases

Sometimes another serious health condition (such as kidney failure, liver disease, Klinefelter syndrome, or blood clots and infections in the testicles) may be responsible for the onset of gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia – How it is treated - How to Get Rid of Man Boobs

Although gynecomastia is not an immediately life-threatening condition for men, there is no way that a man feels comfortable with developing female breasts.

This makes perfect sense.

Besides, who really wants to go into a surgery if there is not really a serious health reason threatening its life?

No one really.

Gynecomastia can therefore be treated both with surgery and with conservative measures (medications, diet, exercise or taking special non-pharmaceutical supplements such as Gynectrol from the CrazyBulk company).

In any case, referring to "proper treatment" we must first thoroughly examine the underlying causes of man boobs, if it is a temporary and non-worrying disorder, or if it is a more permanent problem requiring another kind of treatment.

Certainly, the therapeutic path to be followed also relates to the size of the problem, as well as to the patient's desire and the state of his general health.

Conservative treatment includes systematic observation and careful monitoring of the patient's course, discontinuing the drugs causing the problem and medical guidance, proper diet, physical exercise, avoiding abuses and taking natural nutritional supplements fighting gynecomastia (see Gynectrol by CrazyBulk).

Prescription medications may be used to treat gynecomastia with a doctor's prescription.

These drugs aim to return estrogen to the patient's body in a normal proportion to testosterone levels.

On the other hand, there is always the immediately effective (but not bloodless) method of surgery, usually applied in cases of long-term gynecomastia, i.e. in difficult reversible conditions or even when prescribed medication not working.

The surgical treatment can be applied in the following three (3) ways:

  • Subcutaneous mastectomy (with or without skin excision).

  • Mastectomy with liposuction

  • Liposuction using ultrasound.

  • Gynecomastia – How it is diagnosed

    To get rid of man boobs … you have to find out their cause.

    Gynecomastia occurs when the breast tissue is diagnosed to have a diameter greater than zero point five (0.5) cm.

    To determine the cause of swollen breasts correctly, a medical examination is required.

    The doctor - with the appropriate questions - will complete the medical history and collect information about the family's medical history (so the heredity factor can also be checked).

    In addition, the doctor may order other tests to determine possible causes (such as blood tests, hormone tests, mammography or ultrasound, MRIs, CT scans, X-rays or breast biopsies).

    Which diseases may be considered as responsible for its manifestation

    We have already mentioned hormonal disorders and obesity as the main causes of mammary gland development.

    However, let's take a closer look at some medical conditions and serious diseases, likely to cause this growth of a man's mammary glands, creating what we commonly call "man boobs".

    Below, we see some of these diseases and medical conditions:

    • Obesity

  • Liver diseases

  • Kidney disease

  • Lung cancer

    • Testicular cancer

  • Tumors of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland

  • Congenital disorders

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Injury or trauma

  • HIV

  • Disorders of the spinal cord

  • Breast cancer (for men)

  • Gynecomastia is usually a benign growth of breast tissue, a non-cancerous condition, carrying no major risks.

    Nevertheless, it may be associated with many different causes of hormonal changes and disorders in the male body, while most of the time the causes remain unclear.

    Which Drugs are likely to cause it

    Gynecomastia - as already stated - can also be a consequence of specific medications.

    As a side effect of drugs, it is usually transient and the problem stops when the treatment is


    Some of the drugs causing such growth in the male breast are:

    • antidepressants

    • antibiotics

  • chemotherapy

  • drugs for prostate cancer

  • medicines for the ulcer

  • medicines for cardiovascular diseases

    • drugs (such as heroin or marijuana)

  • anabolic steroids

  • Gynecomastia - How does medication help in getting rid of it?

    As already mentioned - making perfect sense - the treatment methods selected differ among the persons and the cases.

    The medical doctor assesses the situation, clarifies the causes of gynecomastia, and finally suggests the best and most effective method in dealing with it and its treatment.

    Usually, the doctor will suggest a conservative treatment method by changing the person's nutrition habits and introducing systematic exercise into their daily life.

    This applies in the event that the increase in mammary tissues is due to increased body weight.

    If some other medication is responsible for the creation of the increased breast size, then the doctor may prescribe alternatives not causing such side effects.

    However, sometimes the benefits outweigh the side effects, resulting in the person having to continue the same medications despite their embarrassing, unsightly and annoying side effects.

    Surely, there is always the case that the cause of gynecomastia is a medical issue, an underlying condition causing breast tissue to enlarge.

    In this case, the doctor will try medication (or any other method deemed necessary) to fight the underlying cause so the breast enlargement stops consequently.

    Surgery to remove excess breast tissue and get rid of man boobs is clearly a last resort.

    The operation is performed by the method of liposuction or surgical excision.

    Therefore, the drugs that the doctor will usually prescribe - especially if the problem cannot be treated with conservative treatment and natural methods - are drugs affecting and regulating the organic hormone levels.

    Some common drugs used in this case are Tamoxifen and Raloxifene.

    Could exercise help? What type of exercise is recommended?

    According to the experts, an ideal type of training is resistance training as well as cardio (which will help reduce the person's overall body weight).

    Certainly, an exercise program to perform better should be combined with healthy nutrition.

    The diet plan is formed according to the needs and goals of each patient.

    Proper exercise combined with a properly structured training program can help reduce body fat while protecting muscle from collateral losses.

    Clearly, an exercise program aimed at fighting gynecomastia should place particular emphasis on building chest muscles.

    Cardio - as stated above - contributes to the reduction of the total body mass (and therefore also the breast area).

    However, it cannot produce satisfactory results on its own.

    It is also necessary to develop special exercises targeting the chest muscles.

    For example, weight lifting can help reduce fat in the breast area and increase muscle stimulation and definition.

    If cardio is combined with resistance training, then the person can (however impossible it seems) lose body weight in general (and fat from the breast area), strengthen their sternum and obtain a more well-defined image in their body.

    Some very effective cardiovascular exercises consisting of such cases of extreme weight loss are:

    • walking

    • jogging

  • running

  • high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • rowing

  • cycling

    • swimming

  • athletics

  • dance

  • An adult should perform approximately one hundred and fifty (150) to three hundred (300) minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or seventy-five (75) to one hundred and fifty (150) minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week to keep their body and health in good shape.

    A specialist (fitness trainer, coach) can help you with specific chest training exercises.

    Targeted exercises for the chest may not help with weight loss, however, they are effective in strengthening and rebuilding the muscles in that area.

    What type of nutrition would help reduce fat in the breast area?

    In general, it is good not to apply for diet programs so arbitrarily.

    A nutritionist/dietitian is the most suitable to structure a proper diet plan that will aim at weight loss (in general, but also specifically at the loss of fat from the breast area), not lacking, however, vitamins and other nutrients necessary for smooth functioning of the organism.

    Therefore, the best dietary changes are those that are small and sustainable, not those that are extreme and dangerous.

    Another great advantage of a properly structured diet (by an expert) is the elimination of the risk of regaining the lost kilos.

    According to experts, a healthy rate of weight loss does not exceed one (1) to two (2) kg per week.

    Gradual weight loss is more sustainable, more attainable for dieters, helps boost a person's overall health, and is more likely to lead to a permanent loss (with no fluctuations).

    Some useful tips given to us by some experts for reducing caloric intake are:

    • Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables every day, at every meal.

  • Ideally, vegetables should be eaten raw.

  • Prefer to eat fruits and vegetables whole (and if possible with their skin).

  • Prefer the preparation of your food to be steamed, boiled or baked and without the use of many fatty elements.

  • Prefer to eat a fruit salad instead of fruit drinks, smoothies and juices.

    • For intermediate snacks, prefer fruits or vegetables.

    Is there a natural treatment for gynecomastia?

    It exists and comes from the CrazyBulk company.

    The all-natural dietary supplement Gynectrol is a safe and harmless way to fight your extra kilos and lose fat from the extremely difficult breast area.

    Rib your body and get a more solid masculine look.

    Gynectrol – What It Is

    Gynectrol comes from a company that within a few years has managed to take the lead in public preference.

    The CrazyBulk company is a well-known and prestigious sports supplement company creating products of excellent quality and increased effective strength (since it is largely aimed at professional athletes with very high demands).

    CrazyBulk supplements are designed to work for professional athletes, as well as amateur wellness enthusiasts, offering natural alternatives to the known anabolic steroids.

    The company creates products using only the highest quality natural ingredients based on scientific research and clinical trials.

    The target is to help bodybuilders, athletes and active modern people achieve their fitness goals and improve their looks.

    Gynectrol is part of the line of supplements offered by the CrazyBulk company, and it has been created specifically to fight the problem of gynecomastia (even in athletes who have used hormones).

    Gynectrol is one of the most effective treatments for overweight men with a tendency to store fat around the chest (a condition known as "man boobs").

    CrazyBulk, has, therefore, created a natural product (Gynectrol)/an easy-to-use pill working for exactly this purpose: to help fight fat deposits in the breast area, without the need for surgery, pain, discomfort, or operation scars.

    It is a unique high quality and effective strength supplement designed to accelerate chest fat reduction (you know how hard it is to achieve this with diet alone) by targeting the fat cells around the breast area.

    It consists entirely of natural substances specially selected to provide the maximum possible benefits in independent and synergistic action.

    Gynectrol is manufactured by CrazyBulk in an FDA-certified facility in the United States.

    Gym and bodybuilding enthusiasts really love this innovative and highly effective product.

    Gynectrol – How it works

    Gynectrol works with one main goal: the fight against gynecomastia.

    You can get rid of man boobs … TODAY !

    However, to fight the subcutaneous fatty tissue it uses specially selected natural ingredients that (according to scientific evidence) promote fat burning not only in general but specifically in the difficult area of ​​the male chest, as well.

    With the Gynectrol supplement, you will be able to boost your body's natural testosterone production (so coming into balance with the levels of your female hormones, i.e. estrogen).

    This is also the first and most important step to defeating gynecomastia (which, as we have already stated, is mainly due to hormonal disorders in the male body).

    It also targets breast fat and reduces the size of your breasts, all with only one hundred (100%) percent natural ingredients and just two (2) pills each day.

    Besides, with zero health risks and zero side effects.

    CrazyBulk's Gynectrol blend of active ingredients also helps lower cortisol and blood sugar levels, significantly reducing the risk of new fat cells being deposited in the already affected area of ​​the breasts.

    It balances the hormones of the male organism and promotes the health and good looks of every man, of every age.


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