
Gestational Diabetes : Causes, Diagnosis And Natural treatments

GlucoRedi is a supplement product that helps control blood sugar levels. It has a compelling blend of organic antioxidants that aid the body’s natural metabolism, and regularly taking GlucoRedi may help those whose blood sugar levels are difficult to regulate.

Gestational diabetes is a disorder in which blood glucose levels rise during pregnancy. Each year, it affects up to 10% of pregnant women in the United States. In addition, pregnant women who have never been diagnosed with diabetes are at risk of developing gestational diabetes; however, the causes are unknown. So a gestational diabetes diet is a vital criteria to be followed. 

Gestational diabetes is classified into two types. Women with A1 type gestational diabetes can manage their condition with diet and exercise. At the same time, others with A2 diabetes must use insulin or other drugs. Diet for gestational diabetes should be a major concern and should be properly followed. 

GlucoRedi is a supplement product that helps control blood sugar levels . It has a compelling blend of organic antioxidants that aid the body’s natural metabolism, and regularly taking GlucoRedi may help those whose blood sugar levels are difficult to regulate. 

After giving birth, gestational diabetes might be reversed on its own. However, it can harm the baby's health and increase the chances of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Therefore, it is essential to take precautions to keep oneself and the baby healthy. 

Why is gestational diabetes caused? 

Nobody knows for sure, but the medical community's best theory on what causes gestational diabetes is that the development of the placenta causes it. The placenta expands to support the infant as it grows.  

However, the expanding placenta produces a growth hormone known as human placental lactogen (HPL), which can inhibit the action of insulin in the mother's body. Suppose the body does not have enough insulin to convert the glucose in the blood to energy. In that case, it can accumulate to dangerously high levels, resulting in a failed glucose test and a diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Hence a gestational diabetes diet is a primary concern to be followed. 

Signs of Gestational Diabetes 

Since most women have no signs of gestational diabetes, diagnosing it without testing is challenging. Many symptoms are typical of pregnancy, so that it may be confusing. Below are some of the things one could encounter: 

  • Extreme fatigue 
  • Excessive thirst 
  • Extreme nausea 
  • Frequent urination  
  • Blurred vision 
  • Frequent vaginal, bladder, or skin infections 

Test for gestational diabetes 

Although there are no defined screening procedures for gestational diabetes, most doctors' offices use a generic glucose test during weeks 24-28 of pregnancy. However, if a pregnant woman is at high risk of developing it, her doctor may recommend testing sooner. 


Since generally there are no symptoms, the only method to tell if someone has gestational diabetes is with a screening test. 

What causes gestational diabetes? 

Some of the commonly speculated causes are: 

  • History of Diabetes in Family 
  • Being overweight or obese pre-pregnancy 
  • High Blood Pressure 
  • If the woman suffers from the polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS 
  • Advanced maternal age 
  • If Gestational Diabetes happened in a previous pregnancy 

Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes 

It is possible to avoid gestational diabetes by adopting healthier behaviors before becoming pregnant. In addition, if gestational diabetes happened during previous pregnancies, a healthy lifestyle may minimize the chances of having it again or developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Diet for gestational diabetes should be a priority and should be properly followed. 

Some simple ways to manage and possibly reverse gestational diabetes are  

1. Portion control and a balanced diet 

Eating appropriate amounts is one of the most effective strategies to maintain blood glucose levels and avoid excessive weight gain, which may increase the risk of complications. Doctors advise against losing weight during pregnancy since the body works harder to support the growing baby. However, the doctor can help set weight gain targets depending on the pre-pregnancy weight. A gestational diabetes diet is a primary step to be followed. 


Pregnant women must consume a diet that offers appropriate nourishment to promote their baby's well-being. Pregnant women must avoid consuming too many calories, particularly empty calories, from processed and packaged items, junk food, baked goods, and sugary drinks.  

One of the essential methods to avoid and control gestational diabetes is to gain adequate weight. However, excessive weight gain during pregnancy can harm both the mother and the baby. Furthermore, it might lead to childhood obesity in the child.  

There is no specific diet that is appropriate for every woman. However, a certified dietitian or diabetes educator can help establish a meal plan based on the current weight, pregnancy weight gain goals, blood sugar level, exercise habits, food choices, and budget.Hence a gestational diabetes diet should be followed without any leniency. 

2. Consuming whole foods 

Whole foods are high in nutrients and fiber and low in fat and calories — and restrict highly processed carbs, especially candy. In addition, consuming plenty of high-fiber meals can assist in decreasing or limiting the release of insulin into circulation. Including fiber in all of the daily meals and snacks is a good strategy too.  


Pairing carbohydrates with high-quality protein also helps the body break down the carbs. Incorporating healthy fats into the meals, such as coconut oil, ghee, and grass-fed butter, aids with reducing blood glucose levels . While also assisting in fat burning. 

Sugary meals can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Simple, refined sugars found in soda, fruit juice, and other sweetened beverages are among the biggest offenders for women with gestational diabetes, causing sudden blood glucose spikes. Therefore, it is exceptionally critical to stay away from these foods. Diet for gestational diabetes should be important and properly followed. 

3. Exercise 

Exercise decreases blood sugar levels by encouraging the body to transport glucose into cells, where it is utilized for energy. Exercise also enhances the insulin sensitivity of the cells, requiring the body to release less insulin for sugar transport. Therefore, it should be part of every woman's wellness routine before, during, and after pregnancy. 


According to research, exercise may enhance the glycemic index. Therefore, moderate physical exercise for 30 minutes or more each day is suggested for all pregnant women, especially those with gestational diabetes, assuming there are no underlying medical or obstetric issues. 

Brisk walking, arm exercises while sitting, and prenatal yoga are all excellent workouts for women with gestational diabetes. 

As an extra benefit, regular exercise can help ease other pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain, muscle cramps, edema, swelling, and difficulty sleeping. 

When the body has been inactive for a long time, it is advisable to engage in moderately strenuous activity, starting softly and gradually building up. Walking, cycling, and swimming are all healthy options for pregnant women. Regular chores like cleaning and gardening are also effective ways to increase physical movement. Diet for gestational diabetes equally affects the high and low of sugar levels and body weight. 

4. Stress Management 

Women with gestational diabetes frequently suffer from stress and anxiety. As a result, they feel out of control and have difficulty adjusting to dietary changes. Women with gestational diabetes also sense a lack of social support from people other than their loved ones, which may affect them psychologically and physically.  

The potential of increased stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms during pregnancy is essential since these mental health concerns can influence the hormones such as insulin. Furthermore, research shows that stress, sadness, and anxiety during pregnancy are linked to decreased birth weight and potential difficulties with the baby's growth. 

Stress and sadness during pregnancy also raise the chances of developing postpartum depression after giving birth. To begin managing the stress levels, finding a support group that has expertise with gestational diabetes can assist in finding relaxation and staying on track with the nutrition plan.  

Focusing on reducing stress and anxiety with lifestyle adjustments such as prenatal yoga, meditation, a stroll, or having a warm bath with lavender oil may also be beneficial. These slight modifications will help to stay focused on getting healthy and maintaining health throughout pregnancy. Gestational diabetes diet also gives a master stroke in these factors.  

5. Acupuncture 

In 2018, Chinese researchers presented evidence demonstrating how certain acupuncture spots could relieve diabetes symptoms in diabetic rats. They discovered that after fourteen days, mice given electroacupuncture had lower glucose levels , higher insulin levels, and better glucose tolerance. 

According to research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Wrist-ankle acupuncture therapy may be a safe and effective method for treating discomforts, such as diabetic peripheral neuritis, and a reliable treatment for insulin resistance.  

According to the findings, low-intensity and low-frequency electroacupuncture may help reduce insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity. In addition, it may be beneficial to provide relief for painful symptoms linked with gestational diabetes and help pregnant women to relax.  

6. Using herbal and ayurvedic treatments or supplements 

Ayurveda focuses on the woman's holistic lifestyle, which assists in the reduction of pregnancy difficulties. Ayurvedic treatment balances the doshas by using a range of medicines, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes. 

Based on these holistic principles, a blood sugar-optimizing supplement named GlucoRedi was developed to make things easier for pregnant women with gestational diabetes. It contains the goodness of natural remedies and herbs like Gymnema sylvestre, berberine, bitter melon, liquorice root extract, etc., which are scientifically proven to control all forms of diabetes  

Let us find how effective the constituent ingredients of GlucoRedi are in combating gestational diabetes  

  • Gymnema sylvestre 

Gymnema sylvestre is a little-known wonder plant found in India but is now widely available. It can help control sugar cravings. It is also referred to as "gurmar," which translates as "sugar destroyer" in Hindi. 

This herb is most well-known for its ability to diminish the desire for sweet-tasting foods while also regulating blood sugar levels , and there is a large amount of scientific evidence to back up these claims. 

The potential of gymnema to reduce sugar cravings is primarily because of a compound known as gymnemic acid, which has a structure similar to sugar molecules. As a result, when it comes into contact with the tongue, it binds to the sugar receptors on the taste buds, preventing sugar molecules in food from binding to those receptors and lowering the sweetness. 

This effect can help to reduce the desire for sugary foods. For example, a study found that Individuals who took Gymnema one hour prior to eating had a decreased perception of sweetness and were more likely to consume fewer sweet calories than the control group.  

Gymnemic acid is also suggested to help regulate the amount of glucose in circulation by limiting excess glucose absorption in the small intestine. In a study conducted on a small group of type 2 diabetes patients, it was found that Gymnema may reduce blood sugar levels while simultaneously boosting pancreatic insulin synthesis.  

The findings of some clinical trials conducted on Gymnema sylvestre to study its anti-diabetic properties can be read here and here

With strong scientific evidence for Gymnema sylvestre, it is chosen as the main ingredient in GlucoRedi. 

  • Berberis aristate 

Berberis aristate, often known as Indian Barberry, is an ancient Ayurvedic plant used to treat diabetes, skin issues, liver problems, stomach irregularities, and renal problems, among other things. For over 3000 years, the plant has been used in Indian and Chinese traditional medicine due to its therapeutic characteristics. 

Berberine is the chemical that gives Berberis aristate these therapeutic effects. Berberine is a bioactive molecule found in plants such as Phellodendron amurense (Amur cork tree), Hydrastis Canadensis (Goldenseal), and other Berberis genus members. 

Surprisingly, research indicates that berberine has powerful blood sugar-lowering abilities. 

The majority of research on berberine has been on its impact on people with type 2 diabetes. However, some of the studies and their findings are given below. 

Several studies in type 2 diabetes patients have shown that taking 600-2,700 mg of berberine daily can lower fasting and long-term blood sugar levels by up to 20% and 12%, respectively, when taken with blood sugar medication. 

Similarly, berberine appeared to be as effective as common blood sugar medicines such as metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), and glipizide (Glucotrol) in a meta-analysis of 14 studies. 

Some of the many scientific studies conducted on berberine can be found here: and here  

  • Bitter melon or bitter gourd 

Bitter melon contains chemicals similar to insulin and assists in blood sugar management. Some study suggests that they accomplish this by letting more glucose into the cells and then supporting the body in digesting and storing it in the liver, muscles, and fat. 

They may also prevent the body from converting nutrients stored in the body into glucose and releasing them into circulation to prevent a spike in blood glucose. According to thorough research, bitter melon can help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar and A1c levels. Other trials to examine its usefulness for diabetes, however, are still underway. 

The observations of a study conducted on the anti-diabetic effects of bitter melon can be found here, 

  • Syzygium cumini 

Syzygium cumini, popular as black plum or Jamun, is a different flavored sweet and tart fruit with several health benefits. Therefore, ayurvedic practitioners see Jamun as a vigorous herb. 

These Plant seeds are often used in Ayurvedic remedies. Jambolin is a molecule that promotes insulin promotion and is needed to overcome insulin resistance and reduce blood sugar levels. 

Black plums, according to experts, help regulate diabetes type 2 symptoms such as thirst and frequent urination. In addition, its low glycemic index maintains blood sugar levels. 

It is an essential component of the GlucoRedi formulation since it can delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and also help to reverse gestational diabetes. 

The results of some landmark trials that have attested to the efficacy of Jamun as an effective anti-diabetic supplement can be found here, and here, 

GlucoRedi also contains other effective medicinal herbs that may benefit gestational diabetes. They are-  

  • Commiphora Mukul 
  • Liquorice root 
  • Asparagus Racemosus 
  • Pterocarpus Marsupium 
  • Mangifera Indica 
  • Shilajit 
  • Enicostemma Littorale 

Frequently asked questions 

1. Can I lower my gestational diabetes naturally? 

Although the causes of gestational diabetes are unknown, some natural ways to control it include exercising, regularly monitoring blood glucose levels, eating healthy, and consuming natural supplements like GlucoRedi.  

2. What foods can make gestational diabetes worse? 

Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided during pregnancy if a woman has gestational diabetes. Some foods with a high glycemic index are sugary drinks, candy, fruit juices, white rice, breakfast cereals, white bread, potatoes, etc. 

3. Does walking reduce gestational diabetes? 

Activities such as walking, prenatal aerobics class, or swimming help to control blood glucose levels. It is recommended to exercise regularly during pregnancy to maintain self and the baby's health.  

4. How long does gestational diabetes last? 

Unlike other kinds of diabetes, gestational diabetes typically resolves independently, and blood sugar levels return to normal shortly after birth. 

5. Does GlucoRedi help with Gestational diabetes? 

GlucoRedi is an all-natural blood glucose supplement that helps to manage all types of diabetes safely and effectively. It is specifically designed for people with type 2 diabetes; therefore, it may also be beneficial for gestational diabetes as the symptoms of both types of diabetes are the same. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming GlucoRedi during pregnancy to avoid complications.  

The bottom line 

Pregnancy is a crucial and delicate stage in a woman's life. On top of that, conditions like gestational diabetes only create more complications for the mother and the baby. In such cases, it is best to seek medical advice and natural therapies like GlucoRedi for blood glucose regulation. 

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