
Dua Wazifa For Love Back In 24 Hours & Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

You can bring back your ex-lover with Dua for love back & Wazifa for love back in #24 hours. Moulana Ji is an expert in Dua & Wazifa that can bring your love back permanently after a breakup. Contact For Never Failed & Proven Solution FREE !!!

Have you lost the love of your life? Do you want to bring back your lost love with powerful Dua For Love Back & Wazifa for Love Back? Then you are in the right place. You're not alone. According to recent surveys, over 70% of people have experienced a broken heart at least once in their lives. But what can you do when all hope seems lost? The answer may be Dua & Wazifa for love back.

Dua is an Islamic prayer based on the Quran, while Wazifa is a specific type of incantation that has been used by Muslims for centuries to bring back lost loves. Here I will explain how to perform Dua and Wazifa correctly and safely, as well as common mistakes to avoid and tips for nurturing your faith after making the prayers.

If you are looking for advice on getting your lost love back, read on!

Key Takeaways

  • Dua and Wazifa for love back are Islamic prayers used to bring back lost loves.
  • The prayers involve asking Allah for help in restoring the relationship and increasing understanding between individuals.
  • Powerful duas for love back include Dua-e-Mashlool and Ya Wadoodo.
  • To bring someone back into your life, recite Surah Al-Waqia every night for 40 days while imagining their face.

What is Wazifa & Dua For Love Back

Wazifa and dua for love back are powerful Islamic prayers that can help bring your lost love back! It's a form of supplication to Allah, asking Him for His divine help in restoring the relationship.

The wazifa is typically recited over a period of 40 days, while the dua is said once with sincerity and faith. Both forms of prayer involve asking Allah to make your lost love return to you with unconditional love and devotion.

They are also used to increase understanding between a couple in order to create a strong bond between them. Also, they can be used as an effective way of conveying feelings of regret and sorrow if wrongs have been committed in the past.

How To Perform Dua For Love Back?

Performing a spiritual practice can be an effective way to reconnect with the one you care for. Dua for love back is one such practice that involves sincere prayer and devotion to Allah. 


Start by purifying yourself by taking a bath and wearing clean clothes, then perform two rakat of Salah without any intention besides asking Allah for forgiveness and help in reuniting with your beloved.

After completing the Salah, recite Durood Shareef seven times. After this, recite Surah Al-Fatiha three times followed by Ayatul Kursi three times and make dua from the heart to get your love back. Finally, end the ritual by reciting Durood Shareef seven more times before finishing your prayer.

This practice should be repeated every day until your wish is fulfilled.

How To Get Lost Love Back By Dua & Wazifa For Love?

If you're looking to rekindle a lost love, try out a spiritual practice like dua and wazifa to get them back. Dua is an Arabic term for supplications and prayers that can be used to ask Allah for help in matters of the heart. The Wazifa is also an Islamic prayer that helps people focus on their needs. Both are powerful practices that can bring about positive changes in your life.

  • Connect with your inner self and become aware of what you need to do or change for better results.
  • Understand the power of intention and manifesting what you want through focused energy.
  • Take time to explore yourself, your feelings, and your relationship with Allah.
  • Practice patience as the process takes time but can eventually lead to lasting love.

What are the Various Dua & Wazifa To Bring Ex Love Back?

You can try out spiritual practices such as supplications and prayers to focus on your needs and manifest the desired results in your love life. One of the most powerful duas for lost love back is the Dua-e-Mashlool, which should be recited at least 41 times daily with proper concentration. 

Another dua that can help bring your lost love back is Ya Wadoodo, which should be chanted 1141 times. 

To perform a wazifa for bringing someone back into your life, recite Surah Al-Waqia every night before going to bed for 40 days consecutively while imagining the face of the person you desire. 


1. Ya Allah, please restore my love and reunite us in harmony and peace. Grant us the strength to forgive and forget, and fill our hearts and minds with your divine love.

2. Ya Allah, please make our love for each other strong and make our bond unbreakable. Help us to remain faithful and understanding, and grant us the courage to overcome all difficulties together.

Lastly, make sure to have faith and trust in Allah's will as He knows what's best for us all.

How to make someone love you back with Dua & Wazifa?

By invoking divine blessings and spiritual practices, you can make someone feel the same way about you that you feel for them. Dua is a powerful prayer to Allah, asking Him to help with any difficulty or challenge we face in life. Wazifa refers to the practice of reading passages from the Quran to invoke a blessing upon oneself or another person. Through dua and wazifa, we can ask Allah to bring love into our heart and into others' hearts.


Dua to make someone love you back, it is important to have faith that God will answer our prayers and be persistent in our recitation of verses from the Quran. Also, it is important to focus on positive thoughts when making these requests and remain confident that Allah will answer our call for help with this matter. With patience, dedication, and faith in God's mercy and grace, one can find true happiness through finding love with another person.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Dua For Love & Wazifa Practice

Avoiding common mistakes can help you get the most out of your dua and wazifa practice. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when performing these practices:

1. Be sure to take your time and be mindful while reciting the duas or wazifas, as rushing through them can lead to mistakes.

2. Make sure that you understand what you're saying - try not to recite any duas or wazifas without understanding their meaning and purpose.

3. Don't forget to be consistent! Regularly performing duas and wazifas is essential for success; don't give up after just a few days of practice.

These tips will ensure that you get the most out of your dua and wazifa for lost love back practice, allowing you to reach your goals more quickly and effectively.

Patience and Trust: Nurturing Your Faith After the Dua For Lost Love 

After completing your dua or wazifa, it's important to be patient and trust that the request will come to fruition in its own time. While you may be tempted to try to force the outcome, this can lead to frustration and disappointment. Instead, nurture your faith by reciting spiritual texts, connecting with a higher power, and being mindful of any signs or messages that may come your way. 

Through patience and trust, you can manifest positive change in your life while allowing things to unfold naturally as they should. Don't forget to thank the universe for all the blessings that have already been bestowed upon you. Remain open-minded and look for Divine guidance as you journey through the process of love returning back into your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of performing Dua & Wazifa for love back?

Performing dua and wazifa is like a ray of sunshine that brings hope and joy to the heart. It can provide relief from stress, help heal wounds of the past, and improve relationships with loved ones. The benefits are immense - peace of mind, clarity of thought, emotional balance and harmony.

How long does it take to see results from Dua & Wazifa to get love back?

It can vary depending on the individual situation and the amount of effort put in. Generally, results can be seen within a few weeks to several months.

Are there any other religious practices that can be used to get love back?

Yes, there are other religious practices that can be used to get love back. While some may feel uncomfortable with certain methods, I believe that all paths should be respected and explored as appropriate.

Are there any risks associated with performing Dua to get love back& Wazifa for love back?

Yes, there are risks associated with performing any religious practices to get love back. The outcome may not be what you desire or expect, and it could have unintended consequences for those involved. To protect yourself, it is important to evaluate all potential risks before proceeding.

Is it possible to get love back without performing Dua & Wazifa?

Yes, it's possible to get love back without performing dua & wazifa. In fact, relationships are built on trust, respect and communication; if these components are present then love can return. To achieve this, start by understanding the situation and take meaningful steps towards reconciliation. Get a spell to make someone love you


In conclusion, dua and wazifa for love back are powerful prayers that can help you get your lost love back. While it may take some time to see the results of your efforts, if you practice patience and trust in the process, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. 

As the saying goes: "Where there's a will, there's a way"; if you have faith and give it your all, eventually success will be yours. So don't give up hope, keep trying and believing in yourself - miracles do happen!

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