
Dianabol Reviews 2023 - Top 3 Legal Alternatives

Officially known as methandrostenolone, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that was first developed by a German chemist.

Anybody who's ever stepped into a gym has looked for ways to get big quick. Most of them stumble upon Dianabol and then look for Dianabol reviews to help gauge the risks, results, and overall satisfaction with the steroid. 

Most reviews will claim that Dianabol is the bee's knees for getting huge fast and there's plenty of anecdotal evidence to back up these claims. It's well known that bodybuilders have been using Dianabol tablets for decades, even before it became a controlled substance in the United States. 

But does this mean you should use Dianabol? The answer is not so clear cut. While Dianabol can help you pack on some serious muscle mass, it also carries a range of potential side effects. 

Before diving into Dianabol reviews, it's important to understand exactly what Dianabol is and how it will affect you. 

If you have always been curious about Dianabol and want to know if it's right for you, then read on. With an in-depth look at reviews, side effects, and more, you'll have a clear understanding of what Dianabol can do for you. 

By the time you’re done reading this Dianabol review, you'll be an expert on everything Dianabol related. 

At the end of the article, we will also share some Dianabol alternatives that will help you get the same results as Dianabol with none of the risks. 

Best Legal Alternatives for Dianabol 

  • D-Bal  - The Best Choice 
  • D-Bal Max  - A Dryer Dianabol 
  • DBulk  - Dianabol on a budget 

What is Dianabol? 

Officially known as methandrostenolone, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that was first developed by a German chemist. 

Some reports suggest it was initially developed as a treatment for anemia and muscle wasting. But there are other rumors that suggest that it was initially developed as a performance-enhancing drug for athletes. 

Dianabol has since become one of the most popular anabolic steroids among bodybuilders and athletes. It's known to boost muscle mass, strength, and performance in just a few weeks. 

In fact, the results are so dramatic that some people use it to get a jump start on their bulking cycles. 


Dianabol is a modified testosterone molecule with a bond between the first and second carbon atoms. Unlike testosterone which is an injectable drug, Dianabol is taken orally in pill form and quickly absorbed into your system. 

How does Dianabol work? 

Dianabol's working is similar to that of any exogenous anabolic androgenic steroid. When ingested, it works as a replacement for testosterone in the body. The Methandrostenolone molecule is more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone though. 

So, it will start to amplify your muscle glycogenolysis, protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and red cell production. These are all important factors that will help you pack on muscle mass. 

These are the anabolic effects. You will also get some androgenic effects as well. 

These include hair loss, the potential to develop gynecomastia or male boobs, high blood pressure, the famed moon face and severe acne to name a few. 

Most importantly, when you ingest Dianabol, your body senses a surplus of testosterone and therefore shuts down its production. When your body does not produce its own testosterone, you will suffer from a very lowenergy levels, until you use post cycle therapy to restart the endocrine system again. 


The benefits of using Dianabol 

Dianabol is the most popular oral steroid that ever existed and probably, the strongest as well. Since it was engineered for performance enhancement, it has all the qualities of a potent anabolic steroid. 

It has the ability to increase muscle size, strength and endurance, while promoting rapid recovery from heavy workouts. 

Here are some of the benefits of using this oral steroid. 

Increases lean muscle tissue thanks to increased protein synthesis 

On an anabolic scale, Dianabol is rated at a 90. This means it's very efficient at helping you build lean muscle tissue. 

The results are so fast that many bodybuilders use it as a kick-start to their bulking cycles. This is because in a span of just one or two weeks, Dianabol skyrockets your muscle glycogen stores. 

Along with every gram of glycogen, your muscle stores 4 grams of water. 

This means, your intra muscular water levels are amplified manifold. As a result, your muscles become fuller and bigger. 


It is not uncommon to gain almost 15-25 lbs. of muscle mass in a few weeks with Dianabol. 

Enhances strength by leaps and bounds 

When you exert any form of resistance on a muscle tissue, it undergoes micro tears. 

These micro tears are then repaired by the body and thereby, you become stronger. 

Dianabol amplifies this process by facilitating faster recovery of your muscle tissues. This allows you to exert more resistance on them while training which further results in bigger strength gains. 

The strength gains are equally dramatic like the size gains mind you. Many first time users on Dianabol have no clue how to adjust their workouts according to the newfound strength. 

In fact, many first timers may end up with tendon or ligament tears because of the sudden surge in strength. 

Reduces fatigue and enhances performance 

Dianabol is known to increase red blood cell production which helps your muscle tissues oxygenate better. This improves the delivery of nutrients including amino acids and glucose to your muscles while you work out. 


As a result, you can last longer in the gym with greater intensity, which will further result in more muscle growth and strength gains. 

Another benefit of increased red blood cells is that it reduces fatigue as your muscles get more oxygenated. 

This allows you to train harder for longer durations without feeling fatigued or burned out. 

It's also great for athletes looking to improve their performance in any sport. 

The Zen feeling 

This one is based purely on anecdotal evidence. 

But many experienced Dianabol users have reported that it gave them a sort of zen feeling when they took the drug. 

It's hard to explain the exact reason for this, but many believe that it has something to do with the sudden surge in the modified testosterone levels, which is a potent neuro steroid. 

Whether you choose to believe this or not is up to you. 

The Risks associated with Dianabol 

Despite all the amazing benefits, Dianabol does come with certain risks. Some are mild and reversible, but some are permanent and can cause long term damage to your organs. 

So, its up to you to determine whether or not Dianabol is worth the risk. 

Let's start with the mildest of them first and progress to more advanced side effects. 

Water retention 

Dianabol can cause your body to retain water. This can lead to puffiness around the face and make you look bloated. 

This is usually temporary and goes away once you stop taking it after your cycle ends. 

But in extreme cases, it can also cause high blood pressure due to the increased sodium levels in your body. 

Uncontrolled aggression 

It's very common for bodybuilders to experience bouts of uncontrolled aggression when taking Dianabol. This is because the increased androgen levels can cause your brain to produce more cortisol, which is responsible for aggression and mood swings. 

This can be a bit dangerous since it can interfere with your training sessions or even outside in the real world. 

Soft or wet gains 

One of the commonest gripes about Dianabol is that it doesn't give dry gains like those obtained with other anabolic steroids. 

This means, most of the weight you put on will be water weight which can make it difficult to maintain your gains after the cycle ends. 

Losing gains after stopping the cycle 

We mentioned how some people have gained up to 15-20 lbs on Dianabol in a span of weeks. Guess what? The rollover effect is pretty much the same. 

In other words, after you stop taking Dianabol, you can expect to lose most of the gains as quickly as you put them on. 

This is why advanced bodybuilders recommend cycling off every few weeks and even not going beyond 8 weeks at a stretch. 

Liver toxicity 

Dianabol can be very hard on your liver and can cause serious damage if used for prolonged periods. 

This is one of the most dangerous side effects associated with Dianabol usage and it's important to limit the dosage and take regular breaks in order to avoid any long term harm. 

Hair loss 

Dianabol is one of the most hair loss-inducing steroids around. It increases the production of DHT which is a male hormone that's responsible for balding in men. 

Therefore, people who already suffer from hair loss should be wary of taking Dianabol as it can worsen their condition. 

Male boobs 

This is another common side effect of Dianabol, especially among those who take high doses for prolonged periods. 

It's caused by the increased estrogen levels in your body and can make you look like an overweight teenager with man boobs. 

So, if you do decide to take Dianabol be sure to keep an eye out on this side effect or you need to exercise some form of estrogen control. 

How much does Dianabol cost? 

Dianabol is a prescription drug and a controlled substance. This means that any and all forms of the drug are illegal in most parts of the world. 

If by some chance you do manage to find a supplier, then expect to pay anywhere from $2-10 per pill depending on the quality and location. 

That means, a month's supply of quality Dianabol can cost you $150 at least. 

Is Dianabol worth it? 

That's up to you. According to us, if you are not a competitive bodybuilder, then using such a toxic steroid is not worth the risks. 

If you are a professional bodybuilder who's used anabolic steroid before and you know what you are doing, then maybe you can give it a shot. 

But if you are just looking to get big for the upcoming holiday and really need to pack on those extra pounds, then there are much safer choices that are equally effective. 

In fact, we have listed the top three Dianabol analogs for you, that will mimic the effects of Dianabol but with no side effects. 

Let's get started. 

#1 - D-Bal - The Classic Dianabol Clone 


CrazyBulks D-Bal  has made it possible for natural athletes to get their dose of Dianabol without any of the toxicity. 

This Dianabol clone has been designed to mimic the effects of the real thing with zero side effects. 

Unlike the steroid, D-Bal works in a different way. It increases the amount of testosterone your body produces and contains essential amino acids, which in turn gives you the same results as Dianabol without any toxicity. 

In addition to that, D-Bal also helps your body store more nitrogen which is essential for protein synthesis and muscle growth and slowing down the rate at which normal protein breakdown occurs. 

This means, you will not only gain more quality muscle mass but also be able to retain it post using the supplement. 

Using D-Bal for lean muscle growth 

If this is the first time you are using a legal steroid, then using D-Bal might be the best choice for you. 

It's around 80% effective when it comes to gaining lean muscle mass and can provide you with great results with 0% risks. Those are odds that you can't ignore! 

Here are some of the results that people have achieved with D-Bal. 

Up to 15 lbs. of lean muscle mass in a span of weeks 

We call D-Bal classic Dianabol because it copies the glycogen-loading effects of the steroid to a tee. 

That means, your muscle tissue explodes with glycogen and helps you achieve the dramatic muscle gains that Dianabol is known for, that too in a short time span. 

Many users gain up to 15 lbs. of muscle mass with D-Bal. 

Insane pumps 

D-Bal has a unique way of inducing insane pumps in your muscles. 

It has some amino acids which are precursors to Nitric Oxide, which in turn increases the blood flow to your muscles and gives you a feeling of fullness. 

An ordinary muscle pump will last anywhere from minutes to hours but with D-Bal you can maintain your pump for up to a day or two. 

Surge in strength 

You cannot talk about Dianabol without mentioning the surge in power. 

This is an area where D-Bal has managed to replicate the effects of the steroid to a tee. 

It enhances the ATP production in your muscles which in turn increases their performance and allows you to perform longer and with more intensity. 

So you can lift easier. 

How much does D-Bal Cost? 

D-Bal costs just $64 for a one-month stock. In comparison with Dianabol's $150, this is peanuts. 

CrazyBulk also offers a buy two, get one free offer along with an unconditional 60 days money back guarantee. 

So there is really no harm in giving D-Bal a try! 


D-Bal is the closest thing to Dianabol that you can get. 

It has been designed to mimic the effects of the real steroid but with zero side-effects, making it a great choice for those looking to gain lean muscle mass. 

It's also much cheaper and comes with an unconditional money back guarantee. Can you beat that? 

#2 - D-Bal Max - A Dryer Dianabol 

D-Bal Max

Dianabol's wet gains are not something that everyone appreciates. Most modern age bodybuilders try to stay away from wet gains and prefer lean muscle mass instead. 

That's why D-Bal Max  has become such a popular choice. 

It is the most powerful muscle builder in CrazyBulk's range and works in a completely different manner when compared to D-Bal. 

Along with enhancing the natural testosterone production, it also works on improving your body's ATP levels and RBC production. 

This helps to increase the muscle's capacity to retain more nitrogen and provides you with dry gains. 

Using D-Bal Max for dry muscle mass gains 

D-Bal Max is often compared to a combination of Dianabol and Anadrol, another powerful oral steroid that is known to improve performance and body composition at the same time. 

The result is an increase in muscle mass and strength along with a noticeable improvement in body composition. 

You can expect the following results when using D-Bal Max: 

Dry muscle tissue growth with no water retention 

Growing muscle mass is one thing, but having a dry and hard look is something else. 

D-Bal Max provides you with the ability to gain lean muscle mass without any water retention, so you can get that beach body look without having to worry about bloating. 

This is attributed to its DHT-like properties, which dry your body out with minimal fat gain. Your body finds it easier to create muscle protein and reduce body fat at the same time. 

Improved performance on the field and gym 

If you are an athlete or bodybuilder, then having better performance on the field is a must. 

D-Bal Max works on improving your ATP levels and red blood cell production, which in turn helps you to perform better on the field. 

It also helps you to lift heavier weights and increase your reps, allowing you to experience a whole new level of muscle gains. 

For runners or any men undergoing athletic training, this is a great way to boost your performance. 

Fat loss and vascularity 

This is something that you do not get from Dianabol. D-Bal Max helps to reduce fat deposits and at the same time, increase your vascularity. 

The result is an enhanced metabolism that helps you shred off those extra pounds of fat and get that ripped look. Perfect for muscle building. 

How much does D-Bal Max cost? 

D-Bal Max costs just $69 for a one-month supply. Unlike Dianabol sourced from underground labs, this is completely legal and there are no side effects to worry about. 

They also offer a buy 2 get 1 free deal, so you can save money when buying bigger packs. 

And if you are not satisfied with the results, they also offer a 60-day money back guarantee, so you can get your money back in full. 


D-Bal Max is one of the best legal alternatives to Dianabol that is available in the market. 

It provides you with dry gains and improved performance, allowing you to experience the benefits of Dianabol without any risks. 

And with their money back guarantee and buy 2 get 1 free offer, you really have nothing to lose. 

So if you are looking for a safe and legal way to increase your muscle mass and performance, then D-Bal Max is definitely one of your top choices. 

#3 - DBulk - Dianabol on a budget 


BrutalForce is a relatively new brand that has recently begun to make a name for itself in the bodybuilding world. 

One of their most popular products is DBulk , an affordable and legal alternative to Dianabol. 

DBulk is a powerful muscle builder that provides you with all the benefits of Dbol without any of the negatives. 

Using DBulk to gain size 

As remarkable as it sounds, DBulk has managed to recreate most of Dianabol's effects in a completely legal form. 

It helps to increase your strength and power, allowing you to lift more weights for longer periods of time. That's not all. Here's the complete list of effects. 

Rapid increase in muscle size 

DBulk super charges your intra muscular water retention by boosting glycogen stores. This means your muscles are going to explode out of nowhere. That too, in a span of just days. 

Strong as an ox 

Big muscles arent worth much if they dont translate into strength. DBulk helps you to do just that. It enhances your ATP levels and promotes protein synthesis, allowing you to lift more weight with ease. 

Primed for growth 

DBulk also increases cortisol production which results in increased testosterone levels. The result is enhanced muscle fiber growth and accelerated fat burning, helping you to get the perfect physique in no time. 

How much does DBulk cost? 

DBulk costs just $58/month, which is a fraction of the price of Dianabol. That's not all. If you buy in bulk, you can get your hands on DBulk for as low as $49/month. Do check out their bulk buy offers. 


DBulk is a great choice if you are looking to gain muscle without breaking the bank. It provides you with most of Dianabol's effects without any of the side effects, making it a great choice for bodybuilders on a budget. 

Their offers and bulk buy deals make it even more affordable and you really have nothing to lose by trying them out. So head over to BrutalForce's website and get yourself a bottle of DBulk right away! 

The Bottom Line 

Dont let the fancy Dianabol reviews fool you. You dont have to risk your health or break the bank in order to get big. 

The three natural alternatives discussed here are just as good, if not better. They provide you with amazing gains and performance without any of Dianabol's side effects. Here are the top choices once again. 

D-Bal  - The Best Choice 

D-Bal Max  - A Dryer Dianabol 

DBulk  - Dianabol on a budget 

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