
Best Muscle Building Supplements, Which Supplement for Muscle Growth Works Best for 2023

To make things easier for you, we have reviewed nearly 30 of the most effective muscle building supplements and found the best brands and products available in 2023.

If you want to increase your muscle size and strength, using supplements to build muscle growth is a good way to attain superior gains. The best muscle building supplements provide natural ingredients that help you to train harder when you are in the gym and heal faster when you are not. 

Regardless of whether you only care about getting bigger or want to create a lean, shredded physique, the most effective supplements that promote muscle growth can help you to do it. 

There are a lot of muscle growth supplements on the market so, it may appear that you are spoiled for choice.  

To make things easier for you, we have reviewed nearly 30 of the most effective muscle building supplements and found the best brands and products available in 2023. 

This was no easy task because we had to dig deep and do a thorough evaluation of all the ingredients and their abilities. We also had to examine the doses and check what bodybuilders were saying about each option in their customer reviews. 

The 5 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth in 2023 

If you are keen to gain muscle faster, here are the five supplements that will work best: 

  1. D-Bal Max (TOP - Best Muscle Building Supplement Overall) 
  2. Testo Prime (OVER 40’s - Best Testosterone Booster for Muscle Growth) 
  3. Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack (HARDCORE - Best Stack for Muscle Mass) 
  4. CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack (Best Muscle Building Drinks) 
  5. HyperGH 14X (Best for Boosting HGH Levels) 

1. D-Bal Max (Best Muscle Building Supplement) 

D-Bal Max

D-Bal Max is a supplement that's marketed as a natural alternative to steroids. However, you don't have to be a former steroid user to take advantage of its extreme muscle-building benefits. Make it your #1 choice if you are serious about enhancing your muscle growth and physical performance. 

D-Bal Max is designed to replace Dianabol (methandrostenolone). Also known as D-Bol, Dianabol is one of the most powerful bulking steroids ever created. To take its place, D-Bal Max has to be good and countless former steroid users are praising this safer alternative's ability to deliver the goods. 

D-Bal Max Benefits 

Safe, legal, and extremely powerful. D-Bal Max is a supplement that will help you train like an animal and grow your muscles in record time. 

Working in synergy, the carefully chosen blend of natural muscle growth accelerants will help you to: 

  • Train harder and longer 
  • Grow your muscles faster 
  • Increase your muscle strength 
  • Enjoy faster recovery rates 

How D-Bal Max Works 

D-Bal Max helps you to grow your muscles faster by enhancing protein synthesis. 

Protein synthesis is the biological process your body uses to restore the muscle fibers that were broken down during your workout and make muscle proteins around them  stronger. 

Part of the supplement's value in this area iss due to its ability to increase natural testosterone production. 

The improvements in testosterone also help support better workouts and assist fat burning but, when you use D-Bal Max to build your muscles, there are other benefits as well. 

The formulation also stimulates increases in insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). This important anabolic hormone is responsible for the “hyperplasia” that encourages the growth of extra muscle cells from inside the muscles. 


Taking things even further, D-Bal Max increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) while also reducing serotonin. 

Your body needs ATP to produce energy at the cellular level. The supplement's ability to influence this is one of the things that allow it to help you to train harder. 

Serotonin is a "happy hormone" that also aids sleep. By reducing its levels, during resistance training, D-Bal Max can help prevent you from tiring too easily. 

D-Bal Max Ingredients 

D-Bal MAX provides the following natural ingredients: 

  • Whey protein complex: One of the best muscle-building supplement ingredients, and also one of the most studied, whey protein improves whole-body protein metabolism and accelerates muscle recovery after exercise. 
  • Pro BCAA Complex: A branched-chain amino acids complex. There are three BCAAs- leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Together, they account for 33% of muscle tissue. Leucine is particularly important because it unlocks the cells making it possible for the other amino acids to get inside. Protein synthesis could not occur with leucine. [1] 
  • 20-Hydroxyecdysterone: A steroid hormone produced by certain insects and plants. The form D-Bal Max provides is plant-based. 20-hydroxyecdysterone (ecdysterone) enhances protein synthesis, improves nitrogen retention, and gives your levels of ATP a boost. Although it's safe and natural, this ingredient can deliver such dramatic improvements in performance and muscle growth, some researchers are suggesting it be included on the list of prohibited substances and methods in sports. 

To get the best from D-Bal Max, you need to take three capsules each day. If you want to get bigger and stronger, this is the supplement we recommend. You have nothing to lose because the manufacturer offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. 

Why Use D-Bal Max for Muscle Gain 

  • The best muscle building pills on the market 
  • Designed to improve muscle growth, strength, and performance 
  • Boosts protein synthesis for faster muscle growth and recovery 
  • Results are comparable to anabolic steroids 
  • No known side effects 
  • 60-day money-back guarantee 

2. Testo Prime (Best Testosterone Booster for Muscle Growth) 

Testo Prime

Ideal for over 40’s 

Although D-Bal Max is easily the best natural supplement for muscle building, Testo Prime is a good second choice. It may also be the ideal choice if you prefer to use a testosterone booster instead of a legal steroid alternative. Although you can combine the two products for greater effect as they complement each other (separate purchases though). 


Testo Prime provides greater increases in testosterone than you would get while using D-Bal Max but is incapable of delivering the extra support in additional areas because the formulation does not contain essential amino acids or plant steroids. 

However, if your training ability and muscle development are currently being held back due to low testosterone, Testo Prime will certainly be the best supplement to pick. 

As a bonus, in addition to helping you to train harder and get nice and lean, the natural testosterone boosters in Testo Prime will also boost your drive and improve your life. 

Testo Prime Benefits 

If you choose to use Testo Prime as your muscle building supplement, these are the kind of results you should expect: 

  • Increased training capacity 
  • Improvements in muscle growth and strength 
  • Quickly increase muscle mass 
  • Higher drive and greater potency 
  • Improvements in fat loss 
  • Feeling more motivated and self-confident 

How Testo Prime Works 

Testo Prime encourages your body to produce extra testosterone. It achieves this by providing natural compounds that stimulate the testes encouraging them to release more of this important anabolic hormone. 

Some ingredients stimulate the testes directly. Others work indirectly by elevating luteinizing hormones. 

In addition to increasing testosterone production, Testo Prime also prevents other factors from lowering circulating testosterone levels and keeps testosterone "free" to do its job by ensuring nothing prevents it from binding with the androgen receptors in the muscles. 

To get the best from Testo Prime, you need to take four capsules per day, just before breakfast. 

Testo Prime Ingredients 

Testo Prime provides 12 natural ingredients: 

  • Panax Ginseng: Renowned for its abilities as a herbal tonic and aphrodisiac, in China, Panax ginseng is considered a "life-giving herb." The herb's ability to improve performance is largely due to it increasing testosterone production. Research is also highly supportive of using Panax ginseng to speed up the recovery of muscle force in well-trained athletes. [3, 4] 
  • D-Aspartic Acid: An amino acid that stimulates testosterone production by increasing luteinizing hormone. [5] 
  • Green Tea: One of the best natural metabolism boosters and fat burners, green tea helps maintain circulating testosterone levels. It achieves this by preventing testosterone from converting to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 
  • Fenugreek: A popular cooking herb that boasts much value in additional areas. Consistent use has been shown to boost testosterone levels by up to 46% 
  • KSM 66: A patented ashwagandha herb extract. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and medicinal herb. It's good for reducing stress and for increasing testosterone. 
  • Pomegranate: This fruit provides ellagic acid. It's an antioxidant that improves blood circulation, helping the muscles and organs function better due to an improved supply of blood. Limited research suggests pomegranate may boost testosterone as well. 
  • Vitamin D: A key player in human immune function and testosterone production. Vitamin D deficiencies are surprisingly common so many of the best testosterone boosters contain this important fat-soluble vitamin. 
  • Zinc: Like vitamin D, zinc is necessary for good immunity and testosterone production. The reason oysters work as an aphrodisiac is likely because they contain such high levels of zinc. 
  • Vitamins B5 + B6: B vitamins boost vitality by aiding energy metabolism. Vitamin B6 is a particularly useful inclusion because it increases testosterone uptake in the muscle tissues. [6] 
  • Garlic Extract: Although there is no proof garlic will protect you from blood-hungry vampires, the allicin it provides may give you the strength to fight them off by elevating your level of circulating testosterone. [7] 
  • Black Pepper Extract: Black pepper provides piperine. Although it is not a testosterone booster, piperine offers indirect value by increasing the absorption of the other ingredients. 

Why Use Testo Prime for Building Muscle Mass 

  • The most potent natural testosterone booster on the market 
  • Maintains and protects circulating testosterone 
  • Boost muscle growth and lean body mass 
  • Increases strength and potency 
  • Enhances muscle growth, fat loss, and physical performance 
  • No known side effects 
  • Lifetime money-back guarantee 

3. Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack (Best Stack for Muscle Mass) 

Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack

This is a hardcore bodybuilding stack for serious players 

One of the best ways to increase your physical performance and muscle growth is to use a supplement stack. Good stacks combine the muscle building benefits of several natural supplements. 

However, although stacks can take your gains to the next level, using them is a little more expensive so some bodybuilders decide to use a single supplement, such as D-Bal Max, instead. 

Stacking has a long association with anabolic steroids. These days, bodybuilders often do it with safe alternatives. All the best steroid alternatives are made by Crazy Bulk so, not surprisingly, the Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack is the best option for bodybuilders seeking rapid muscle growth without side effects or risks of competition bans. 

Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack Benefits 

Choose this stack if you want: 

  • Rapid increases in muscle mass 
  • Fast muscle gains 
  • Quickly burn excess fat 
  • Higher testosterone levels 
  • Greater vitality and physical endurance 
  • Better exercise performance 
  • Faster muscle recovery 

What's In the Crazy Bulk Stack for Gain Muscle 

The Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack provides the four best Crazy Bulk supplements for building muscle: 

  • Testo-Max: A powerful supplement that provides a combination of D-aspartic acid, vitamin D, zinc, and other natural testosterone boosters. 
  • Trenorol: A supplement that enhances muscle growth and training ability by improving nitrogen retention and red blood cell production. Also maintains free testosterone levels by limiting the activity of hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). 
  • DecaDuro: Often considered the best Deca Durabolin (steroid) alternative ever created, Decaduro takes the brakes off your muscle growth by providing a cutting-edge combination of amino acids, wild yam, and ginseng. Wild yam provides diosgenin. It's a forerunner to testosterone and other important anabolic hormones. 
  • D-Bal: Another powerful muscle building supplement, D-Bal combines natural testosterone releasers, such as ashwagandha and vitamin D, with suma root and sodium hyaluronate to enhance protein synthesis. Sodium hyaluronate is a particularly useful ingredient because it helps the muscles get the maximum benefits from the nutrients that blood brings to them. It also offers protection from joint damage during training. 

How to Stack Up the Benefits 

When you use a muscle building stack like this one, timing is important. You take Testo-Max in the morning to deliver an early testosterone boost. 

Then you take Trenoral and Decaduro before training to enhance your own workout performance and protect the muscles from damage. 

Finally, you take D-Bal after you finish training to enhance protein synthesis, muscle growth, and healing. 

Why Use Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack for Muscle Gain 

  • Best natural bulking stack for muscle growth 
  • Provides four of the best legal steroid alternatives 
  • All four supplements are designed to work in synergy 
  • No known side effects 
  • Cheaper to buy the stack than it is to buy the supplements individually 
  • 60-day money-back guarantee 

4. CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack (Best Muscle Building Drinks) 

CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack

Although the Crazy Bulk Bulking stack is the best stack for enhancing muscle growth, if you don't like swallowing pills, the CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack will be a better option. It consists of three supplement powders you mix with water and consume as a drink. 

One of the best things about this stack is each option comes in a choice of flavors⸺and you can mix and match⸺so you don't need to worry about getting tired of the same old tastes day after day. 

CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack Benefits 

Choose this stack if you want: 

  • Easier, more productive workouts 
  • Effective pre workout supplements 
  • Faster post-training recovery and muscle growth 
  • Stimulate muscle protein synthesis 
  • Noticeable increases in muscle size and strength 
  • Enhanced fat-burning capabilities 
  • Supplements you can  drink 

What's In the Fitness Stack 

The CrazyNutrition Fitness stack consists of three great-tasting supplements: 

  • Intensive Pre-Train: The name says it all. This is a pre-workout supplement that fires up your energy levels to help you enjoy better training sessions. It works well for resistance training and is equally good for cardiovascular activities. The formulation provides several B vitamins to boost energy, along with two of the best nitric oxide (NO) boosters⸺L-arginine and citrulline malate. 
  • Ultimate CRN-5: A high-intensity creatine powder for athletes who demand the best. Instead of only one form of creatine, CRN-5 provides five and combines them with electrolytes to aid muscle hydration and faster recovery. Creatine is one of the best natural muscle growth enhancers. It's so good the International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends athletes use it as a safe alternative to anabolic drugs. [9] 
  • 100% Tri-Protein: Don't let the name confuse you. Tri-Protein does not contain three types of protein. It has six. Crazy Nutrition calls this supplement Tri-Protein because the six forms of protein are absorbed at three different rates. This allows the protein powder to provide almost instant muscle building benefits while also ensuring the benefits are maintained for a long time. Choose this over other protein powders and your muscles will get an ongoing feed. 

How to Stack Up the Benefits 

You can stir these supplements if you want but most athletes prefer to use a shaker. 

As with the previous supplement stack, timing is everything. You take Intensive Pre-Train 30 minutes before training and then follow it up with CRN-5 directly after your workout. 

With Tri-Protein, there's a little more flexibility. Depending on your requirements, you can take it up to three times per day. 

Why Buy CrazyNutrition Fitness Stack 

  • Best pre-workout supplements and bulking powder stack 
  • Synergize with post workout supplements 
  • Provides three high-potency supplements 
  • Choice of flavors 
  • No known side effects 
  • 60-day money-back guarantee 

5. HyperGH 14X (Best for Boosting HGH Levels) 

HyperGH 14X

HyperGH 14X is the best HGH booster for bodybuilding and muscle growth. It provides a blend of natural ingredients that encourage the body to increase extra growth hormone. This important anabolic hormone doesn't just help improve muscle mass, it also increases vitality and helps to keep you young. 

As you may have heard, many celebrities and athletes inject synthetic versions of this hormone. Doing so is very dangerous. Using HyperGH 14X is an excellent alternative. Instead of forcing a synthetic growth hormone into the body, it helps you to produce more of your own. 

HyperGH 14X Benefits 

Taking two HyperGH 14X tablets, two times per day will help you to attain the following benefits: 

  • Greater workout intensity 
  • Increase body's natural production of human growth hormone 
  • Faster muscle recovery and growth 
  • Improve exercise performance and exercise capacity 
  • Improve blood flow 
  • Better quality sleep 
  • Accelerated fat loss and improvements in body composition 

How HyperGH 14X Works 

HyperGH 14X provides some of the best natural HGH releasers. They act on the pituitary gland, stimulating it to start secreting greater quantities of HGH. 

Like testosterone, HGH helps create the anabolic state of muscle tissue that is necessary for gaining muscle and repair. 

HGH also speeds up metabolism and aids fat cell breakdown, helping your body to become leaner and utilize its stores of fat as a source of fuel. 

HyperGH 14X Ingredients 

HyperGH 14X provides the following six ingredients: 

  • GABA: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an important neurotransmitter created in the body. The form used in supplements is manufactured by fermentation lactic acid bacteria. Research suggests GABA may have a powerful influence on HGH. Some data suggest it may increase levels by up to 400% [9] 
  • L-Arginine: Research shows this versatile amino acid can stimulate increases in HGH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). [10] 
  • Colostrum: Colostrum is a fluid present in human breast milk. It's also present in milk produced by other mammals. The colostrum in supplements is refined from cows' milk. Research conducted on athletes suggests supplementing with colostrum may increase IGF-1 during training. [11] 
  • Deer Antler Velvet: This ingredient is harvested from the antlers of deer. Deer antler velvet has a longstanding reputation as an HGH releaser but researchers are still trying to figure out if it really works. 
  • Anterior Pituitary Powder: This ingredient is extracted from bovine pituitary glands. Although research shows anterior pituitary powder can increase HGH, some bodybuilders may not relish the idea of using a glandular extract. [12] 
  • Tribulus Terrestris: A herbal ingredient. Tribulus terrestris doesn't increase HGH secretion. It's a testosterone booster. However, it's still a useful inclusion because research shows HGH and testosterone work together to improve body composition. [13] 

Why Use Hyper GX14 for Increasing muscle mass 

  • The best supplement for releasing HGH 
  • Enhances muscle mass, fat loss, and body composition 
  • Reduced muscle fatigue 
  • Supports improvements in vitality 
  • Enables intense workouts 
  • Safe alternative to HGH injections 
  • No known side effects 
  • 67-day money-back guarantee 

How to Get the Best Results from Muscle Building Supplements and Stacks 

Although experienced bodybuilders realize the value of using supplements to enhance muscle growth, beginners often make the mistake of thinking supplements can do all the work. They can't. Even the best supplements need to be used alongside a suitable diet and training regimen. 

If it was possible to build the perfect body just by taking the right supplement, all the gyms would have gone bust years ago and there would be no market for home exercise equipment. 

Muscle growth requires a well-structured training regimen that works the muscle hard but does not cause more damage than the body is capable of repairing between exercise sessions. 

If you are new to bodybuilding and unsure about the best way to build muscle, it's a good idea to consider working with a personal trainer. A cheaper alternative is to seek advice from other gym members. There should be plenty of people who will be willing to help. 

Diet is important for body weight as well workout performance, but providing information about such a complex subject is beyond the scope of this article. However, an online search should be useful for locating a few sample bodybuilding diet plans. 

If you want to train hard and build up your muscle tissue, it's also important to get adequate rest. Shoot for at least 7-9 hours a night. The body does most of its repairs while you are sleeping. It's also the time when the body increases HGH and testosterone production. 

Supplements don't replace the need for correct training, healthy diet, and sleep but the best options can help your muscles to grow faster. Just be sure to use them according to the manufacturers' recommendations. 

What to Look for in Good Muscle Building Products 

Supplements for muscle growth come in all shapes and sizes. These days, most of them are pills, but there is still a big demand for protein powder-type supplements that you can mix with water and consume as a drink. Our best supplements list contains both options. It also provides information about the best natural protein supplement for stacks. 

Unfortunately, not all bodybuilding supplements and stacks are as good as the ones that made our list. If you decide to hunt for alternative options, you will need to research carefully before parting with any money. 

The first thing to look at is the ingredient profile. You need to make sure the product you are considering provides ingredients that help it do the things you need it to do. For instance, there is little point in buying a testosterone boosting supplement if it does not provide any proven testosterone boosters. Follow the science instead of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. 

You also need to make sure your chosen dietary supplement is a suitable option. Many bodybuilding dietary supplements are loaded with stimulants. These are best avoided. Especially if even low doses of caffeine tend to make you feel jittery and ill. 

If you are vegan or vegetarian you will also need to pay special attention to ingredient profiles. Supplements that contain colostrum, deer antler velvet, or other animal extracts won't be appropriate to your needs. 

Let's take a closer look at some of the things you will need to watch out for. 

Natural Ingredients 

All the safest and best bodybuilding supplements contain only natural ingredients. Many of them are nutrients or extracts taken from plants but animal extracts are "natural" as well so, as we have pointed out already, this may be something you may need to watch out for. 

Whey protein isolate, whey protein powder, beta alanine are essential ingredients to include in a product that can improve muscle tissue. 

If you need to research the abilities of supplement ingredients, we suggest you only use trustworthy sources such as the National Library of Medicine. Any information you find will be scientific and unbiased. That's the kind of information you need. 

It's also important to keep an eye out for unnecessary binders and fillers that offer no obvious value. Many unscrupulous manufacturers scrimp on the doses of important ingredients and then go heavy-handed with their "additional ingredients" to help bulk things up and prevent their muscle-building pills from appearing ridiculously small. 

Reputable Manufacturers 

It's best to only buy muscle building supplements from reputable manufacturers. Avoid fly-by-night companies that mainly distribute their products via third-party sites such as Amazon and eBay. Such companies may be here today and gone tomorrow, often taking your money with them. 

Reputable manufacturers make it clear who they are and where they are based. They also make it easy for their customers to contact them if they have product queries or require further information or after-sales support. 

The Best Supplements for Muscle Growth Have Good Customer Reviews 

One of the best ways to learn about a product is to read customer reviews. Reviews placed at honest sites will reveal all the pros and cons. They will let you know how well the supplements work and also help you discover if side effects are likely to be an issue. 

All the best bodybuilding supplements have plenty of positive reviews. That's what you need to see. If you are considering using a product that has lots of negative feedback, think again. if it has already disappointed many other buyers, it will probably do the same for you. 


All the best bodybuilding supplements have money-back guarantees but there are plenty of alternative options that do not. Ask yourself why not, before you part with any money. 

When you see a muscle growth supplement without a guarantee, regardless of whether it works or not, the supplier will take your money and run. 

Some muscle building supplements are sold via very flash websites that promise you the world and are often very convincing. Then, when you scroll down the page to access the refund policy, you discover all sales are final. However, many sites will offer a refund for bottles that remain unopened and are returned in their original packaging.  

A money-back guarantee makes it easier to place your trust in a product. Especially if it's produced by a reputable supplier. A guarantee ensures you get the results you want or your money back. That's what you need. 

Muti-Buy Savings 

Although it would be unfair to judge the viability of any product by the availability of money-saving discounts, it's always great to see them. Offers that allow you to get three bottles or packets for the price of two or five for the cost of three help you to get extra value for money. 

Many of the best bodybuilding supplements are sold alongside these offers. Building a superior physique takes time and dedication and, once you have such a physique you will need to maintain it, so there are good arguments for taking advantage of multi-buy savings where available. 

Free Shipping 

Good if you can get it, no big deal if you cannot, choosing supplements that have free shipping helps to keep down your overall usage costs. 

Most of the best supplements that increase muscle mass are produced by manufacturers that provide free international shipping. 

Things to Avoid When Buying Muscle Building Supplements 

Just as there are things to look for when you are searching for supplements that build muscle, there are also things it's best to avoid. Free trials are one of them. Auto-ship subscriptions are another. These two are often linked. 

Autoship subscriptions allow customers to obtain a discount. However, to get it, they need to agree to receive future shipments of pills. The pills are shipped automatically. Payment is taken automatically too, from the card used to make the original "small payment to cover postage." 

Autoship agreements are notoriously hard to cancel. That's why we suggest you avoid them. None of the muscle building supplements we recommend are sold with an auto-ship option. 

Some supplement companies that offer free trials automatically enroll their customers into an auto-ship agreement. 

Those that do seldom make this clear. The information is sometimes hidden in a small print somewhere on the page or on their site's terms and conditions page. 

It's often deliberately difficult to locate and generally states customers only have a few days to a few weeks to try the supplement. Should they not wish to continue with their auto-ship subscription, they will need to cancel it before the end of the trial period. 

Should they be happy to continue, their card will be billed for the sample bottle of pills. 

When people fall into this trap, they often don't realize what has happened until they notice the charges made against their cards or receive further shipments of pills. 

Buying Muscle Growth Supplements in 2023 Summary 

Some bodybuilding supplements are very good. Others can be very poor indeed. This article provides information about the best supplements to build muscle and stacking options available in 2023. 

Obviously, we cannot twist your arm and tell you to buy any of them, but you will be doing yourself a favor if you do. All five muscle growth products can deliver dramatic improvements in muscle mass and training capacity and have the benefit of lengthy money-back guarantees. 

Best Muscle Building Supplements Research Sources and Clinical Studies 2023 

1. Leucine-Enriched Nutrients and the Regulation of mTOR Signaling and Human Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis:  

2. Ecdysteroids as Non-conventional Anabolic Agent: Performance Enhancement by Ecdysterone Supplementation in Humans:  

3. Effect of Panax Ginseng on Testosterone Level and Prostate in Male Rats:  

4. Panax Ginseng Supplementation Increases Muscle Recruitment, Attenuates Perceived Effort, and Accelerates Muscle Force Recovery After an Eccentric-Based Exercise in Athletes:  

5. The Role and Molecular Mechanism of D-Aspartic Acid in the Release and Synthesis of Lh and Testosterone in Humans and Rats:  

6. Increased Target Tissue Uptake Of, and Sensitivity To, Testosterone in the Vitamin B6 Deficient Rat:  

7. Retention of Testicular Integrity and Testosterone Levels Upon Ingestion of Garlic Cloves (Allium Sativum) In the Sprague-Dawley Rat:  

8. International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Creatine Supplementation and Exercise:  

9. Growth Hormone Isoform Responses to Gaba Ingestion at Rest and After Exercise:  

10. Effects of L-Arginine on Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1:  

11. Effects of Bovine Colostrum Supplementation on Serum Igf-I, Igg, Hormone, and Saliva Iga During Training:  

12. Anterior Pituitary Powder:The Master Ingredient:  

13. Testosterone and Growth Hormone Improve Body Composition and Muscle Performance in Older Men:  

The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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