
Akshay Hallur Is A Staggering Personality In The Digital Industry

Realizing his passion for learning and creating content to return value to the world, he has helped people with unbeatable digital talent and skills boost their revenue.

The passionate digital entrepreneur has created new niches of victory in the world.

"Glow your skills with passion and creations," says Akshay Hallur, a magnificent personality thriving world with his unbeatable success. The self-belief and his passion to transform people's lives from nothing to everything are what make him satisfied.

A young entrepreneur of the virtual industry is the founder of BloggingX,, InfoSparkle, and many other online ventures. He is a blogger, digital marketer, systems thinker, fitness freak, and trainer.

Thousands of entrepreneurs have been nurtured with his incomparable strategies expanding their revenue and business to the next level.

Akshay Hallur was born on 21st June 1995 in Shimoga, Karnataka, India has proved to the world that if you are burning fire of passion for gulping success, no power can stop you.

He never believed in moulding his formal education skills; his curiosity and a keen interest in exploring the virtual world led him to engross with digital skills rather than attending classes.
With his firm determination and focus on enthralling the digital industry, he worked full time for his passion rather than becoming a bot under any MNC company. He dropped his studies at PES University, Bangalore, to follow his inner passion.

Despite being ignored initially for his work, he remained stubborn and worked hard to achieve his set goals. He believed in creating and innovating new concepts following and nurturing with his online blogging mentors, Neil Patel, Brian Dean, Spencer Haws, and Glen Alsopp. While in investment Robert Kiyosaki, George Gammon, and Mark Moss. Highly influenced by ancient Indian scriptures, he moulded his teaching with Gita and Upanishads.

With his astonishing escalation in his personality, he is earning Rs 17,00,000 per month from Rs 15,000 per month, dropping out of college. Realizing his passion for transforming skills and talents to other startups and strugglers.

Realizing his passion for learning and creating content to return value to the world, he has helped people with unbeatable digital talent and skills boost their revenue.
When asked why more people won't succeed, he replied - "People believe their education ends when they receive their degree certificate", but he tends to believe the opposite is true. Formal education is prepping you for the past, the industrial era. But, we are in the informational era! Things are evolving rapidly, so you need to embrace lifelong learning.
According to him, you need to create your opportunities rather than fulfilling others' dreams. The internet has made an abundance of "blue ocean" opportunities to monetize one's skills and live the life of their dreams.


When you marry your passion (which comes through self-awareness) with your profession, put on sustained efforts, the results will be the byproduct of the compound effect.
He said, "the problem with most people looking to make a living out of the digital world is that they look for quick money-making hacks, and never treat it as a business and embrace long-termism".

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