
#Nutrition Tips For You: Want To Burn Fat? Drink Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea, a unique, antioxidant-rich and health-promoting beverage, can help burn fat. Find out when it should be consumed and its side effects:

Matcha tea, a stone-ground type of Green Tea, is marketed for weight loss and other health benefits

The major antioxidant in Green Tea ‘EGCG’ (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is linked to potential weight loss benefits, and Matcha has more of it than regular Green Tea. The EGCG concentration from drinking Matcha is three to four times higher than that of regular Green Tea, according to an analysis in the ‘Journal of Chromatography’, reported in September 2003.

The EGCG in Matcha may boost your metabolism during moderate-intensity exercise, thus enhancing weight loss. On average, Green Tea extract increased study participants' fat-burning capabilities by 17 percent when they engaged in cycling exercise for 30 minutes. The good news is that the amount of EGCG used in the study may be found in a cup or two of Matcha tea, based on studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of March 2008.

EGCG, the most abundant catechins found in tea, is a polyphenol (plant based hormone)  under basic research for its potential to affect human health and disease. Catechins is a type of disease-fighting flavonoid and antioxidant.

Matcha in your Daily routine

To incorporate Matcha tea into your weight loss plan, drink it between meals. Sipping Matcha tea with your snacks may help keep your appetite in check while you follow a reduced-calorie diet.

EGCG stimulates hormones (hunger hormone) that help you feel full, according to an experiment the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition published in September 2015.

To boost your fat-burning process during workouts, have a cup of Matcha 30 minutes before working out. For optimal weight loss, it is imperative to combine a nutritious reduced-calorie Matcha diet with regular exercise.

Side effects of Matcha

If you consume more than 3 cups of Matcha tea per day, you may experience the following:

•          Nausea

•          Constipation

•          Anxiety

•          Insomnia

•          Headache

•          Diarrhea

•          Heartburn

Q&A Courtesy Bipasha Das, a certified health coach and nutritionist. She runs a diet and wellness clinic ‘Sugati’. She has been awarded Most Recommended Nutritionist of the Year 2018-19 by Brands Impact. She has worked with top hospitals, and is a life member of the Indian Dietetic Association and on the panels of renowned corporate houses like Ericsson, GE Power. Bipasha is working with Municipal Corporation of Delhi - Public Health Department( South Zone) as a consultant, and creating awareness programmes on Women and Children Health, Health for Public Health Workers, Office Sedentary Workers etc.


 *Answers are based on general queries. Please contact a professional for any personal treatment.

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