
Meeting Ed Snowden

Arundhati Roy, John Cusack, Daniel Ellsberg and the exiled whistle-blower

Room 1001, Ritz Carlton, Moscow: Edward Snowden’s exiled quarters where actor-writer John Cusack brings Arundhati and Dan Ellsberg to meet him. (Photograph by Ole Von Uexküll)

Exclusive: Meeting Ed Snowden - I
Things That Can And Cannot Be Said
John Cusack in Conversation with Arundhati Roy
John Cusack

Rolling Thunder: A US army chopper flies over the bodies of Viet Cong guerrillas near Tan Phu village

Exclusive: Meeting Ed Snowden - II
“We Brought You The Promise Of The Future, But Our Tongue Stammered And Barked…”
My phone rang at three in the morning. It was John Cusack asking me if I would go with him...
Arundhati Roy

Consider This: “In the United States, we can talk about ISIS, but we can’t talk about Palestine”

Exclusive: Meeting Ed Snowden - III
Things That Can And Cannot Be Said (Contd)
The Arundhati Roy — John Cusack conversation continues.
John Cusack

Two Of A Kind: Throughout they spoke in some kind of arcane language—TS, SI, TK, Prisec, Gamma

Exclusive: Meeting Ed Snowden - IV
What Shall We Love?
Human beings seem unable to live without war, but they are also unable to live without love.
Arundhati Roy

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