
Akshit Garg: The Bright Future Of Photography

At the age of 13, Akshit discovered his true passion and an amazing eye for photography when he stumbled on some alluring and fascinating spots in India during a trip with his parents.

Today, Akshit is a big name in indore and elsewhere with 7 years+ experience when it comes to photography, his forte and specialisation being wedding and pre-wedding shoots. Akshit Photography also provides services in other sections like portrait, fashion, commercial and macro photography. The level that he has reached today however was not so easy to achieve and not at all a cake walk. Like others, akshit too has a story of his own ups and downs to share that made him reach his maximum potential and truly discover what his true calling is.

At the age of 13, Akshit discovered his true passion and an amazing eye for photography when he stumbled on some alluring and fascinating spots in India during a trip with his parents, who are both voyagers and that was the moment he realised how much this art made him feel alive and free. At 16, he set his foot into the professional world and thus took up various commercial projects and worked on them with determination and his strong will to learn and grow. By the age of 19, he had his own solo exhibitions that took place in indore wherein he projected his brilliant work in this field, all a result of self learning and his experimentation and improvisations. As he also had an inclination towards some other familiar fields like cinematography and fine arts, he also studied those to get a better understanding of how the whole thing works. He then acquired an official diploma degree in photography and did a job for getting exposure and experience in visual arts. Back in 2018, he got this huge golden opportunity of a lifetime. Akshit was called as a wedding photographer by the Ambanis to shoot their daughter’s sangeet function. Now that is how the work of Indore’s best photographer speaks to you.

You might as well be thinking how lucky this guy got right? That he had these opportunities right in front of him, knocking at his door and was privileged enough to do and pursue whatever he wishes to. Well, in all honesty it was not this easy for him to become the best wedding photographer in Indore. Yes, he was lucky to discover at an age so early what his true passion was but not everyone picks up a camera and starts taking projects at the age of 16, where kids usually just pass their time staring at their phones. It takes guts and a lot of hard work and perseverance to exist in a free market today with such exclusive services to offer. According to him, his belief in the 3 P’S- patience, perseverance and his clear perception of what he wants in his life, these three qualities have made him achieve so much at such a young age. He also
states: “In these years, I have never even taken a weekend off. I wander around with my camera wishing not even a single beautiful moment passes without me capturing it, be it in nature or when someone smiles softly, the kind of smile that makes other people happy. More than that, it is about capturing the beauty of the moment in front of me. Beauty lies wherever you tend to search for it and almost everything, even an inanimate object has a story of its own to tell.


During his professional career, he did a lot of professional camerawork and also noticed some day to day problems that clients faced on a regular basis as they did not receive proper digital services and that is when the idea of providing clients with e-commerce services struck to akshit and that is how he came up with the idea of Keywits creative technologies. This brand caters as one single solution for clients to get all the digital services like SEO, SMM, Graphic Design, Design and Animation etc.

Akshit says how it is always about trying and failing but not giving up. Even when clients ditch you, even when people do not trust you. All you need is to trust and believe in yourself. The journey to success is never smooth, but being consistent and showing up everyday will make things easier day by day. With this hope, akshit desires to one day see keywits become one of the leading brands in the digital arena.
To get a glimpse of his work you can check his instagram handle: @akshitphotography

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