
Krishna Shroff On How To Have A Bikini-Ready Body Always: Consistency Is The Key

Krishna Shroff, who has been a fitness champion always, speaks up about how people should balance their diet and workouts to have a healthy lifestyle. She also opens up about her journey in fitness and lots more.

Krishna Shroff has been one of the most popular celebrities when it comes to fitness. Her videos and pictures keep going viral all over social media every second day. She is also probably the only female entrepreneur across the world to have fight promotion brands under her belt.

MMA Matrix Gyms and the popular, Matrix Fight Night, are a few examples of what Krishna Shroff has been doing in order to popularise the sport of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) in India. Talking to Prateek Sur, Krishna Shroff speaks up about her MMA initiatives, her fitness journey, her daily regimen, and what it takes to have a bikini-ready body like hers. Excerpts from the candid chat:

Tell us a bit about how MMA Matrix Gyms was born and how Matrix Fight Night came into your life.

MMA has been a sport I’ve highly respected and followed for over a decade now. It’s also allowed Tiger to create such a specific niche for himself amongst his competitors today. MMA Matrix started off simply due to the love and admiration I have for the sport as well as fitness and Matrix Fight Night came to fruition soon after, in order to give our Indian athletes a platform the sport has never seen within our country. It’s a way for us to give back for everything MMA and fitness.

You’re probably the only female entrepreneur in the world to have such fight promotion brands. Was that always the plan? Or did you just happen to come into this by chance?

Indeed I am. I’m blessed to have the support of my amazing mother, who is by far the strongest woman I know. I wouldn’t have been able to take my love and passion for the sport to the next level without her guidance and I don’t believe there could be a better fit to pioneer MMA in India.

Were you always so fit?

Not at all! I was an extremely overweight child growing up. I was always active and loved playing sports; however, I loved food just a little more. I lacked the discipline and drive I have today, but it all fell into place the first day I stepped foot into a gym. I was obsessed, and since then, there’s been no looking back. Striving to be better than I was yesterday is a motto I truly live by.


Was it dad or mom or who was it who got you into fitness?

With fitness, everyone can tell you that you need to start; however, if that switch doesn’t go off in your own head and you make that decision for yourself, it’ll never happen. Nobody can get up every day and put in the work for you. This life is earned, not given.

How many years of hard work did it take for you to achieve your current level of fitness?

I currently believe this is the best I’ve ever looked and felt, not just physically, but mentally too. I’ve been through all of the trial and error and am now more aware of my body. Because of that, I feel the most confident and secure I’ve ever felt in my life. I don’t need anyone’s validation and feel like finding this level of fitness has helped me be more in control of my mindset too. My journey so far has been 7 years, but I’m excited to continue it and see how much further I can go.


What is your daily fitness regime like?

I prefer starting my days with a workout because I believe it sets the tone for my day in a very positive way. I feel the most energetic in the mornings, so I like to get my weight training done then. In the evenings, I love to do a steady state of cardio and usually opt for the treadmill or the stair master. It helps with the endurance part of my training plan and clears my mind. What so many people neglect and something that should be prioritised more is recovery. A regular deep tissue massage or just sitting in the sauna (if you have access to one) a couple of days a week can greatly increase your longevity in training.

Do you have a trainer? Has he/she been the same from the start, or you’ve been shifting trainers quite often?

I’ve had a few different trainers throughout the year; however, I’ve found that the trainers we have at MMA Matrix work the best for me. Each trainer has the knowledge to train you according to your personal goals in a very specific way, being cautious of previous or present injuries. At MMA Matrix, your training is extremely personalised and you’ll be in great hands no matter your preference of training or level of fitness.


How many hours do you work out in a day? Is it only about working out in the gym or is it a combination of fitness routines like swimming, cycling, jogging, martial arts, etc?

I personally love the gym and my workouts usually last 1.5 hours including my mobility work; however, not everyone does, so it’s best to find a routine that works for you and stick to that because consistency is key. You need to love what you do in order to be motivated to do it every day. Everyone is different and everyone’s goals vary, so it’s a very personal game and one that requires a lot of trial and error before finally finding the perfect fit for yourself.

How important is the diet for your fitness? What’s your daily diet like?

Diet is EVERYTHING. Abs are built in the kitchen, so doing 1000 sit-ups at the gym won’t make a difference if you’re not eating right. The times I can’t make it to the gym, I make sure to keep my diet on point in order to maintain where I’m at without going a step or more backward in my fitness journey. My diet is pretty basic: I follow a Mediterranean diet and make sure to include protein in every meal. This basically means I mainly consume a high volume of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, fish, and eggs. I stay away from heavier meets and carbohydrates which would be harder to digest. I also try to drink 3-4 litres of water a day… Hydration will be key in your weight loss journey.


Who inspires you in fitness (anyone besides family)?

I’m extremely inspired by my boyfriend who is a professional MMA fighter. Seeing his dedication, physicality, and mental strength he possesses is something I definitely look up to and something that drives me to better myself every day.

The best exercise routine one can follow to achieve a bikini bod?

I believe this would be anything that will keep you motivated to be consistent. Consistency is key. Also, ladies, don’t be afraid to shift some weights: Muscle takes up less space in your body, so you won’t get “bulky” if you’re complementing your training with the right nutrition. It’ll be the other way around.

Is it healthy to achieve a size zero figure?

I don’t believe your size defines your health or fitness. Some people struggle with certain hormonal imbalances that prevent them from either losing weight or gaining it; therefore, it’s never good to judge someone by their physicality. Of course, an extremity, either way, will be unhealthy because at the end of the day, balance is key and everything is alright within limits.

What kind of sacrifices does one have to make on a daily basis to stay in shape?

I’ve missed out on a ton of social events or dinners with friends throughout the week because I’m trying to eat clean or avoid drinking. Another thing that’s super important, but so neglected, is sleep! It’s vital for everyone to get a good 7-9 hours of sleep every night in order for your body and mind to function optimally the next day. I like to make sure I do everything that I can in order to make every day the most productive it can be. I do have my days off to give myself a break, but that just recharges me to get back at it all over again.

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