
Temer And Loathing In Rio De Janeiro

Temer has always been referred to as the “Butler of horror movies”. That name was given to him partly because of his formal bearing and partly because of the political games he is known to play.

When you put the slogan “Fora Temer” (Temer, out), a popular Brazilian slogan asking the country’s interim president Michel Temer to quit, into the Google translation it come out as “out of fear”. Google translates the politician’s Lebanese-origin surname into “fear”. Michel Temer, 76, has been in politics as long as one can remember and is known for his backroom manoeuvring. Presidents have come and gone, but Temer has always remained in power – in one position or another.

Now, with the impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff going on, Temer has managed to become the country head, though only in interim capacity. Temer’s capability to survive and manipulate has earned him several nicknames (Brazilian love to call their politicians either by first name or a nick name). Temer has always been referred to as the “Butler of horror movies”. That name was given to him partly because of his formal bearing and partly because of the political games he is known to play. It’s not a secret that in the corridors of power, this is the name Temer is called by – of course, behind his back. The name is equally popular among his friends and enemies, which he has in equally good numbers.

Another nickname that is often given to Temer is “Vampiro” (Vampire). And since the suspension of Rousseff from office and Temer’s rise to power, this name has gained more popularity as he has been accused by Rousseff’s supporters of being an “usurper” of power.
In office for almost three months now, Temer might have consolidated his grip on power but he remains very unpopular. The interim president was hoping to use Rio 2016 to gain some popularity but that plan has not gone as per the script. At the opening ceremony of the Games, Temer was booed so loudly by the crowd at the Maracana that they had to crank up the volume of music to drown out the booing.

As the slogan “Fora Temer” has been repeatedly shouted at several arenas, the interim president has not been seen at any of the events since the opening ceremony. Meanwhile, at the Copacabana beach and other places in Rio banners and posters continue to make fun of the leader. At one corner on Copacabana, some persons have been selling mops with Temer’s face printed on it and “golpista” (coup plotter) written under it. The mops have been selling well.
In Google world, Temer may look fearful, in real life he remains a figure of ridicule.

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