
"The Buck Stops With Me"

Buddhadeva Bhattacharyya
Ashis K. Biswas.
Shall we begin, chief minister, with what your plans are now that you have a fresh mandate?
When did you become aware that the Left Front's performance was becoming jaded, there was a souring of people's expectations?
Do you see Bengalis becoming businessmen and setting up industries?
Most people regarded you as a perfect minister for culture, in view of your literary background. But being chief minister is something else. Did you change your style of work?
What are the major problems in attracting investments?
On e-governance, are there any concrete proposals?
That's a far cry from the earlier Left opposition to automation and computers...
Does your work schedule also involve a conscious dampening of your natural literary side? Do you get time to read books as before, do you still write poems or plays?
Talking of TV, do you still watch cricket and tennis?
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