
Watch Your Whisky

I had no clue. Since I refuse to bring work home, and my work is television, I don't watch TV at home. How was I to know the answer to this important question? "Oh Daddy, if you want to know, the answer is Heritage," said my teenage daughter casually. When I reached RG's on the appointed evening, I discovered that all the dads had got their answers from their children. It's not that the kids of today like whisky. It's just that they watch TV.

RG's, by the way, is one of the hottest spots in town. It's known for its strobe lights, music that goes bump in the night and a DJ who knows how to keep up the heat. What it isn't known for are middle-aged mamas and papas holding glasses of whisky (Heritage, of course,) in one hand and their paunches with the other.

The upside of promos like these is that everyone turns up. After all, how often do generous uncles give away watches costing over a lakh of rupees? The downside is that only one person wins, which leaves about 999 feeling pretty let down.

To compensate, the 999 (which included me) got a bottle on their way out. Does it taste as good as a Rolex? I wouldn't know. I have never owned one.

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